Fifteenth Chill

Hero of Ice

                        I couldn’t sleep anymore after the letter. Curiosity was pulsing through every vein in my body. A sense of being watched was heightening my adrenalin levels. I was sure that Jaejoong wasn’t one of the suspects because my uncle had mentioned to be cautious around him.

            But would that someone be close to me and would they just watch me from afar? The only thing I knew was that they knew my relationship with Jaejoong but everyone knew that I was his girlfriend. The only few who didn’t know that we were not actually a couple were my closest friends. I guess I had to eliminate them as well. Yunho, Kimmi and Yoochun.

            Junsu was too naïve to speculate me so could it be Hana? But I’ve never seen her converse with my uncle before when he visited. Changmin had entered my life too recently so he wasn’t suspicious as well. Danseol was always tormenting me so it couldn’t be her. Uncle wouldn’t want me to be treated that way. That would eliminate Sohee as well since she initially tried to deploy me. I came to the conclusion that my secret guardian was someone in the school whom I wasn’t well acquainted with.

            My notes lay lifelessly on the floor, completely ignored as I was took in the contents of my uncle’s letter. My hand still clung to my snowflake pendant, asking my parents to give me a sign. I exhaled deeply and decided to sit on the verandah because I was finding it difficult to sleep.

            The air was so cold that I could see the fog escape my lips even in the darkness. All the cabin lights were turned off besides a light in the distance. I think it was where the girl cabins were situated. I wasn’t aware of what the time was but it must be quite late. There was no light besides the one in the distance. I wonder who could be staying up so late.

            I guess I could take a walk to the lighted girls cabin and back. Maybe a little exercise could make me a bit drowsier. I huffed and trudged to the light that I knew now was a door. It was those warm lights from light bulbs that shone with a tinge of yellow colour to it. It was like a sun that shone at night, just the colour of it reverberated warmth. As I neared the room, I could sense something different. There was a sour odour in the air. It wasn’t so distinguishable but it was there. If someone weren’t so observant, they won’t be distinctly aware of it.

            I reached the door, now the smell was stronger. It seemed to be coming from the room itself. Slowly with some curiosity, I turned the doorknob and opened the door slightly, peeping in the room for two reasons: I wanted to discover who would be up at this hour (which seemed to be quite late) and two; what was causing this pungent odour.

            My questions were quickly answered. I saw Jaejoong there kneeling on the floor with a pink cloth in his hand wiping away red stains on the wall. The smell was the sourness of the tomato sauce from the barbeque earlier. Jaejoong’s head was bobbing up and down. He was drifting off but at the same time, he was fighting the urge to sleep. The walls and even the bed mattress were smothered with tomato sauce. A distinct piece was a scrawl written with the sauce on one wall, as red as blood, like graffiti. “” it said, accompanied with the drawing of girl with a cross on her faceless head.

            I turned to Jaejoong who was wiping away, his hand sometimes even missing the wall. I saw a clock hanging on one of the walls that read 12.47 am. It looked like Jaejoong had just cleaned two walls for the night so far. Was this the reason why he offered to sleep here tonight? I pursed my lips together, empathising the scene. If I knew of this, I would rather him stay in his cabin with me, despite the consequences. He had been trying to hide this from me from the beginning. I came to the realisation when I remembered the mistaken bloodstain on his neck that had actually been tomato sauce. Why was he suffering before me like this? This was my room, not his.

            I approached him slowly and knelt down beside him. “Jaejoong.” I crooned. His head swayed effortlessly. “You can sleep now.” I whispered like a lullaby. He pressed his lips together, his eyes already closed, and then he fell forward to the wall. I caught him before he hit the wall and levered him down to the floor.

            I saw a cupboard and guessed that the bed covers and pillows were in there. I was correct. I went to the mattress that was covered with tomato sauce and silently flipped it onto the floor, using the underside of the mattress as the topside the bed instead. Fortunately, it was dry and none of the goo had seeped through to the bottom. When the bed was set, it was time to get Jaejoong on it. Lifting him proved to be harder than I imagined. I looped his arm around my shoulder and dragged him slowly to the mattress on the floor. He followed and luckily didn’t wake up. I placed the blanket over him and gave him a sad smile. “I’m sorry that I put you through this.”

