Mr. Class President's Secret 18

Mr. Class President's Secret


"What do you mean??"

Gayun asked as she followed after Dongyul. Frustrated, Dongyul slammed his empty drink on the table and said, "We can't do anything stupid for now. He'll definitely know it's us..." She stared at him for awhile. Then she said, "Well, if you hadn't thrown your drink at her-"

"I couldn't help it, okay?! That girl...her face annoys me."

Scoffing, Gayun knew it wasn't that at all. She was well-aware of Dongyul's feelings. The two of them had known eachother through family connections. They knew eachother since they were kids. It wasn't too hard for Gayun to figure out Dongyul out. Slowly approaching him, Gayun asked, "So what do we do now then?" Dongyul sighed and without looking at her, he said, "We'll just wait for awhile before doing anything..."

Covering his face with his hands, he walked into his bedroom and closed the door. He leaned back onto the door and slid down to the floor.

I....can't believe I kissed her...

He messed up his hair and loosened his tie. Taking off his blazer, he pouted thinking about how stupid he was. When he got the blazer off, he continued sitting at the door. His hand slowly reached up. Gently, his fingers touched his lips.  

I really...kissed her, didn't I...? What do I do now? I mean, what does that mean? I don't even know.

He began nibbling on his fingers nervously. Remembering what had happened twenty minutes ago, his heart began pounding again.

As he managed to finally pull his lips away from hers, they slowly caught their breaths in silence. Neither of them dared to look at eachother. They had kept their eyes only at the ground. Key let go of her hand and said, "Uhh...well, you can't go back in there with that dress. Let's just go home." Before he could walk away, Minah quickly took a hold of his hand stopping him. Then she replied slowly, "'ll get in trouble...won't you...?..." Mistakenly, he had looked at her and saw that her cheeks were rose pink. His heart pounded again.

He quickly looked away and told her, "It's okay! Let's just go, okay?!"

I had no idea what to do. I must've startled her...She must think I'm weird now, doesn't she? Afterall, I did tell her about my situation with Donyul...Maybe....maybe the kiss was just a friend-kiss! Friends kiss...don't they...?

The next day was luckily the weekend, meaning Key was safe from seeing Minah. He didn't want to see her, because he felt embarrassed about it.

"Kibum, what are you doing?" His mother asked as she barged into the room.

Sitting on the edge of his bed putting socks on, Key answered, "Nothing. Why?" As he finished up with his other feet, he turned and looked at her. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and said, "I'm gonna need you to go out and buy some groceries." Knowing how his mother was, he didn't argue and listened to her. He threw on a light sweater and left the house.

The grocery store wasn't too far from home anyways. It was just down the street.

Walking down the street, Key looked around and saw little kids playing in the nearby park. A warm smile pulled the corners of his mouth upwards. The sun was out and the day couldn't be anymore perfect.


A soft familiar voice came from behind him. He felt his heart shake from the sound of Minah's voice. Turning slightly around, he saw Minah out of breath.

" A-are you stalking me?" He asked as he avoided eye contact with her.

Minah adjusted her bag on her shoulder and asked, "Are you going to get some groceries...?" Key then knew that she was probably headed that way too.

Great...This is just great...Wait, why is she acting as if nothing happened?? Does the kiss from yesterday not mean anything to her? Am I the only one who keeps thinking about it?! Tch, this is quite ridiculous. Maybe I shouldn't think anything of that kiss too. I mean, it was nothing to begin with. I wasn't hoping on anything to happen after it anyways! Nothing to worry about!!

Key answered her, "Yep, I'm going to get some groceries. Are you going to stalk me there?" He watched as a soft smile form on her lips. Then she answered, "If you don't mind..." Turning away, he felt his heart flutter.

There's nothing to worry about...

