We have been recording for three hours, but I couldn’t get satisfied with the result.  Seungri was already complaining.  Even Teddy insisted we already perfected the song.

“Let’s do a final run.”  I stubbornly demanded.  Everybody hissed beneath their breath.  I heard several curses from the room.  I ignored them.

My phone rang.  I quickly answered it when I saw the caller ID. 

“Did you find them?”  I asked the caller.

“Give me the location.  Keep an eye on them.  I’ll kill you if you lose sight of them.”

I wrote the address on my notepad.  Everybody was eyeing me when I jumped from my seat.

“Let’s call it a day.  I have to go somewhere.”

“What?!  I thought were not done recording yet.”  Seungri tried to block my way out.

“You’ve worked hard, maknae.  Now, get out of my way.”

“Do you think I’ll let you off that easily after you tortured us for three hours?”

“I don’t have time for this, Seungri.  Let me through.”  I know he was just trying to piss me.  But I need to leave immediately.

“Where are you going?”

“It’s none of your business.  Get out of my way!”  I shoved him aside and ran as fast as I could.  They were all laughing behind my back.  I don’t care the least.  I will be seeing my child again.  And if I don’t hurry, I might lose this chance. 

The location he mentioned is inside a shopping mall.  With a hoodie covering half of my face and a huge dark glasses, I searched for my child in the crowd. 

There was an activity happening inside the shopping mall.  There were more people than usual.  I should have avoided places like this, but I have no choice.  I’m already blacklisted at Park Enterprises.  I still don’t have their home address.

I spotted them in front of an ice cream parlor.  Dara was kneeling in front of Gon-ah wiping spilled with cream.  The scenery in front of me was melting my heart.  I felt a lump in my throat while I watch them from afar.  They are the most beautiful creatures I have seen. Dara looks simply stunning wearing jeans and white shirt.  Her hair braided loosely.  She was not wearing any makeup.

Gon-ah is just as beautiful as her mother.  She looks like a pink rabbit.  I wonder where she got those glorious locks of hers.

Gon-ah suddenly ran off.  Dara chased after her.  They were coming to my direction.  I didn’t know if I should hide or stay.  I just stood there waiting for them to approach.

Gon-ah was still running.  When she was just a foot away, I scooped her from the floor.  She didn’t even scream.  She just stared at me.  Then a smile crept on her tiny lips.

“Poppa!”  She recognized me behind my disguise.  All my doubts vanished.

“Why are you running?”  I gave her a noisy kiss on her cheek.  She giggled.

“How did you know we’re here?”  She speaks like an adult.

“Of course, I know you’re here.”

“Does Momma know you’re coming to see us?”

“Why don’t we ask her?”

Dara finally caught up.  She was breathless running after her daughter.  Her eyes widened when she saw me.  I smiled at her.  Gon-ah was giggling in my arms.

“Look, Momma.  Poppa came to see us.”  She happily announced.  Several people were watching us.

“Can we go somewhere  less crowded?”

I didn’t give Dara a chance to disagree.  I started walking with Gon-ah in my arms.  She was holding onto me tightly.  Dara followed silently.  She doesn’t have a choice.

I opened the passenger door of my white Bentley to let Dara in.

“Can’t we just talk here?”  She protested.  I looked around the open parking lot.  People are starting to recognize me.  Gon-ah was able to remove my hoodie and glasses.  I was exposed.

“If you want  our photos appear on every newspaper all over Korea, it’ll be my pleasure.”  I .

She climbed inside the car with a scowl on her face.  I put the child on her lap who’s still clinging tightly on my neck.

“Where are we going, Poppa?”  Gon-ah asked as soon as I sat on the driver’s seat.

“I’ll show you where I work.  Do you like that?” 

She clapped her small hands.  Dara was still scowling on her seat. 

“Yipee!!! Are there toys where you work?  Can I play with them?”

“I’m afraid there’s not too much toys there, but you’re uncles are there.  You can play with them instead.”

“Uncles?  You mean BIGBANG?”

“You know BigBang?”  I was surprised when she mentioned the name of my group.

“Of course, I know BIGBANG.  I always watch you on TV.”


I stared intently at Dara.  Why would she let her daughter watch us on TV.  Did she tell Gon-ah I am her father?  But, why didn’t she tell me about our child?  She avoided my eyes and focused her attention at the passing scenery outside.

Everybody was surprised when I came back with a child on my arms and a beautiful woman scowling behind me.  Seungri immediately recognized Dara.

“NOONA!”  He screamed like a girl earning a whack from TOP.