            I turned away from him and examined the vandalised room again. I might as well finish the job since I’m here. I could probably clean it all tonight except the mattress because Jaejoong was sleeping on it. I spent quite some time trying to get rid of the tomato sauce. I succeeded in removing all the sauce from the walls but there was still a faint red stain.

            The word “” pierced me painfully but it wasn’t as painful as seeing Jaejoong doing such exhausting tasks for me. He tired himself just to make sure that I didn’t see such a despicable thing. I decided to take a glance at him and that was when I noticed him tossing and turning vigorously in his sleep. I went to his side to see whether he was alright.

            In the next second, Jaejoong’s hands reached out and clung to my wrist. I used my free hand to suppress my yelps from his sudden grasp. “You did this?” He seemed to be questioning someone in his slumber. “It was you?” Calming down a little, I tried to pry his hands off of me. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly began to wail, keeping his hands tight on my one arm. “It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry.” I could feel his hand shaking. I saw his face; his cheeks were stained with a few streams of tears. He was crying.

            I didn’t fight to be released this time. I felt myself crumble inside at this vulnerable side of him. Jaejoong seemed to be a completely different person in his sleep. Like a child, he was reaching out to be consoled and I was willing to offer it. My available hand found its way to the top of his head. his hair slowly and softly, I eyed the tears that were still streaming down his pale cheeks. “It’s not your fault.” I lulled to him. “Don’t worry too much because it’s not your fault.” I repeated myself several times.

            In time, his hands no longer shook, his tears no longer flowed and he was peacefully asleep again. I let out a deep sigh, feeling very relieved to see Jaejoong sound asleep. This was the way I liked him to be, when Jaejoong was at peace, I felt like I was at peace as well. There was still sadness within me. What kind of nightmare could he have had to look so scared and weak?


                        It was the second day that I met Gu Jungwoo. He was so nice that I decided to make him my best friend. I haven’t been in Korea for long and I haven’t ventured outside my house as much. Since school was starting in a month or so, Gu Jungwoo seemed to be the first friend I really had here. I even visited his father who was a patient at the hospital and boasted about how cool Jungwoo was.

            “When I grow up, I want to marry Jungwoo, Mr. Gu.” I exclaimed standing next to his bed with a bandaged ankle. “Would you let me?”

            Mr. Gu laughed weakly. “I have no right to give an answer, Minji. Only Jungwoo can choose his wife.” He told me. “Why don’t you tell him?”

            I felt myself blush instantly at the idea of a childish confession. It was too frightening to tell him that I had these feelings for him. What if he doesn’t like me?

            “I hear someone has the hots for me.” I turned to the door to see Jungwoo grinning at me. He seemed so arrogant that my cheek colours only reddened even more. “Do you like me Minji?” He approached me and asked.

            “Pshhhh.” I hissed. “I don’t like you.” I was mentally hitting myself for blurting it out so easily.

            “Oh no! Do you hate me?” Jungwoo feigned disappointment. “How could you hate someone who helped you when you fell down a flight of stairs, revealing your for all to see?”

            I punched him but it didn’t affect him. “I don’t hate you.” I yelled at him. “But I don’t like you in that way either. I like you as a best friend!”

            Mr. Gu at the bed laughed at our conversation. Jungwoo was dumbfounded with my response but it wasn’t long before he wore a sneaky smirk. “But I already have a best friend.” He said, striking a nerve in my body.

            “Who?” I asked, not even aware that my envy was for all to see. Whoever his best friend was, I was going to take their position.

            “Han Haeyoung.” Jungwoo told me nice and clear.

            “Can I meet this Han Haeyoung?” I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

            Jungwoo’s eyes gleamed at me. “Of course you can.” He said. “He is right next door.”

            “Okay then, let’s go.” I cried but instantly choked on my saliva after that when I came to the sudden realisation. “He’s a patient here?”

            Jungwoo only nodded and grabbed my hand dragging me carefully out of the room. The trip was short. Jungwoo knocked on the door and entered the room without a response.

            “Jungwoo, why are you back so soon? I thought you wanted to check on your father for a while to see if he has eaten?” I heard the voice of a young boy. I walked in to see a small frail boy looking out the window. He didn’t turn our way even when we were almost at his bed.

            “I brought my new friend for you to meet.” Jungwoo explained. “She’s so cute. Don’t you think?” Haeyoung turned to look at me eyeing me with a blank expression. “She’s also the daughter of the hospital owner.”

