Mr. Class President's Secret 12

Mr. Class President's Secret


Arriving to their destination, everyone stepped out of the bus and waited for their teachers to give them orders.

"Now my shoulder hurts. Are you happy?" Key complained to Minah. She looked up at him feeling guilty. Glaring at her, he turned away smiling evilly.

We're probably going to have to separate from here. The guys will get their own room while girls get their own.

As Key predicted, they were split up into boy and girls. The girls made their way in first. Minah looked at Key as they left making him feel guilty.

I guess she's looking at me like that because she probably didn't know she was going to be separated from me...If I say it like that, it sounds a bit strange, doesn't it...?

All of the boys were gathered into one room with a bunch of futons laying out ready for them. Key walked over to the one at the corner and sat his stuff down next to the futon. Sitting down on the futon, he began taking off his sweater when someone suddenly said from behind, "Kibum..." Key looked behind him and saw Minho standing there. Coldly, Key asked, "What do you want?" Minho set his stuff down beside Key's futon and sat down on the futon next to Key's. 

"Yah, what do you think you're doing?" Key asked irritatedly. Minho scoffed and took off his socks saying, "Calm down...I'm not here to cause you any problems. It's a weekend of relaxation..."

Glaring at him, Key said, "As if I'd believe you. Better be careful or I might just touch you at night because I'm gay." Minho laughed and stared at Key. Then he replied, "You've been getting pretty close with that Minah girl..."

"What's it to you?"

"Nothing...your fans have been talking a lot about it...."

Key stared at Minho as he took off his hoodie. Then Minho continued, "And they could be up to no good." Curiously, Key asked, "Why are you even telling me this?" Minho stood up and adjusted his shirt by pulling it down telling Key, "Just because I hate you, doesn't mean I hate that girl."

Watching Minho walk off, Key turned back to his bag and couldn't help it but worry about Minah.

I haven't thought about this...What if she's bullied right now?! It'll be my fault because I forced her to come here when she didn't want to come! I have to find her.

He quickly changed into a bathrobe and made his way out. Walking around, he saw that a lot of other students were all busy exploring the place. As he walked by a window, he noticed that it was already dark outside.

Oh, what time is it?! When did we even get here? I remember it wasn't this dark out...It was quite a long trip here though...

When he reached the girls' room, he waited out in the hall until two girls came out. They gasped but calmed down noticing it was just Key.

"Kibum-ssi, what brings you here??"

Not wanting to say that he was there for Minah, Key answered, "Since I am class president, I thought I should check and see if my female classmates were doing fine!"

The girls he had been talking to wasn't in his class, so he figured it'd be okay to ask about Minah's whereabouts. They told him they didn't know her. When the girls walked away, Key quickly peeked into the room but he didn't see her. Walking towards the men's hallway, Key saw a familiar looking guy.

Isn't that....that Onew guy that caused all of this bullying??

Key followed after him and into a room. Looking around, Key saw Onew sitting in one of the baths. Onew turned and saw Key. Shyly, Onew nodded and said, "Ah, so you're here too, eh?"

"You...remember me?", Key asked. Onew smiled and answered, "Yeah, I do. You were with Minah in the infirmatory, weren't you?" As Key walked over to the bath, he said, "Yep" and climbed in. Sighing, Onew sat there staring up into the sky.  "Hot springs here aren't the same as Japan's. Hahaha." He turned to Key and asked, "How is she doing...?" Before Key could answer, Onew continued, "Every time I see her, she looks like she's doing well...I avoid talking with her, because...if I'm caught with her, people would misunderstand again."

Key then replied, "Did you really even like her?"

Thinking for awhile, Onew said, "...Ever since we were young, I was always happy whenever she was around. I just never seen her anything more than that...until Subin and I began dating."

Key didn't understand, so he waited for Onew to continue.

