Fourteenth Chill

Hero of Ice

                        “Can I ask you a question?” I asked Ms. Gu.

            “What is it?”

            “Do you know a boy around my age by the name of Gu Jung Woo?” I figured that since they shared the same last name, they might be related to each other.

            Ms. Gu shook her head slowly. “No, but it’s strange. I remember being asked this question before. Why do you ask?”

            “I just know someone with the same last name as you.” I said.

            “Jaejoong, stop eavesdropping! I can hear you.” Ms. Gu shouted at the door.

            Jaejoong opened the door. “I just came though.”

            “Just giving an early warning.”

            Man, this lady has very good hearing. Even I couldn’t hear Jaejoong at the door and my senses were pretty good. For instance, I could smell a change of spiciness in the air and I couldn’t help but feel excited at what it might be. “Ramen?”

            Jaejoong gave me a puzzled look and then he chuckled lightly. “Someone has the senses of a dog.”

            “How dare you say that about me?” I turned to see Ms. Gu when she raised her voice. She looked like she was on the verge of drooling.

            “I was referring to Minni.” Jaejoong defended himself.

            “Which means you really did make ramen.” I couldn’t help smiling when I turned to the shopkeeper. “I would like to excuse myself now.” I dashed to the kitchen and saw that three bowls neatly lay on the table, filled to the brim with ramen. I remembered this dish distinctly, although I have only eaten it once; it was the spiciest food I have ever tasted.

            I planted myself on a seat and began to eat it, ignoring the slight burns I got because it was still hot.

            “Don’t eat too fast. You might choke.” Ms. Gu took a seat across of me.

            “And it’s still quite hot.” Jaejoong added. “Take your time.”

            Speaking of the time, I looked at the clock and choked when I realised that the mini bus had left half an hour ago. Having a chilly sensation down your throat was awful but the idea of missing the bus was worse. “Jaejoong.” I coughed. “The bus already left.”

            “I know.” Jaejoong’s reply was sweet and simple.

            I was astonished to hear that from him. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

            “That ride is too crowded.” Jaejoong explained. “Plus, I know where we’re heading. I’ve got a better idea.”

            “And what’s that?”

            Next minute, I was clinging tightly to Jaejoong’s waist, trying so hard not to scream as we whisked down the rocky road on a bicycle. “Are you positive you know how to ride this thing?” I shouted at the top of my lungs as he swerved down a curvature.

            “You don’t know how many times I have ridden like this.” Jaejoong screamed with delight.

            I pressed myself against him, sticking to him like a leech, fearing for my life.

            “Don’t worry, I don’t want to kill my girlfriend just yet, remember?”

            I laughed nervously, feeling a bit better. I could smell the saltiness in the air and see the water hit the cliffs nearby. It was a breathtaking view, seeing the ocean as a deep blue colour, the rocks of the cliff a tan lighter than coffee and the sky, an orange that brightened up the evening. The road was quite icy but Jaejoong managed to cycle without stopping to rest once, not until he reached our final destination.

            “I was so worried about you.” Ms. Oh ran up and embraced me when we arrived. “Where were you?” She silenced when she saw Jaejoong approach us.

            “Sorry we’re late.” Jaejoong apologized but his face showed no remorse. “We were having a little too much fun and forgot about the time.”

            Ms. Oh gave him a sad look then turned to me. “May I have a word with you, Minni?”

            “Yes.” I followed Ms. Oh to a parting with trees that was away from the cabins.  She turned to me when we were a distance away from prying ears.

            “How are you and Jaejoong?” She asked all of a sudden.

            I was taken aback. I didn’t expect her to talk about my ‘love’ relationship. “Jaejoong and I are fine.” I answered after my astonishment. “Why do you ask?”

            Ms. Oh took my hands in hers and gave me a stern look. “I don’t want to lose a good student like you, Minni. I know that love can’t be forced but please don’t change the person you are right now.”

            “I haven’t changed Ms. Oh.” I defended myself.

            “I don’t know about that but if it was the Minni who wasn’t dating Jaejoong, she wouldn’t be late for the bus.”

            Lost for words, I said the only thing that I could say. “I’m sorry for making you worried. I will behave myself from now on.”