            Haeyoung’s eyes suddenly turned fiery. It was as if it was full of nothing but pure hatred. I felt myself tensing up at the sight. My feet found its way backwards and then I felt something hard against the sole of my foot. I tumbled to the floor and saw on the ground near me, a broken plastic toy truck. Its wheels were sprawled nearby its plastic box broken to reveal a hollow inside.

            “You broke my truck!” Haeyoung cried.

            “I’m so sorry.” I was shivering from his furious tone of voice. And there was nothing that I could do. I felt so scared but at the same time, guilty. My notion to try and become Jungwoo’s best friend was no longer in thought. I was already content being Jungwoo’s friend. Haeyoung could be his best friend if it meant that he could forgive me. “I’m sorry.” I said again.


                        I got up suddenly. Han Haeyoung was the boy I had given choc chip cookies to ten years ago when I broke his truck. And he was also the one who I had accidentally ended up in an awkward situation with, when I entered his bathroom at the hospital the same day I gave him the cookies. He was someone who spoke really harshly to me and he seemed to hate me at that time. Surprisingly, our friendship actually grew after that. I wonder what happened to him.

            I looked around the room and saw the familiar walls with the pale sauce stains on it. And I was on the mattress on the floor. Wait. I was sleeping on the mattress? Where was Jaejoong? He was nowhere on the bed and nowhere in sight in the cabin. He must’ve returned to his real room.

            I exited the mattress and looked at the clock on the wall. It read 6.36 am. Although the marks were still quite visible on the wall, I decided that the bunk I was sleeping on needed more attention. I went outside to grab a bucket of clean water and returned to the room. I leaned the bunk against the wall and cleaned the floor that was covered with the sticky substance. I went to change the water again and this time worked on the mattress.

            When the clock reached 7.28 in the morning, the mattress was fairly clean. Proud of my work, I dusted the bed covers and pillows and put them away in the cupboard just to make the room look a little neater.

            I went outside again in the early crisp morning air to clean out the bucket and rag. Then I darted to Jaejoong’s cabin to get my things. I opened the door slowly, hoping not to wake him up. I scrutinised the covers only to find them empty. Before I began asking myself questions, I found myself being dragged into the room. The door shut behind me, and a hand was clasped over my mouth.

            “I thought I told you to sleep here tonight.” It was definitely Jaejoong.

            I tried to explain myself but it was only a muffle because my mouth was covered. Jaejoong cautiously took his hand back, making sure that I didn’t yelp or panic. “I couldn’t sleep last night so I went for a stroll and saw the light in the cabin still on. I didn’t know it was your, well, my room.”

            He let go of me then and I turned to give him an assuring look to show that I was being honest. His eye bags were very distinct and I felt my sense of pity appear within me again. “Why don’t you ever listen to me when I want you to listen to me?” He muttered.

            “You don’t have to hide those things from me. I can handle that stuff.” I told him. “I’d rather you get a decent amount of sleep instead.”

            “Can you stop it?” He spoke with a hint of irritation.

            “Stop what?” I was dumbfounded.

            “Stop acting like you care.” He said.

            “But I do care. You saved my life Jaejoong, I don’t want you to tire yourself because of me.” I justified myself. “You’ve done enough already. It’s my turn now.”

            “And what are you going to do?” Jaejoong questioned coldly.

            “I’m going to care for you.” My answer was definite. “I’m going to stay by your side until you no longer want me to.”

            Jaejoong looked at me blankly. He didn’t utter another word and so I took this opportunity to gather all my belongings and head to my cabin.

            “Where are you going?” He asked when I opened the door.

            “I’m going back to my room.” I responded simply.

            Jaejoong scoffed with sarcasm. “How ironic. I thought you said you were going to stay by my side until I no longer wanted it.”

            “Aww.” I smiled meekly at him. “Missing me already?” I felt my smile grow as I headed out the door. The other students would be waking up soon. I should take a quick shower before the day begins, which should be around 9 am this morning. In no time, I was spick and spam.

            I didn’t spend that much time getting ready. My mornings were mostly spent cleaning but since I wasn’t at home, that wasn’t necessary. I still had about an hour left to spare. By this time, a majority of the girls were rushing to the showers. Most of the guys, despite their morning look, were in the outdoor eating area grabbing some breakfast that Yunho, Yoochun and Kimmi were preparing. I decided to help them out since I was all ready and set for the day.

