Reason Behind the Phobia

…and then, I Became Cho KyuHyun’s Personal Translator


[Cho KyuHyun’s POV]


I just starred at HyunRi blankly.


Weird… Is this person trying to play a prank on me already?


She looked back at me with pleading eyes; she looked like a lost puppy that has no shelter in the pouring rain. Her hands were holding so tightly on to the doorknob that her knuckles had slightly turned white.


The room was suddenly lit up by a flash of lightning and without warning, thunder crashed really loudly.


HyunRi whimpered and her eyes were starting to get teary, “P-please?”


This girl, is she afraid of the thunder? I didn’t know that there’s this side of her.


She was even trembling in fear, so I said, “If you promise to tell me why you’re scared, I’ll let you stay here.”


HyunRi forced a weak smile and nodded. She walked into the room and sat down on the floor beside my bed.


“I…” HyunRi began hesitantly. She bent her knees and hugged her legs for comfort. Then, she lowered her head and continued. “I have a phobia of being alone during dark stormy times. It all started when I was four when…” she paused for a bit, “when my mother left us.”


I swallowed; waves of guilt washed through my body. I never had the intention of being mean to HyunRi because she didn’t have a mother back then in kindergarten. Yes, I’m the evil magnae of Super Junior, but that doesn’t mean that I’m heartless, right? I swear I even wanted to make friends with her! It was that entire boy’s fault! If only HyunRi had not fallen for his cheesy tricks and chose me to be Prince Charming…


HyunRi continued to speak as I lay on the bed and starred at the ceiling, “Well, my mother and father had very different personalities. My mother liked to dominate and she would do anything to succeed. Meanwhile, my father is a kind and humble person; those that would prefer to lead a happy life unnoticed. Basically, my mother wanted to leave my father. My father loved my mother deeply, so of course, he refused to divorce with my mother.


It was way past midnight and past my bed time that day and for some reason, I couldn’t sleep. So I walked out of my bedroom; that was when I heard my parents shouting at each other. Curious about what appa and umma were doing up so late, I crept into the living room, where they were arguing, and hid under a table there.


‘I can’t stand living in this house anymore!’ My mother reasoned. ‘It’s suffocating me!’


‘Have you spared a thought HyunRi?! She’s still young, she needs her mother!’


My mother was silent for a second and then she simply replied, ‘Well, I am sure that you’d do a good job in taking care of her.’


All of a sudden, the living room was brightened by numerous flashes of lightning and a loud roar of thunder followed behind.


I looked out of the windows from underneath the table; large droplets of rainwater were pelting heavily against the glass windows.


‘How can you say this? HyunRi is OUR daughter; she belongs to both of us. H-how can you be so inconsiderate?!’


My mother’s eyes widened, ‘I’M INCONSIDERATE?! How dare you say this?! Since HyunRi was born, I’ve been forced to quit my job at the fashion designing company! I sacrificed my job, my dream just to take care of this family!’


‘You still can resume being a designer once HyunRi grows up—’


‘No,’ she answered with authority, ‘I went for a job interview yesterday. The management said that I was very talented and offeredme a job in New York.’ She turned away, so her back faced my father. ‘I’m flying over to New York tomorrow.’


‘What?! Why hadn’t you discuss—’


‘It’s pointless!’


The adults continued to argue, screaming and shouting at each other. Yelling hurtful words, yelling words that I didn’t even understand back at that time, yelling ugly words each other that four year old shouldn’t be hearing.


 I stayed under the table in fear and shock. What was happening? This wasn’t supposed to happen! Why does umma suddenly look so scary? Didn’t appa promised me that he, umma and I are going to live happily together forever? Then why is umma threatening to leave us?


Before I knew it, tears started falling. I stuffed a fistful of my pyjamas shirt into my mouth to stop me from emitting any sound that would give away my hiding place. I covered my ears with my hands, hoping to muffle out all the noise. But it was no use at all, I still could hear my parents arguing, I still could hear the continuous thunder.


Once again, I looked out of the window; heavy rain droplets were still splashing against the glass windows. A lightning flashed and this time, the dark stormy sky seemed so menacing. The roaring thunder seemed to be laughing and mocking my misfortune. The lightning flashed, lighting up ummas cold and expressionless eyes and appa’s pained face.


I was afraid; afraid to be left alone without appa and umma.”


I turned my head and looked at HyunRi, who knew that she went through so much when she was a kid.


“That was the last time I saw my mother,” HyunRi said with traces of bitterness in her voice. “Well, apart from in pictures. Anyway, since then, I feared being alone during stormy times… It… It reminds me of that day. I didn’t like being alone during stormy nights.” She clenched her fists, “What angers me the most is that even though I’ve long gotten over this fact, I still can’t get rid of the phobia of being alone during stormy times.”


Curiously, I asked, “Then, how to you know when it's raining at night?”


“I sleep with a lamp on, or I just simply don’t sleep.”


I sighed and continued looking at her from her side. HyunRi’s head was lowered. She had her chin resting on her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs; she looked so…fragile.


I don’t know if it’s because that I used to have a crush on her during kindergarten or because of the sympathy I feel for her… but I suddenly wished that I could just do something for her.




Gaaaaaaah! I haven't been able to update for a week. And I feel bad; like after one week and the quality of the chapter I produce is like.............. I'm sorry *bows* Well, blame it on school work! >:( School just re-opened and it takes up really a lot of my time. Hmmph... About KyuHyun's reason for being mean to HyunRi will be revealed in the next chapter. (change of plans hehehe, sorry) And I hope that I'll be able to add in some element of romance x) (this story is lacking romance! aaaaaaaah! *pulls hair* *runs around in panic and ends up banging into a wall* *faints*


Yup, please don't lose faith in the story yet >< It's just building up. Please leave comments~ x) And THANKIEW VERY MUCHIE (lol) to those who subscribed, commented and read! <3

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mrscho88 #1
Chapter 37: Hey author-nim~! i just missed your updates 'cause it's been a realllllyyyyyy long time since you've updated. I reread everything and still felt giddy all over the story. Kkkk I hope you would update soon!! Hwaiting! 加油!
awww~ this is so cute. :3 can't wait for the next update!! xDD
Chapter 23: I'm from Sunny Singapore too!
heemilktea #4
omggg I just finished reading your story and totally thumbs up!!! hahaaha i was surprised when i saw hyunri's skype name as heemilktea too :)))))) btw you're an awesome author!
Chapter 37: Great one. Hope you will update the sequel soon XD
Chapter 37: kyuhyun my hubby
i love u so much!
hope nothing change when they come back to korea
update soon
hye_gyu #7
Chapter 37: this chapter is great, i love it, how sweet kyu is :* next please
Claudiaaa #8
Chapter 37: Gahhhh i'm so glad you're finally backkkkkk!!! missed your story update loads!! :))
and you're so lucky to get to go SM TOWN, i'm flying for Australia tomorrow, so i'll be missing it...:((((( YOU GET TO SEE KYUHYUN LIFE IN PERSON!!!!! REMEMBER TO TAKE LOADS OF PICTURES FOR ME!!!! :D
Chapter 37: Author-sshi, ur back!!!:D i missed you and kyuri sooooo much:'( congrats for finishing ur exams...i finished all mine aswell (finally-.-) so i cant wait to get back to reading this fic:)

awww...ur sooooo luckyyy that u get to see smtown and KYUHYUN!!!~~ make sure u have a good birthday and tell us all about it:D update soon...fighting!!!~~^^
Dramadynasty #10
Chapter 37: Your story is awesome! How was her password "Dramadynasty" ?! That's the name of my blog, I was so shocked lol ^^

update soon! fighting ^_^