            Ms. Oh gave me a warm hug. “I really care about you Minni and I have a lot of faith in you.”

            “I’m not going to let you down, Ms. Oh.” I stated confidently. I was going to help Jaejoong as well; I haven’t given up on him yet.

            “I wish Jaejoong could be good like you.” Ms. Oh spoke as if she read my mind. “I see a light in his eyes that I just can’t put my finger on.”

            “He is a good person.” I smiled encouragingly at my teacher. “He just doesn’t like to show it.”

            “Are you sure you’re not love-struck?” Ms. Oh teased.

            “I am not!” I retorted, feeling a little warm all of a sudden.

            Before the teacher could continue, Yunho appeared out of nowhere and wrapped me tightly in his arms. “Where were you? I was so worried.”

            “I’m okay.” I assured him. “I was with Jaejoong.”

            “Don’t need to feel so infuriated.” Jaejoong approached us. “We just lost track of time, didn’t we Minni?”

            “Yes, that was all.” I supported.

            Ms. Oh coughed. “Minni, here is the key to your cabin. And yours as well Jaejoong.” Ms. Oh interrupted and handed us the silvers. “The bus is unlocked so feel free to take your luggage into your cabins. I have to settle dinner for the students now.” And she darted off without hearing our farewells.

            Jaejoong randomly laughed and Yunho eyed Jaejoong suspiciously but eventually decided to smile rather than frown. “I entrust you with Minni. Since Minni is happy to be by your side, I feel that I can trust you as well.” Yunho was definitely trying to be on good terms with him. It is better to gain a friend rather than a foe.

            “Don’t trust me.” Jaejoong said. “Being her boyfriend, I have the privilege to do whatever I want with her.”

            Yunho’s face hardened but he still wore a forced smile. “I see that you now see having Minni as a privilege. I am happy that you can see her worth.”

            Jaejoong seemed stunned for a moment; it was as if he blurted out something he didn’t want to. He regained himself quickly though and put on a playful attitude wrapping his arm around my waist. “Let’s go get your stuff. I’ll take you to the room.”

            Knowing that Jaejoong would do something ridiculous if I didn’t follow his little skit, I gave Yunho a small bow. “I’ll take my leave then.” Just as Yunho raised his hand, probably to wave, I was whisked away by my so-called boyfriend.

            Jaejoong and I approached the bus and opened up to grab our bags. Before I could grab mine, Jaejoong decided to do his duty again and carried both of our luggages to the cabins. I didn’t complain because we both brought little and so, it didn’t appear to look heavy or tiresome.

            The accommodation was a large house with many cabins, the doors to each cabin exposed outside to a long verandah. My cabin was at the end of the verandah and I felt quite fortunate because it had a large window that faced the ocean beyond a set of trees on a cliff.

            I turned to look around my cabin, only to realise that Jaejoong was putting both of our bags in the cupboard. “What are you doing?”

            “Just leaving my things in here for now. I’ll come grab it later.” Jaejoong answered. “Don’t forget to clean out the room before you sleep tonight.” Jaejoong walked to the door and turned back to me. “Don’t leave the cabin okay? Wait until I come back.”

            It was so strange to hear his voice being so gentle but I enjoyed the idea that he could speak without sounding like he was up to something.

            “Okay.” I smiled. Jaejoong turned away after some time and left the room.

            I searched around for the bed sheets and covers and found them in the same cupboard as earlier. Feeling some dust enter my nose, I decided to go beat them outside on the verandah to ward off the dust. Jaejoong wouldn’t mind if I stepped just outside the room, right?

            Opening the door, I saw Yunho walking up to me looking puzzled. “Why are you in this area? This is where all the boys sleep. The girl’s cabins are over there.” Yunho pointed to another house.

            I was startled to discover that Jaejoong had been lying to me all this time. Well, he didn’t lie to me, he just made me assumed that his cabin was mine. I decided not to let Yunho know this. “Just helping Jaejoong get his room ready. He’ll be back in a moment.” I’ll ask Jaejoong later.

            “Although he’s your hero, you don’t have to act like his slave. Just being his girlfriend is strenuous already.” Yunho pinched my nose. “But lighten up okay? I’m here to help.” He grabbed some of the sheets and looked to me for orders.