            “Good morning.” I greeted them.

            “Morning Minni.” Yunho smiled. His hair was in all directions and his eyes were still half closed. “Are you here to help out again?”

            “Yes.” I replied. I spied that Yoochun and Kimmi looked like they both just woke up as well. “Why don’t you guys go get yourself ready? I’ll stay here and serve.”

            “That wouldn’t be fair on you Minni.” Yunho said.

            “That’s right.” Yoochun mumbled in a sleepy tone, rubbing his eyes on the process. Kimmi gave him a nudge and a disapproving look, waking him up. Yoochun didn’t utter another word to me anymore after that. Yunho and Yoochun had a quiet conversation and decided to get ready first.

            “Kimmi, you should go too.” I mentioned. “I can manage on my own.”

            Kimmi only pursed her lips, and then she dropped her tongs and walked off without any response. I forced a smile as I took over but that was easily lost when a familiar student approached me.

            Danseol had a mischievous grin on her face. “Did you sleep well last night?” Her voice dripped with too much sweetness that it was definitely fake. One of the corners of her lips pulled up showing mockery and satisfaction. I didn’t answer her and instead, grabbed a cooked egg with my spatula and placed it on a plate for her. “I hope we’re not out of tomato sauce yet.” She said with a gleam in her eyes. I bit my lip and felt a fire within me heating up. I was certain then that she was the perpetrator of the incident last night.

            Before I could confront her, I felt a pair of arms encircle my waist. I turned to look back only to get a light peck on the lips. “Good morning, Minni.” Jaejoong’s sweet voice and smile was what I saw and heard when he pulled away. I smiled back, not because I liked his sudden kisses, it was because it was all I could do to hide the unexpected feeling of guilt that had erupted within me when I saw the lethargic look on his face.

            Jaejoong faced Danseol with an angry smirk. “Morning.” He spoke monotonously. I noticed that she was no longer smiling. Her blank face showed only pain. I looked away from her. I didn’t want to pity her at the moment; it was her fault after all that Jaejoong had stayed up scrubbing walls to begin with.  I will talk to her later about that.

            “Have you eaten yet?” Jaejoong asked all of a sudden. He forked a sausage off the barbeque and placed it in front of me. “Say ahhh!” I stared at the sausage indecisively but chose to take a bite just as I saw Danseol leaving from the corner of my eyes. I should have paid more attention to the food because a burning sensation began to arouse within my mouth. I was hyperventilating really badly. My hands dropped everything I was holding and was now fanning my opened mouth. All I could hear was an uncontrollable laughter coming from Jaejoong.

            When I had swallowed the piece, I felt an uncomfortable warm lump in my throat but I was more concerned about stopping Jaejoong’s outburst. “Jaejoong.” I tried to give him a glare. “Stop it. It’s embarrassing.” I could feel everyone in line for breakfast snickering a little.

            Jaejoong ignored me and turned to the crowd. “Did you just see that? It was hilarious!” He was now on the floor trying to suppress his laughs. It looked like his stomach was in pain. The chuckling of the other students grew louder but it no longer grabbed my attention. Although Jaejoong was tired and sleepy from last night, he still managed to laugh with his all his might. He still managed to look happy. It was as if he was trying to tell me he was okay. I know that that wasn’t what he was trying to do. He was laughing at my clumsiness but to me, just the sight of him being happy made me content. I was unable to hide my smile but I still tried to concentrate on my task at hand. “Who’s next?”


                        We had to hike as a class after breakfast. Ms. Oh was really passionate about us learning about the native plants in the area. I was satisfied with the program since it was like taking a sightseeing walk. The scenery was beautiful and refreshing and I savoured every part of it.

            The only thing that was still on my mind was Danseol’s doing. I couldn’t believe she would go to the extent of vandalising camp property to sabotage me. Jaejoong was walking in front of me and Danseol was one of the students that were behind so I took the opportunity to confront her. I slipped to the back and took my place next to her. Her astounded face when she saw me was only a set of wide eyes. “We need to talk.” I told her and her astonishment enhanced. She gave me a fearful look. Was she afraid of me?

            She quickly hid it and cleared . “About what?”

