
…and then, I Became Cho KyuHyun’s Personal Translator

[Byul HyunRi’s POV]


I closed my eyes and basked in the heavenly feeling of the cool breeze blowing against my heated body. My hair was matted with beads of perspiration and my back was layered with sticky sweat. It was really humid and warm in the Barney costume.


“Why did you take the Barney costume off? You looked prettier in them.” KyuHyun commented while I fully stepped out of the suit. “I think you’re prettier when your head is replaced by Barney’s.”


Aish… What a jerk. I glared at him. Maybe I could just hit him really hard on the head with the Barney shoes and run way?


“Don’t even think of it.” KyuHyun hissed as if he could read my mind. “My bottom still hurts.” He rubbed his hips in attempt to soothe the pain.


I snickered as a replay of the ‘accident’ earlier on played in my head: It happened during KyuHyun’s turn to entertain the children. While he communicated with the kids, I stood there in the Barney costume, noticing that he had his eyes fixed only on the kids. So I angled body in a way that my large Barney tail was in his walking path. Oblivious to the purple tail, KyuHyun tripped over it and crashed into the mini plastic chairs at the corner of the room. The way he glared at me with his legs tangled with plastic furniture was simply hilarious.


A female staff approached KyuHyun, “This is about the rent of the Barney costume; it is supposed to be returned today. I would have returned it for you, but I’m afraid that I can’t make it.”


“Oh…” KyuHyun glanced over at the Barney costume at my feet. “It’s alright. I’ll return it for you.”


“Are you sure?” The female staff asked for confirmation.


KyuHyun looked directly at me, “Nah… Someone else will return the costume to the rent shop for me. You don’t have to worry.”


The female staff smiled in appreciation and gave KyuHyun the address of the costume rent shop before walking off.


“Here you go~” KyuHyun sang as he held the paper with the address in front of me. “You’ll go return the costume.”




“Cho KyuHyun… I swear, after these three days, you’re so going to get it from me.” I mumbled unhappily as I dragged the bag full of Barney costume down the street. “The shop should be around here…”


I read the shop address that was scribbled on the piece of paper: ‘Wondrous Wearables’ was the name of the shop.


Ahh… There it is! I spotted the shop and went in. After returning the costume, I walked out of the shop.


I decided to explore the streets of Taiwan before taking a taxi back to the dormitory. When I passed an alley, someone grabbed me by the elbow, her long nails dug into my skin, as she pulled me into the alley. Before I could react, another person blindfolded me.


“YAH! LET ME GO—“a piece of cloth was roughly stuffed into my mouth, preventing me from producing another sound. I struggled violently, only earning a tight slap across my face.


Finally, I was shoved violently onto my knees. The blindfold was removed and I frowned. In front of me, stood five tall and skinny girls, judging from their facial expressions, they didn’t looked happy at all.


“You,” the ringleader said, glaring directly. “It’s too late to be sorry for not staying away from our KyuHyun oppa.”


I swallowed, refusing to let fear take over my heart.


“Get her.”


Sensing imminent danger, I quickly got on my feet and made a mad dash out of the alley. But these girls had it prepared. Two of them blocked my path and pushed me back deeper into the alley. Panicked, I spun around, only coming face to face with the other three. The ringleader made the first move and swung her open palm towards my face. Instinctively, I pushed her back, causing her to stumble and fall onto the ground. This fueled the ringleader even more; she and her little gang, with full force started attacking me.


One against five; Shisus, you have to help me this time.


I was hurled to the ground. These girls sure have the strength. Their sharp-heeled stilettos were aimed at my shins and back. Their sharp manicured nails scratched my skin. Leaving bruises and cuts all over.


In the midst of the mess, I managed to cough the cloth out of my mouth. With the last bit of energy, I reached for the wooden stick that was found lying on the ground. With the stick, I endured the kicks that was aimed at my arm and tackled the legs of the five girls.


Miraculously, the five of them lost their balance and fell onto the ground. I took the opportunity and sprinted out of the alley and into broad daylight, knowing that they wouldn’t dare to touch me once I was out of the alley.


The miracle continued when I spotted an arriving taxi. After boarding the taxi and telling the driver the address of the dormitory, I let the tears fall.


Hey guys! It's 2:30am here in Singapore now so I'm kind of in a rush. I'm so happy that the previous chapter was the chaper that I received the most number of comments ever :D Thanks for sharing your Super Junior bias with me! So many of them were KyuHyun! ^^

How I wished that I could reply to them :/ Still, I really appreciate them very much!

Thank you guys so much for staying subscribed, subscribing, commenting and reading! <3

P.s. Random question of the chapter: If HyunRi ends up falling in love with another SJM member that is not KyuHyun, who would you want the SJM member to be? Comment pleaseeeee! xD

P.p.s I promise the next chapter to have quite a lot romance/KyuRi moments! (;

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mrscho88 #1
Chapter 37: Hey author-nim~! i just missed your updates 'cause it's been a realllllyyyyyy long time since you've updated. I reread everything and still felt giddy all over the story. Kkkk I hope you would update soon!! Hwaiting! 加油!
awww~ this is so cute. :3 can't wait for the next update!! xDD
Chapter 23: I'm from Sunny Singapore too!
heemilktea #4
omggg I just finished reading your story and totally thumbs up!!! hahaaha i was surprised when i saw hyunri's skype name as heemilktea too :)))))) btw you're an awesome author!
Chapter 37: Great one. Hope you will update the sequel soon XD
Chapter 37: kyuhyun my hubby
i love u so much!
hope nothing change when they come back to korea
update soon
hye_gyu #7
Chapter 37: this chapter is great, i love it, how sweet kyu is :* next please
Claudiaaa #8
Chapter 37: Gahhhh i'm so glad you're finally backkkkkk!!! missed your story update loads!! :))
and you're so lucky to get to go SM TOWN, i'm flying for Australia tomorrow, so i'll be missing it...:((((( YOU GET TO SEE KYUHYUN LIFE IN PERSON!!!!! REMEMBER TO TAKE LOADS OF PICTURES FOR ME!!!! :D
Chapter 37: Author-sshi, ur back!!!:D i missed you and kyuri sooooo much:'( congrats for finishing ur exams...i finished all mine aswell (finally-.-) so i cant wait to get back to reading this fic:)

awww...ur sooooo luckyyy that u get to see smtown and KYUHYUN!!!~~ make sure u have a good birthday and tell us all about it:D update soon...fighting!!!~~^^
Dramadynasty #10
Chapter 37: Your story is awesome! How was her password "Dramadynasty" ?! That's the name of my blog, I was so shocked lol ^^

update soon! fighting ^_^