Arriving at the grocery story, the two went their own separate ways to get their own things. Key couldn't help it but feel a bit relieved. While walking pass the aisles, he spotted Minah in one reaching up to get something. She struggled for a bit and stopped. He laughed and walked towards her saying, "Excuse me, old lady. Did you need help?" Minah looked and saw him laughing at her. Standing beside her, Key looked to see what she was reaching for. It was a box of seasoning. He reached and easily got it down for her. When he handed it to her, he stopped and said teasingly, "What do you say??" 

Nervously, she replied, "Than-"

"No. You say, "Thank you, King Kibum", you got that?"

"Thank you-"

"Are you stupid?? Why would you even try and say it?!"

Minah took the box from his hand and walked away. Scoffing, Key followed after her scolding her for being rude to him. Though he hadn't realize it, things were beginning to feel normal again between them. The awkward feeling wasn't there. He liked it better this way.

When they were both done shopping, they both walked out together when suddenly, a college-looking boy wearing a gray hoodie walked by and bumped into Minah. Slightly bumping into Key, Minah let the boy go. Key looked and saw what had happened. He looked at Minah and then back at the boy, who kept walking away. "Yah, you're not going to say anything??" Key asked Minah in an angry tone. She shook her head and replied, "It's fine...Let's g-"

"Hey! Fat boy in the gray sweater!"

Everyone around them looked and saw Key making his way towards the boy. The boy wasn't even fat, but Key was too riled up to care. Minah quickly followed after Key to hopefully stop him, but it was too late. Key was already confronting the boy.

Flipping his hair back, Key asked the boy, "Yah, are you blind or something? She was clearly standing right there when you intentionally bumped into her."

Sluggishly, the boy scoffed and asked, "What? Are you her boyfriend or something?"

"What if I am? You got a problem?"

Key could feel Minah's hand tug at his sleeve.

"Well, maybe next time, you should tell your stupid girlfriend to watch where she's going. Haha."

With that, Key handed Minah his bags. Then he looked back at the college boy and said, "You're gonna regret that." Before the boy could say anything else, Key's fist rammed into his face. Minah jumped from the sight. A couple of bystanders began shouting, "Hey! Cops are coming!!" The boy was ready to throw a fist at Key, but Minah had ran off dragging Key along with her. They could hear the polices' whistles and shouting.

For some reason, Key wasn't scared. He was enjoying this. Minah looked back at him and saw him laughing as they continued running. When they were finally safe, they saw that they had ended up in the park near his house. She let go of his hand and he began laughing even though he was out of breath. She stared at him strangely wondering what was wrong with him.

"Ahaha, d-....did you see the look on his face?!! Oh, my god! Hahaha!" Key shouted with one hand clenching at his stomach.

Minah couldn't hold back a smile when she thought about it making him laugh even more. He fell down on the grass laughing. Quickly, Minah set down the grocery bags and kneeled down next to him to see if he needed help. Seeing him laugh so hard, Minah began laughing along with him.

Though I had no idea what we were really laughing at...I was enjoying this moment. Her laughter mixed with didn't sound quite bad. It sounded like...two friends having a fun time...


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lockeycharm26 #1
Update please TT
Chapter 25: I reread the entire story again~
skippy5 #3
Chapter 25: AHHHHHHH! I found your story today and LOVE it! it's sooo hard to find a good Key story, respect to you and your clever mind and i hope you can keep writing well forever~ <3
Chapter 25: Gah!!! <333 I love the parts where he is jealous! So cute!!
MeisChanyoung #5
Chapter 25: Its reaally een awhile since the last time I've read this fic, so for a few days I've re-read this and...... OHMYFREAKINGGOD I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN WITH THIS STORY ONNIEEEEE!!!!!


Well, from the way author-nim describes Minah, she's basically a modest cute angel x3
Chapter 25: typo =='
Chapter 25: OMG! I've patir]ently waited for an update xD
He likes her!!!
Chapter 25: This is like their first kiss right?
I cant remember because it have been so long.
Chapter 25: Aww, an update at last! XD
Loved this chapter lots, thank you for updating and merry christmas! ^^