
You've Got Some Nerve Howon

He kisses my cheek. “After we get married.” He finishes.

I stay quiet recalling our conversation over this topic. With all honesty Hoya’s been a total gentleman this whole time, which is why I can see us lasting forever. If we were to cross the line we’d be doing it because both of us want it.

Then L and Jieun enter the room.

“Where’d you guys go?” I ask Jieun.

“Ah just to get some air. I wasn’t feeling that well but oppa brought me to roof and I’m okay now.”

My phone vibrates in my bag. “What?” I almost drop it when I read what it says on the screen.

“What is it?” Hoya takes the phone. He rolls his eyes. “It’s Tao. He says SNSD is downstairs performing.”

“Let’s go.” I tell Jieun, since Hoya doesn’t seem very fond of the idea.

“Sure.” She gets up and we make our way downstairs where we spot them on stage performing “Gee”.

The performance soon ends and the club music comes back on loudly. Jieun spots Tao and Jiyeon dancing. Hoya’s arms wrap around me and I turn around.

“Wanna dance?” I say loudly.


I slowly mouth the word “dance”.

Hoya smiles and nods. We hit the floor and I have to admit it, Hoya is a way better than me at dancing. Soon a circle forms around us and Tao jumps in. I slowly back away to where Jiyeon and Myungsoo are standing. Tao knows how to move to the music but Hoya still outdoes him with his smooth moves. Some other people take over the circle and Hoya comes over to us. Myungsoo walks over to the bar and so we all move after with him.

“How’s the party?” Jiyeon asks.

“Ah, good, I guess.” I take another sip of my drink.

Jiyeon laughs and points at Jieun and Tao, who at the moment are dancing.

“Why is she so stiff?” Myungsoo says.

Hoya shakes his head at Myungsoo who downs his whole drink. Jiyeon sighs.

“Yah! Myungsoo! The alcohol isn’t going to make Jieun like you.” She yells.

The bartender pours him another drink at his request. He drinks it all without even reacting. Then another one. And another.

Hoya grabs the newly-poured drink and drinks it himself.

“What the heck Hoya! That was mine!” L yells.

“Myungsoo-ah. Stop it. You’re gonna die from alcohol poisoning.” Hoya yells back at him.

“I don’t care. I don’t care if die.” L yells at him. A tear rolls down his face. Hoya gives Jiyeon a look. She nods and goes over to Tao and says something in his ear.

Tao comes over looking very concerned with Jieun right behind him. Hoya takes the bottle away from Myungsoo.

“Let’s go Myungsoo.” Tao says. “You’re drunk.”

 Myungsoo laughs then stops at points at Tao. “You can’t tell me what to do.” He pounds on his chest. “I am not drunk.” He gets up and almost tips over. “See. I am fine.” He pauses for a second. “Oh wait no I’m not. It hurts right here.” He pounds on his chest again, but this time over his heart.

“Help me yeah?” Tao says.

Hoya nods and we head off in search of a place to spend the night since it’s too late to head back home. Plus Myungsoo is wasted. While Tao and Jiyeon try to get us rooms Myungsoo is crying over Hoya’s shoulder.

“Hyung, it hurts.” He says over and over.

“He thinks it hurts now. Wait until he wakes up tomorrow morning.” Hoya shakes his head.

Tao and Jiyeon come back.

“Uh guys. We got the cheapest rooms, and there’s 3 but only a bed for 2 people in each.” Jiyeon explains. There’s an awkward silence.

“So who’s sleeping with who?” Jieun breaks it.

“I think it should be me and Jieun, Tao and Myungsoo, and Hoya with Lori.” Jiyeon hands a key to Tao and Hoya.

“Well I don’t agree with this but Hoya you better watch it or I’ll kill you.” Tao says.

“I wasn’t planning to do anything. Now help me with this idiot. Oh and try to have him drink some water, or he’s gonna wake up to hell.” Hoya looks at Myungsoo who seems as if he’ll knock out any second.

We walk over to our rooms which actually aren’t that small. We watch as Hoya and Tao throw Myungsoo on the bed.

“You guys can go now. I’ve got this.” Tao says.

We’re walking down the hall when someone’s stomach growls.

“How about we get something to eat?” Jiyeon asks.

“Let’s go then. I haven’t eaten since this morning.” Jieun says.

We all go to the gas station where we settle for some ramen and soju. We’re outside eating when Jiyeon points out some fireworks in the distance.

“I must have been really hungry. This actually tastes good and I usually hate ramen.” I say.

“This is nice though. I can’t remember the last time we did this.” Jieun smiles.

“Aish that Myungsoo! I don’t get why he’s so stupid. If he was gonna get drunk he should have at least chosen some soju. That one thing I drank for him was so strong it burned my throat.” Hoya digs into his ramen after he finishes complaining.

“He can’t help it. Especially with Tao all over Jieun-shi over here.” Jiyeon adds.

“Hmm?” A look of confusion spreads over Jieun’s face.

“Oh come on. You can’t tell me you didn’t notice Myungsoo likes you.” Jiyeon looks at her.

Jieun almost chokes on the ramen.

“He what?” she asks through coughs.

“He likes you.” We all say.

“Then why won’t he tell me?” her face is serious and she looks hurt.

“Jieun, my friend is a very weird person. He wouldn’t tell you until you’ve completely driven him crazy.  And by the looks of it you’re getting there.” Hoya looks annoyed but not at Jieun, at Myungsoo.

Jieun is crying now. “I just don’t get it. What do I need to do? I’m mean to him and he’s mean back. I’m nice and he still acts like a jerk.

 “It’s not your fault. He needs to get himself together.” I say.

After a few more drinks we’ve managed to cheer Jieun up. We head back to our motel, barely on the border of consciousness.

* falls aleep while typing* so weird how typing puts me to sleep. Anyways hope you guys liked this chapter (; I love you all!

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!