            I laughed. “Just shake them like this.” I showed him. In no time, with the help of Yunho, we got the cabin set. I sat on the bed, delighted that I had done something productive.

            Yunho sat beside me huffing a little. “Jaejoong is really lucky to have you.” He looked up at the ceiling and then turned to beam at me. “Even if it isn’t officially real, you still treat him right.”

            “I treat you just as right as I treat him.” I commented. “You’re both my friends.”

            “Since he’s your friend and he could do it, can I do it too?” Yunho asked.

            “Do what?” I asked curiously.

            Yunho suddenly leaned in and slowly I could feel his nose tip just touching mine. His eyes averted to my lips then looked back at my eyes. A smile spread across his face as he pulled back and pinched my nose again. “Don’t worry. I’m not as erted as Jaejoong.”

            I turned away from him feeling flustered. All of a sudden, his head plopped onto my shoulder. “Can I do this?” He asked. “I feel so tired.” I looked down at his head; his hair hid his face well. I nodded and I think he could feel it because he didn’t budge.


                        I was rummaging through my bag for my notes that I had brought along to study and discovered an envelope with a snowflake sticker on it. When I was about to rip the envelope open, I heard the door open and quickly stuffed the letter back into my bag.

            I turned around and stood up at the same time only to crash into Jaejoong. I looked up at him, hoping to give a disappointed expression because he had made me make false assumptions earlier. I, however showed concern instead when I noticed a red smear on the side of his neck. “Jaejoong, are you alright?” I asked worriedly. “Why are you bleeding?”

            I reached out for his wound but he quickly backed away, removed his jacket and started wiping the side of his neck with it. I scrutinised him with concern. “It’s fine. I’m not bleeding.” Jaejoong muttered. He wrapped his arms around me. “I snacked on some of the sausages the teachers are cooking for dinner. It must have been tomato sauce.”

            I pulled away and looked at the same spot on his neck. I felt a sudden relief wash over me when I saw that the redness was gone.

            “Don’t worry, okay?” He leaned in but I turned away before his lips touched me again.

            I cleared my throat and got back on topic. “I got your room ready. I think I should go back to my cabin now.” I removed his hands and slung my bag over my shoulder. I laid my hand open in front of him. “Keys please.”

            “I knew you would find out sooner or later.” Jaejoong smirked slyly at me and looked down as if he was examining his own physique. I followed his gaze and looked past his body that was only covered by a black tank. Dangling on one of his jean loops was a key ring with a small key.

            I gave him a stern look. “Jaejoong. I am not sleeping here with you tonight.”

            “Well, you’re not sleeping in your cabin tonight either.” He teased. I bit my lower lip in frustration. Why was Jaejoong being so difficult? I didn’t want the whole class to discover that we had shared the same room although it has already occurred a couple of times. “You don’t want to spend the night with me?” He asked out of the blue.

            “Please Jaejoong. It is very inappropriate, especially since we are on a school trip like this.” I begged. “I don’t want to disappoint the teachers.”

            Jaejoong put a finger to his lips. “You know what I want.” I looked at him, speechless. “Just one kiss, and I won’t sleep with you tonight.”

            I turned away. He was always asking for things that I couldn’t do.

            “I’m still waiting for an answer, you know?” Jaejoong hinted impatience.

            I cleared my throat and turned back to look at him. Before I could say anything, Jaejoong had already leaned in to touch my lips. His hands cupped my face, keeping me in place as he pressed his lips against mine. Utterly shocked, I felt my bag fall from my shoulder to the floor.

            His kiss was short, lasting only a second but it still felt like it was never-ending to me. He backed away with a satisfied smile. “That wasn’t so hard was it?” He picked up my bag and placed it back in the cupboard. “You can sleep here tonight since you worked so hard to clean it.” He grabbed his bag.

            “Where are you sleeping then?” I questioned, feeling a little curious.

            “I knew that you wanted me to stay by your side!” Jaejoong sighed. “Sadly, I got my kiss Minni. I’ll be staying at your cabin.”

            “But you told me that-“

            “If I got my kiss, I wouldn’t spend the night with you.” His lips thinned. “I’m going to put my bag away. Wait for me and then we’ll go to dinner together.”

            “This isn’t right.”

