You've Got Some Nerve Howon
Hey guys! I know I know its been a reallyyyyyy really long time since I last updated. T_T I want to apologize for leaving you guys hanging for so long. Sooo let me tell you what happened. 1.As you may or may not know I started college this year, . Like I really thought I was gonna fail this semester. But I didn't. In order to pass I had to use my spare time to study and when I had time to writee welll this leads me to number 2.... 2.I GOT STUCK. Yes. Writers block, to the point where i found myself asking who is Hoya? Who is Lori? This became a huge problem. 3.since I want to become an author I'm working on my own stories, too. 4. I wouldn't call this a bad thing, and don't hate me for this guys. But I actually am co admin of a scenarios blog. I confess I've actually worked more on these scenarios than on anything else. But anyways if you guys have a tumblr and wanna follow me fell free to. http://infiniteinspiritquestions.tumblr.com/ I know I know I'm horrible. And I know I shouldn't be taking so long to update but my writers block is starting ro go away, so hopefully I can update soon. T_T If you're still subscribed and I've keep you waiting I'm sorry. I know it all sounds like excuses but its been a real rough 6 months. OH AND I DO PLAN ON FINISHING THIS STORY THE RIGHT WAY. I'm not about to do the lazy, quick ending in 1 chapter thing, just clearing that up. Thanks subbies♥ I love you guys.
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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!