
You've Got Some Nerve Howon


As I walk, I’m aware. I’m aware of everything. I can feel the pairs of eyes on me. I can hear the whispers. I can feel it. Is this what it’s supposed to feel like, to be crazy in love? Crazy, yeah, that’s the only word to describe the amount of happiness I feel at this point. It’s like throwing everything away, feeding it to the wind and just letting yourself go.

                You think I’d be terrifying to do this, realizing that once you come out of this room you’re stuck with this person for your whole life. Like, this person is your responsibility forever. And for what? For a pair of feelings you had for them? It’s like let me pick this one person and let them ruin my life forever. Silly no? It sounds terrifying to me. But what sounds even more terrifying is the fact that you love this person so much you’re willing to do that, to share your life with them. Forever.

                Crazy. I have come to the assumption that everyone who gets married for love is crazy. Because that’s the only way to describe it.

                And if that’s what they’re all thinking, I wouldn’t even mind. Yes. I am crazy, crazy in love with this man with the beautiful eyes in front of me.



                She stands before me smiling brightly, brighter than I’ve ever seen anyone smile in my life. It’s intense, this feeling, the room, the vive from it. This is my wedding. Our wedding. A wedding I wouldn’t have seen coming a year ago. If you had asked me back then if I would ever marry I would probably say not for a long time. But here I am. Here we are.

                There’s seriousness to the room, yet there’s also some bliss. Bliss in the people who are smiling feeling this ceremony, seriousness to those like the parents and even us. But the way she looks at me, she makes it all disappear. She’s all I see and she’s all I need.

                Then it starts. The preacher goes through his whole speech thing and I’m not really paying attention because let’s be honest who actually pays attention to the guy talking during the wedding? Lori is quietly giggling and I slightly turn and realize it’s probably because of the look I have on my face. Then she looks at me and I, for once hear what the man is saying. It’s time to give our vows to one another and the chill attitude I had about this whole ordeal turns austere.



                “Lori.” He starts and grabs my hands. “I know that I haven’t been the best boyfriend, fiancée or even father so far.” His eyes get a bit watery at the edges. “But it’s not entirely my fault… I’m not trying to blame you either. If anything we’re both responsible for the trouble we caused and we got ourselves into… however I don’t regret anything. We’re not going to put the past behind us, because that’s the only reason we’re standing here today, in front of everyone, and in front of everyone here today I’m going to promise you this. I promise to love you every single day for the rest of my life, promise to take care of you and Daehyun and any other children we may one day have, I promise to be there for when you need someone to cry on, someone to smile with, someone to laugh with you. I will cherish you as my wife forever, just as it should be. I love you so, so much.” He finishes and carefully slides the ring on my finger.

                How the heck am I supposed to top that speech Lee Howon!  He holds me face gently with one hand and wipes the tear that rolled down away, gently smiling. There’s a bunch of “aigoos” and “awws” in the distance from the crowd.

                “Hoya, I don’t even know what I ever did to deserve you. Honestly. I know I’m in a position that millions of girls would kill for. We even have a son.” The crowd bursts out into laughter at my last few words, and kind of giggle too. “Because of that I see how lucky I am to have you. Here in front of everyone I would also like to promise you a few things. I will be your best friend forever, who you can come to for anything and everything. I will be the mother Daehyun needs. I will be the good wife that cares deeply for her family and I will love you even more than I do today. I promise you happiness by my side, because love is all I have to offer you. There’s many things we don’t know yet, but I promise that no matter what life throws at us, we will get through it together. I love you Lee Howon.” He looks absorbed in my eyes, as if he’s taking every word in, as I set his ring into place.

                “With the power given to me by the Republic of Korea I now pronounce you husband and wife.” He stands there staring at me, with excitement in his eyes. “You can kiss the bride you know.” Everyone laughs and Hoya catches me off guard with a tender kiss, and kisses my lips slowly, ever so softly.

Whoa what is this???

A bunch of new subbies since the last chapter? D: OMG thank you so much guys really i think i might cry that's amazing :,)

Really though thank you guys<3

No AN on the last chapter cause i think i was really tired when i wrote it but whoa this is amazing

you know what?

double update today. ^^ just for you guys ^.^

So yeah, next chapter in a few hours :D expect it ;)

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!