            “There is hardly anything right in this world.” Jaejoong looked out into the distance and I couldn’t help but sense how mature he seemed to be. He immediately snapped back and gave me a playful gleam. “So you have the choice of either sleeping in this room alone or sleeping in this room with me.”

            “I want to sleep in my room.”

            Jaejoong shook his head. “That’s not an option.”

            “Then I’ll sleep outside.” I suggested.

            “That wasn’t an option either.”

            “Then…” I broke off there. What else could I do?

            Jaejoong dropped his bag on the floor making a thud sound, startling me. “You’re not going to listen to me, aren’t you?” Jaejoong glared at me.

            I gulped because I knew from that look that Jaejoong was going to do something very wrong if I didn’t agree to it. It was just so wrong to sleep in a boy’s room, terribly wrong, but it would be much worse if Jaejoong were sleeping with me. I weighed out my options and made my decision. “I will sleep here then.”

            Jaejoong seemed to smile with relief. “My girlfriend is being so cute today.” He pulled at my cheek making it impossible for me to pout sullenly. “Let’s go grab some dinner, shall we?”

            I sighed and nodded. Why am I always giving in to him? Jaejoong took a clean jacket from his bag and put it on. He placed his bag back into the cupboard, deciding to take it to my cabin later instead.

            We exited the cabin and went to the outdoor table area. A lot of students were already surrounding the bonfire that was blazing incredibly despite the cold. I could tell that Jaejoong hated the crowd when we stood in line with a fair amount of students to grab the meats roasting on the barbeque. Yunho was helping the teachers cook as well and gave me an eye smile as he placed a sausage on my slice of bread.

            “Hey Yunho.” Jaejoong began. “Do you need an extra hand there?”

            Yunho raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to help?” He was astounded to hear Jaejoong ask such questions.

            Jaejoong shook his head. “When do I ever want to help?” He then nudged me lightly. “Minni wants to help you.” I looked at him with a blank expression. “Don’t you, Minni?”

            I turned back to Yunho who was waiting for a response. “I’d love to help you.” I admitted. Standing beside the barbeque was quite warm and it wasn’t as crowded as the campfire.

            “Well come in.” Ms. Oh had overheard the conversation and invited me into the cooker’s side. Jaejoong invited himself in standing close to me. Ms Oh gave him a look but he ignored it. “Finish your food first Minni, and then you can help out.” She insisted. I tried to eat as fast as possible. “You too Jaejoong.” She ordered. “You should at least be useful since you’re here.”

            “Who says that I’m helping?” Jaejoong asked defiantly.

            “You either stay here and help or go outside and do whatever you want.” I whispered to him.

            “I want to stay here and not help.” He retorted.

            “That’s not an option.”

            “Fine. Then we’ll go somewhere else.” He grabbed my hand but I took it back.

            “You can go somewhere. I’m helping.” I spoke firmly. He was about to say something but I continued. “You were the one who said that I wanted to help, remember?” Jaejoong scowled then mumbled something. “What did you say?”

            “Fine, I’ll help out.” He spoke a little louder.

            I brightened up at his response. “Aww.” I ruffled his hair. “My boyfriend is being so obedient today.” I mimicked his expression.

            Ms. Oh was surprised to hear that Jaejoong was helping but she was pleased. “I’ll give you the easiest job.” She told Jaejoong.

            It turned out that Jaejoong’s duty was to put tomato sauce on the sausages of those who wanted it. He held a bottle in his hand and waited for students to approach him. Then he would smother a decent amount on the hot dog. He stood there looking bored and uninterested but I still smiled because at least, he was still doing something worthwhile.  

            Danseol approached me with a slice of bread in her hand. I picked up a sausage with the tongs and tried to drop the sausage on the bread. Danseol took her bread back and the sausage bounced off the barbeque and landed on the dirt ground at her feet. “You shouldn’t waste food like that.” She scoffed.

            I remained silent and Yunho turned my way to see what was going on. Eyeing the situation, he spoke. “It was an accident Danseol.” He grabbed a fresh sausage and placed it on her bread, gesturing her to walk off. Danseol rushed off eagerly to get some tomato sauce. Jaejoong gave her a look of disgust then flooded her slice of bread. The sauce overflowed and ran down her hands.