            “It’s about what you did.” I muttered to her quietly. “Meet me at the shore behind the girls cabins before lunch.”

            Danseol tried to smirk confidently. “Sure. My hands have been itching to slap for some time now.” She then shoved me, a little too harshly because I felt myself lose balance and fall back.

            I was quickly offered support from behind me. I looked back to see Yunho with his hands on my shoulders, my back on his chest. “Are you alright?” He asked.

            “Yeah.” I stood upright again and looked ahead of me. Danseol was at the front in a split second and her and Jaejoong both looked back at me. Danseol’s face wore an evil grimace and Jaejoong had an unreadable expression.

            “I don’t think that’s going to work.” Yunho said. “She tries every way to make you look bad but she isn’t aware that Jaejoong doesn’t care at all.” I watched as Jaejoong peeled her away from him and walked to us. “All he cares about is getting away from her.” Yunho finalised.

            Jaejoong stood beside me, looped his arm around my shoulder and reeled me in close to him. “Let’s keep moving Minni.” He said, our cheeks were pressed against each other. “Don’t forget to smile.” He faked a smile and looked to Danseol. I pursed my lips together into a grin and smiled with my eyes. I guess I was being used as a puppet to ward off unwanted girls from Jaejoong but at that moment, I didn’t mind warding off Danseol for him. I guess she kind of deserved it.

            Yunho coughed nearby gaining our attention. “You guys better keep up.” He advised. “I’m going to catch up with the teachers to discuss the activities we have this afternoon.”

            I didn’t help with lunch preparation because I wanted to get things sorted out with Danseol. I sneaked a whole bottle of tomato sauce with me and chose a place on the sand behind some rocks so we were hidden from the campsite.             Danseol showed up several minutes later and examined the sauce bottle inquisitively. “Are you going to squirt sauce on me?”

            I gave her a frustrated face. “Don’t you think that you deserve it?”

            Danseol shook her head relentlessly. “I think you deserved it.” Her hand was up and ready to attack.

            I slapped myself across the cheek hard before she could. “And you think I deserve this slap across the cheek as well?” I asked. Her hand remained in the air. She was wavering, contemplating whether she should put it down or add fuel to the fire. I breathed in and out deeply. Then I unscrewed the sauce bottle and levered it up high. Danseol’s eyes squinted and her hands hugged herself, her fists clenched tightly as she embraced herself for the worse.

            I eyed her for a second and then I tipped the bottle, letting the tomato sauce smother my face. By the time, Danseol opened her eyes was agape. I couldn’t care less about her reaction. I was trying to send a message to her. “If you think I deserve all those things you intend to inflict upon me, I’d prefer you not do it behind my back.” I told her. “I’d rather you not do it yourself. I’d rather you to not even think it.” My voice was gaining confidence. “But you want to do it, don’t you? Just tell me and if it’s within my capabilities, I’ll do it in your place.” 

            Danseol’s voice was stuttering and I couldn’t decipher what she was trying to say. It took some time for me to understand her words. “Why are you doing this?” Her voice was shaky. “You’re going to tell Jaejoong, aren’t you? You’re going to put all the blame on me. I just know it.” I could tell that her whimper was more directed towards herself.

            “I’m doing this for you.” I rationalised. “It’s not good to do horrible things to other people, no matter how much you hate them.” My hand was still clean so I held her forearm hoping that she wouldn’t look away when I told her what I was about to say next. “And it’s worse when you make the ones you love suffer. Did you know that Jaejoong tried to hide this from me? Did you know he spent half of his sleep last night trying to scrub the stains off of the walls?” Danseol’s eyes glistened and her body shook abruptly. Eventually she sank to the floor and crouched low like a vulnerable child. “Please don’t hurt anyone anymore. Don’t hurt Jaejoong and most importantly, don’t torture yourself.” I squatted to her level. “You have the chance to be a good person. Take that chance.”

            Danseol was rendered speechless as she stared at me with sad eyes. I tore my glance away from her and decided to wash myself up. Going to the bathroom at camp would be too suspicious so I decided to take a swim in the water nearby. The water was icy cold but it was okay. Luckily, I was wearing dark clothes today so the sauce marks won’t be so apparent. I’ll go change at once when I was back at campsite area.