"Minah knew I had liked Subin...I just never knew that she had liked me. The day that Subin had told me that Minah liked me...I secretly felt happy about it...even though I knew I shouldn't had been. I guess Subin had noticed that and began tormenting Minah...Those two were once very good friends, which is why I was shocked to had seen Subin doing this to Minah...Ever since the day I told Subin about my feelings towards Minah, Subin left school and is now being home-schooled. Though she maybe gone, her friends are still here and making it hard for Minah..."

Key shot at him, "Then shouldn't you be with her all the time to make sure she's safe?" Onew stared at the water with a restrained look and answered, "I can't. If I do, it'll only cause Subin to be more angry...and she'll make it even harder."

I need to meet this Subin and give her a piece of my mind...

He added, "And Minah...probably wouldn't like it if I stuck by her side. Since the incident, she doesn't talk to anyone and she doesn't smile like she used to. It's my fault..."

Though Key felt sorry for the guy, he couldn't help it but to agree with him.

"I don't have much of a choice to stay with her or please...take care of her", Onew sadly said as he played it off with a smile.

Finally, Key walked out of the bath leaving Onew alone.

Great, all of this talk made me forget that I was searching for her...Where the heck can she be?! She doesn't have friends!

He stomped onwards until he ran into a group of schoolmates. They stood in front of him and flapped their eyes at him. His hair was damped from the bath he had been in earlier and the girls seemed to had liked the look of it.

"Kibum-ssi~ Why don't you join us for a bath??" One of the girl asked. Another girl shoved that girl out of the way and said, "Yeah, we won't tell the teacher..."

Key smiled nervously and replied, "I'm sorry, I just got done taking a bath. Next time, okay?" Suddenly, one of them grabbed his arm and said, "There won't be a next time, Kibum-ssi!!"

AHH, make them stop! Someone, come out and save me!!!

Hoping someone would come out and save him, no one did. They began dragging him away as he struggled to free himself from the girl's grasp.

"Don't be scared! There will be other boys there too! Ohohoho~"

He cringed from hearing that. Turning the corner, he pulled his arm as hard as he could and finally freed himself. He began dashing back. The girls shouted behind him, "Kibum-ssi!! Don't be a sissy!! Come back!! We just want to have some fun!!"

Oh, my god, they're chasing after me!!

Feeling his robe slowly falling off his shoulder, he quickly opened a door and ran in closing it. As he backed away from the door, he didn't look behind him and slipped on the wet cement.

OH CRAP!! I'm gonna die!!!!!!

Trying not to let out a scream, he fell back and landed into a bath. He got back up and saw the shadows of the girls run pass the door. Sighing out of relief, he turned around and saw Minah in the bath staring at him with shocked eyes. Her shoulders were bare and she seemed to be in there by herself.

This isn't real, is it? I probably got knocked out and I'm just imagining that she's here....

Key stared at her hoping it wasn't real. Then softly, he heard her say, "...Kibum?"

This is real...What am I going to do now?


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lockeycharm26 #1
Update please TT
Chapter 25: I reread the entire story again~
skippy5 #3
Chapter 25: AHHHHHHH! I found your story today and LOVE it! it's sooo hard to find a good Key story, respect to you and your clever mind and i hope you can keep writing well forever~ <3
Chapter 25: Gah!!! <333 I love the parts where he is jealous! So cute!!
MeisChanyoung #5
Chapter 25: Its reaally een awhile since the last time I've read this fic, so for a few days I've re-read this and...... OHMYFREAKINGGOD I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN WITH THIS STORY ONNIEEEEE!!!!!


Well, from the way author-nim describes Minah, she's basically a modest cute angel x3
Chapter 25: typo =='
Chapter 25: OMG! I've patir]ently waited for an update xD
He likes her!!!
Chapter 25: This is like their first kiss right?
I cant remember because it have been so long.
Chapter 25: Aww, an update at last! XD
Loved this chapter lots, thank you for updating and merry christmas! ^^