Mr. Class President's Secret 14

Mr. Class President's Secret


For five years, I've believed that I was gay because I loved Dongyul, a boy. Unexperienced when it came to love, I didn't know that there was all kinds of love out there. I didn't know anything...until she came along...

Eyes fixed on Minah's lips, he tried his best not to do anything stupid. He forced his eyes to look elsewhere even though there was a feeling inside of him that made him want to touch lips with her. A gentle breeze came by making her soft hair tickle his face.

If I say that I wanted to kiss her...what would that make me? It wouldn't sound correct coming from someone who's supposed to be gay, right? If I say that I like her, what kind of like would that be? Would I like her as a friend? As a sister? As a lover? Why do we make this stuff so difficult?...

His hand reached up and gently brushed her cheek.

...I just want to kiss her. That's all.

He poked her cheek and she slowly opened her eyes. She stared at him wondering what he was doing so close to her.

"Yah, do you know how offensive it is to fall asleep when you're with someone?" Key said in a nagging tone of voice.

Minah nervously said, "...I'm sorry."

"Tch. You should be. Just for being rude, I'm going home!"

Getting up, he felt her hand take a hold of his. He looked back at her wondering what she was going to do. Slowly, she looked up and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep..." Looking away, Key scoffed replying to her, "Then don't do it next time. Go home and take a nap, okay? Bye."

She let go of him. He grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder and walked away.

Wanting to kiss someone...does that mean you have feelings for them? Do I want her to be more than just a friend...? Would it make sense if I said that...I don't think I'm gay anymore? Tch...I don't know anything at all, do I?...


"Kibum-oppa...I-I was wondering if....I know you've been asked this many times....but would go to the dance with me?"

A first year girl stood in front of Key waiting for his answer. He was on his way to have a quick talk with one of his teachers about his class and grade. It was still early in the morning.

Aish...this is probably the tenth girl to ask me today. I hate when events like this happen. Girls get all worked up about it.

"Uhh, I'm sorry. I'm probably not even going to go to the dance. I...plan on visiting my aunt that day! Heheheh...", Key replied trying his best to seem nice.

After the girl left, Key looked up and saw Minah walking in the direction towards him. He adjusted his posture and continued walking by as if not seeing her. When they walked passed, he looked from the corner of his eye and saw her giving him a slight smile. Trying not to let the smile get to him, he ignored it and kept walking.

Heh...who does she think she is...?

"You have to go to the dance, Kibum."


The teacher sat there smiling at Key and said, "Yep. You have to go. You're the class president. It wouldn't make sense if you weren't there. You're supposed to help organize it too."

A little irritated, Key sneered, "Isn't there other class presidents helping out too? They don't need me." His teacher shook their head and answered, "Yes, they do need you! The more the merrier!! Now be on your way to class. It starts in five minutes." Key rolled his eyes and walked out.

Crap. Why did I agree to be class president? If I have to go to the dance....I can make her go with me. Hehehe....yes.

During lunch break, he met her on the roof as usual. With his hands in his pocket, he walked over to her and sat down saying, "Did I make you wait long? Did you think I wasn't going to come?" Minah didn't look up at him. Instead, her face expression stayed blank. He gently nudged her arm and asked, "Yah, what's wrong with you?" Slowly, she answered, "...Kim Jonghyun...asked me to go to the dance with him."

Key stared at her trying to understand what she had just said.

"He asked you? When? This morning? Is that why you were smiling at me? Are you that happy? Good. I hope you have fun with him. It's not like I care", he said as his lips pouted.

Great. Who am I going to go with now? That means I'm probably going to go with someone or by myself...

Minah looked at him and said, "But I said no..." Surprised, Key shouted, "Eh?! Why? Shouldn't you be overjoyed that a guy like him is asking you??" She shook her head and answered, "I told him I wasn't going to the dance..."

"Why?" He demanded.

Shyly, she said, "...I'll go if you go..."

Feeling his face get hot, he quickly turned it away from her and said, "W-well...good!!..." He then turned back to her and looked her in the eye. Even though his cheeks were still a little red, his face expression was serious now. In a low but soft tone, he told her, "...You can't go with anyone else...only with me. Got that?" He snatched her sandwich out of her hand and ate it. Minah slowly nodded and watched as he ate the sandwich.

I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I've never been one to turn red so easily, but...around her, I feel...giddy. Don't tell me...that...I like her, because I really wouldn't know how to handle that...Originally, she was just someone I had to keep a close eye on because she was a threat to me and my peaceful life...but now...I'm suddenly forgetting all about it...


"YAH! KIM KIBUM!! Do you not have school today?!!"

Key sprung up from his bed and saw his mother standing there with her hands at her hips glaring at him. He blinked and asked, "What time is it...?" Rolling her eyes, she told him, "It's already 7 o'clock! What do you think, idiot??!"

AHHHH NOOOO!! I'm ten minutes late!!

At school, his classmates stared as he walked in with his bed hair. Scratching his head, he walked over to his desk and sat down.

Ugh, how embarrassing...

"Class President, since you were late this morning, will you do the honor of touring our new student around?"

Turning away from the teacher, Key saw a familiar person standing beside him. His eyes widened as he recognized who it was.



Lol. Theme song for this story is Neon Tree's Animal.

Thank you for all the comments and suscribers, btw!! :DDD I'm glad many of you are enjoying this story.

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lockeycharm26 #1
Update please TT
Chapter 25: I reread the entire story again~
skippy5 #3
Chapter 25: AHHHHHHH! I found your story today and LOVE it! it's sooo hard to find a good Key story, respect to you and your clever mind and i hope you can keep writing well forever~ <3
Chapter 25: Gah!!! <333 I love the parts where he is jealous! So cute!!
MeisChanyoung #5
Chapter 25: Its reaally een awhile since the last time I've read this fic, so for a few days I've re-read this and...... OHMYFREAKINGGOD I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN WITH THIS STORY ONNIEEEEE!!!!!


Well, from the way author-nim describes Minah, she's basically a modest cute angel x3
Chapter 25: typo =='
Chapter 25: OMG! I've patir]ently waited for an update xD
He likes her!!!
Chapter 25: This is like their first kiss right?
I cant remember because it have been so long.
Chapter 25: Aww, an update at last! XD
Loved this chapter lots, thank you for updating and merry christmas! ^^