            Danseol looked up at him with hurtful eyes. “Oops!” Jaejoong began to give her an angelic smile. His eyes however hinted a feeling of frustration though as he muttered on icily. “It was an accident.”

            Appalled, I then turned to Yunho. “Yunho.” I whispered to him. “Can you get Danseol a new hot dog?” I didn’t think she would want to receive anything from me but I felt sorry for her. She loved Jaejoong and yet, all he did was give her the cold shoulder. Yunho nodded and was off.

            Kimmi, who was handing out the bread slices, approached me. “I don’t get how you can stand to be around him.” She muttered so low that only I could hear. I know this sounds stupid but I started to smile, smile like I was a child who had at last got her ice cream. This was the first time she had spoken to me in a week or so. “I didn’t say anything funny.” Kimmi noted.

            “But you’re saying something though.” I beamed. “To me.” I added.

            Kimmi cleared and turned away from me. “It doesn’t mean that everything’s back to normal. To me, you’re just another one of Kim Jaejoong’s fan girls.”

            “I was never a fan girl. I’m pretty sure Yunho already told you our true relationship.” I whispered to her. I didn’t want much people to know Jaejoong and my secret. “You’re still my best friend Kimmi.” I couldn’t help but insert it in. “And I really want you back.”

            Kimmi gave me a sad smile. “If you want me back, get rid of him.”

            I suddenly became very aware of my heartbeats. It was like the bass of the drum symbolising a very drastic moment for me. I didn’t want to get rid of Jaejoong. I wanted him to leave me, feeling satisfied. Let him end the relationship when he was over with it. But most of all, I wanted to melt his heart. I felt like I wasn’t doing enough yet. He was still rude and full of himself and hurting himself. I was speechless at that point. How could I choose between a hero and a best friend?


                        We went successfully back to Jaejoong’s cabin without anyone’s notice except Yunho’s. Jaejoong bade me goodnight, not failing to plant a kiss on forehead before departing. The room felt more spacious and emptier with me alone but it was peaceful. I took that opportunity to do some light reading before I went to bed.

            Opening the cupboard to get my notes again, I remembered the random envelope in my bag and quickly grabbed it and ripped it open. Inside was a piece of paper, scrawled with slanted inked writing of both sides. I found the front side and began to read.


                        I presume you know who this is Minni. The snowflake sticker gives it away. Who gave you a snowflake recently? Yes it’s me.

                        I know you may be wondering how this letter has come to be in your bag. I’m sorry to say that there is someone within your school who I have entrusted, to keep an eye out for you without your knowledge. That person, I shall not reveal yet, but just remember that you’re perfectly safe. Well, I think that you are.

                        Just recently, I have heard that you are in a deep relationship with a student by the name of Kim Jaejoong. I know that love cannot be forced and I am willing to understand that your feelings may be real but I must warn you not to leak any information about your true personal identity, even to your boyfriend. Please don’t let love sway you to do inappropriate things.

                        I have taken the time to contact you directly through this letter to advise you because I am concerned of your wellbeing. I know Minni, that you are very responsible, just like your father. Please retain that composure. I expect a lot from you since you are your father’s daughter. He was a great man and I still look up to him today even though he is no longer breathing the same air as us. I only wish to help his daughter to succeed just as he had.

                        Finally, I know that you are on a biology camp at the moment and I am aware of the area you are going to. Please continue to study hard but don’t forget to have fun as well. The area you are in is very beautiful although it’s winter. The beach may be cold but it’s very soothing for the soul.

                        I look forward to reuniting with you soon, my Minni.


            I looked from the letter to the pendant that was glittering wondrously at me. My uncle was worried enough to send his regards personally. He must have been concerned about my feelings for Jaejoong but I don’t love Jaejoong so there’s no way that I was going to spill the beans. What got me the most was that he had been watching me this whole time. There was someone around me who knew my true identity.

            The pendant was so beautiful. I grabbed it, feeling the body heat lingering on its heavy metal base. “Mum, dad, who is it?”




It's been a while and I'm so sorry. Exams are over though so here I am.

If you enjoyed it please, comment and suscribe. I really need some feedback on whether I should finish this story or not ;D

P.S I'm falling for Jaejoong so badly in my own fanfiction!

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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2029 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2029 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