Twenty Four

You've Got Some Nerve Howon


The next things we see are flashes, flashes everywhere. It won’t take long before it’s on the front page of every news website/magazine ever made. This. This is what had to happen. Even though I’m scared, this is the girl I love. This is the only girl I’ve ever loved. My fiancée. My future wife. The mother to my son.

Yeah. My image might go down the drain today but I will fix it. I’m not going to drag down Infinite with me either. Yeah I’m scared. Lee Howon, scared. But if I were to go now, if I were to run, I would lose everything I love. So I swallow the lump in my throat and smile because it’s all I can do.

The backstage crew gives us a sign to leave and just like that, we’re all backstage.

“Wow that was hardcore.” Jiyeon says. Tao laughs as he wraps his arms around her waist.  “Yah! There are still reporters here in the venue, and I’m pretty sure they’re going to be creeping around backstage if they get the chance. You want to add more flame to the fire?” She glares at Tao who sticks his tongue out at her and sets her free. Myungsoo and Jieun who were holding hands let go, sparing themselves from her glare.

“I think we thought of everything but one thing.” Lori says, catching everyone’s attention.

“Hmm?” I say.

“How the heck are we going to make it out of here? There are people everywhere! And I know we’re going to have to face this soon but I really don’t want to face it today.” I completely agree with her. Just for today, I want to not deal with this. That’s why I didn’t say anything more at the conference.

“People! People! That’s it!” Tao smiles, leaving us confused.

“Hey panda boy. You kinda lost us.” Myungsoo says.

Tao rolls his eyes. “You guys don’t get it. This is the third floor of the convention center. The reason this press conference was early is so that they could clean up the red carpet before the anime conventions starts. The convention is only on the first two floors though.”

“What exactly are you suggesting Tao?” Lori asks, but it’s too late. Tao is already on the phone. “Kris gege.” Is all we understand before Tao starts speaking Chinese. He hangs up after a few minutes.

“Dammit Tao what did you just say?” Jiyeon asks.

“Just trust me.” We follow him, sneaking around like a bunch of criminals, avoiding the paparazzi that were waiting on the corners until we find a well hidden stairwell. However, we hear the harassing voices of the paparazzi as we run up the stairs. We reach this room on the fourth floor that we’d probably die if we got caught in. It’s a really small janitor’s closet.

“Oww. You guys are squishing me. And this thing behind me is hurting me.” Myungsoo complains.

“Then move it.” I say.

“Whoa is this a doorknob?”

“You’re kidding right?” Jieun says.

“No hold on. Everyone move the other way.” We do as he says and then the door opens. He goes right through it and we follow him, closing the door behind us.

We’re in the fan room of the building, which is literally just a bunch of big fans in a room. We all follow Myungsoo who ends up finding another door, which leads to another janitor’s closet.

“Seriously we’re in the same place just on the other side of the building.” Jieun complains.

“Hold on. We don’t know if they’re out there.” Myungsoo slowly opens the door and sticks his head out and after not finding anyone he steps out. We once again follow him and we find some more stairs which we take up to the fifth floor. We end up in a dressing room. Tao texts someone. We wait a good half hour before there’s three knocks on the door and Tao goes to open it. A girl with long blue hair and a dress comes in and we all laugh.

“Kris gege!” and once again we are all lost because of Tao starts talking in Chinese.

“What are we going to do?” Jieun asks.

The next few moments are probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, if not most embarrassing. Picture us. A group of seven girls with strangely colored wigs and dresses and heels.  We could only take the elevator to the first floor. We had to walk all through the anime convention, almost tripping as we walked. I don’t have any idea who we were dressed us but we got many laughs. We finally got to the elevator that lead to underground parking garage and I’m still here, in the car surprised how the hell we pulled that off without being recognized by the paparazzi that lingered on the first floor.

                “This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever done.” Kris mumbles as we leave the parking lot. “Yah! Tao why the hell… was this even necessary?”

“Yes. Very.” The car ride is a mix of laughter, awkward stories and dead silence until we all get to Jieun’s apartment and change back into the clothes we had on before. We all say our goodbyes and go home. I take a really long 4 hour nap back at the dorm, I guess you could just call it sleeping at this point, and forget about the pressures of this morning. I wake up to Sungyeol begging Myungsoo to take him to Tao’s party.

“Why do you even wanna go?” Myungsoo asks, irritated.

“Myungsoo” he whines pathetically. ”You know who is going to be there.”

Aish. These two. “Just let him come” I say as I go to get dressed. I hear protests and cries of joy but I don’t pay attention.

“We’re ready jagi<3” the message on my phone says. I smile as I start typing my reply. 

Whoa summer break is that you? I thought i'd never see you again! Foreals now, hoping i can write a lot more now that i have no obliglations whatsoever. Sorry if this chapter was boring >.<

Oh and if anyone is affected by kris's presence in this chapter i sincerly apoligize. Cause i'm actually still kinda affected by that. T_T






HAHAHA ^^ i love you guys, thank you so much for not leaving me. <3

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa its so cuteee . Like it like it
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 40: i really enjoy this fanfic !!!
Chapter 40: Happy family! ♥
Chapter 38: A baby sister for Daehyun! Yay! ^_^
sazuka #5
Chapter 34: I know what sunggyu mean!^^
Chapter 34: LOL at Sunggyu's sentence. XD
sazuka #7
Chapter 32: Woah this is so amazing, I love it so much^^ this is so lovely
LynTheRetard #8
Chapter 28: Update soon please! :)
KEYroro #9
Chapter 24: oh my good!! you back!!!