            Strangely, swimming in seawater was relaxing. Swimming itself was something I haven’t done in a while. I my back and watched the grey clouds that covered any blue area, glide slowly across the span of the sky. The clouds were always a good distraction from the real life I was in. They were just there, floating in atmosphere where they couldn’t be touched. It just seemed like such an enchanted entity in a different world. But everyone must return to the real world. I did so after my swim. I asked Danseol (because she was still sitting there on the sand motionless) if I was clean and she gave me a nod as an approval. Satisfied, I walked back to my cabins to change. I was relieved to discover that I wasn’t caught missing from lunch.


                        “Come with me.” Jaejoong voice sounded impatient as he dragged me away from the site towards an area layered with thin trees. It was already night and Jaejoong had barged into my room at 11.22 pm just to make me trail along with him. I tried to search for him all afternoon after the talk with Danseol but he had been nowhere in sight.

            “Where are we going?” I asked curiously.

            “We’re almost there.” Jaejoong muttered sounding a little irritated. We reached the edge of a cliff. “Sit.” He ordered.

            I did as I was told and sat on the edge of the cliff, my legs hanging on the side of the cliff wall. He did the same and sighed in a somewhat annoyed way. “What’s wrong?” I looked at the furrows between his eyebrows.

            “Why are you so stupid?” He was angry. Very angry. I was going to ask for an explanation but he continued. “Why did you have to hit yourself like that? Why did you pour sauce on your head?” He knew about it.


            “How am I supposed to hurt you when you keep hurting yourself?!” He yelled at me, feeling completely helpless.

            “I don’t want you to hurt me.” That was all I could say. “I want you to remain as my life saviour forever. I want to see you in the good light. You are good, Jaejoong.”

            “No, I’m not! I want to make your life hell so badly.” He wailed. “I heard your stupid talk with Danseol. You think that you can change me?” His hands were clamped together, his fingers interlacing. “I don’t want to change into a good person. I’m happy making others miserable.”

            I gave him a stern look. “I’m not going to let you do that.” He doesn’t scare me. He doesn’t harm me. “No matter what, I won’t let it happen.”

            His eyes gleamed maliciously at me and his smile represented something dark and evil. “There’s no way I’m going to let you win. You’ll have to die first if you want to escape all this.”

            “Then maybe I should?” I retorted.

            Jaejoong’s eyes darted to mine and I saw a millisecond of sadness that then was swiftly replaced with no mercy. “Be my guest.” He hissed dripping poison out of his mouth. “You’re gateway is just below you.”

            I looked down and gulped at the sharp rocks and crashing waves below me. Jaejoong twisted my head his way and crashed his lips on mine. It was an impulsive and forceful kiss. He pulled away and gave me hollow smile. “I thought I should grab one last kiss before you go.” Jaejoong stated breathlessly. “Goodbye Minni.”

            “How ironic.” He muttered disdainfully to himself after he got up and then he walked back to the camp. I watched solemnly as his back figure disappeared into the night. And even when I couldn’t see him anymore, I still stared at the empty space that he seemed to have vanished into. It was as if he had entered a portal that had transported him to another dimension. He had said his goodbyes. He had left me. He didn’t even give me a chance to even utter a farewell.

            I turned back to the open space in front of me. I could hear the waves below me crushing the cliff wall with no compassion. It didn’t damage the wall in anyway but that wall could still feel it. My heart could still feel his ruthless words and it hurt. My eyes began to water and I looked up to stop them from pouring out. Unfortunately, one, then many tears found its escape route. I huffed out a breath of fog. “I really wanted spring to come.” I cried.

            Suddenly, one hand was at my back and another was cupping my mouth. I thought it was Jaejoong and quickly tried to hide my tears but the voice itself proved differently. “Remember Han Haeyoung?” The voice was as low as a trombone and it was just as cold as Jaejoong’s but despite all that, it wasn’t him. It wasn’t Jaejoong. My hands fumbled to pull his hand away. “Say your goodbyes, Song Minji.” And with that, the hand pressed my back hard, pushing me off the cliff’s floor to my death.




Hey my lovely readers! I tried to update as soon as possible and it has taken me roughly a week. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry (but not sorry (jks)) to leave you at such a cliffhanger.

I'll try to update soon.

Please comment even if you hated the story. I really need feedback as to how I can improve my writing.

Until I compose a new chapter, I'll speak to you all again my lovelies!


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2030 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2030 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