Out of courtesy, Dara bowed to everyone and introduced herself.  Teddy and Kush have a big question mark written all over their faces.  Their eyes locked on the child in my arms.

Gon-ah whispered in my ear.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me?”  She asked sweetly.

“Of course, princess.”  I answered out loud.  I swear I saw Teddy’s eyes popping out from his socket.

“Guys, meet my little princess,  Gon-ah.”

“This is Uncle Teddy, Kush, TOP, Daesung, Taeyang and Seung-“

“Uncle Panda!”  Gon-ah shrieked.  She reached out for Seungri.

The maknae was caught off guard.

“Uncle Panda?  You know me?”  He pointed his own finger at his face.

“Of course! I’m a VIP and you’re my favorite.  But, just second to Poppa.”

“Poppa?”  The boys chorused.

“Gon-ah.  That’s enough.”  Dara finally interfered.  The situation is getting out of hand.

“But, I want to play with Uncle Panda.”  She wiggled her small body and slipped down from my arms.  She ran to Seungri when she touched the floor.

“OMO!  You’re so cute.”  Seungri leveled down to Gon-ah’s height.  The others were just staring at her.

“Let’s play, Uncle Panda.”  She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door.  Seungri was asking for help.

“If she returned crying, I’ll beat you to death.”  I warned him.

I heard Dara hissed beside me.

“Watch your mouth, Kwon Jiyong.  My daughter can hear you.  I won’t let my daughter learn any profanities from you.”  She said with gritted teeth.  Seungri and Gon-ah already left the room.

The other’s attention were now focused on me and Dara. 

“What did I do?”  I asked innocently.

“You should be careful with your words in front of Gon-ah.”

Dara turned her back on me.  When I glanced at our audience, they were all grinning.

“How long are you keeping us here?”  Dara asked without looking back at me.  I’m starting to lose my patience with her treating me like I’m nothing.

I was about to reprimand her when the door bursted open.  It was YG.  His face as red as mine.

“JIYONG!”  He shouted.  The others cleared the way for him. 

“What did you do this time?  Are you out of your mind?”

“Hyung.  What’s the matter?“ 

“Why did you bring your daughter in the company?  You even dragged that woman here as well.  Do you know the media are swarming the building right now?”

“Hyung.”  I turned my head to Dara who clearly heard  everything.  YG didn’t notice her presence when he barged in the room.

“I think that’s my cue to leave.  Don’t worry.  I’ll drag my daughter with me on my way out.”

“You’re not leaving.”  I said firmly.  YG paled. Everyone were frozen on their feet.  Nobody dared speak another word.

The door opened again.  Gon-ah came in running.  Seungri followed shortly.

“Momma!  Look what I got.”  She ran to Dara. She showed her a miniature image of Seungri.  A limited edition of BIGBANG merchandise.

“It’s pretty, baby.  Did you say thank you to uncle?”  she asked tenderly.

“Yes, Momma.”

“Good.  Now, say goodbye to everybody.  We’re leaving now.”

“No one’s leaving this room unless I say so.”  I shouted.  I have already reached my limit.  Everyone’s been ignoring my words.  I grabbed the nearest chair and slammed it on the wall.  The chair broke and crashed on the floor.  I heard Gon-ah’s frightened scream.  She started crying.

“!”  I cursed.  Dara quickly covered Gon-ah’s ears.

“Stop it, Jiyong!  You’re scaring my daughter.”  Dara shouted.  Gon-ah cried even harder.

“Shhh.  It’s okay, baby.  It’s okay.  Don’t cry.”

Dara started panicking.  The little girl wouldn’t stop crying.  She was sobbing heavily.  Her breath getting rugged.

“Oh, baby.  Don’t cry.  Don’t cry.”  Dara’s voice was tensed.

“Will somebody give me some water?”  Dara asked urgently.

“What’s happening?”  I asked nervously.  Gon-ah doesn’t look good.

“You scared her.”  Dara spit back at me.  Seungri handed her a bottle of water.  I kneeled down and tried to calm Gon-ah.  She flinched at my touch.  I’ve never felt so guilty.

“Gon-ah.  I’m sorry.  Don’t cry.”  I tried consoling her.

To my surprise, the little girl freed herself from Dara’s embraced and ran to my arms.  I felt cold water was poured down on me.

“Don’t be mad, Poppa.  I’ll be a good girl.  Don’t be mad anymore.”

“It’s okay, baby.  I’m not mad.  I’m sorry.  I scared you.”

Gon-ah’s sob slowly died down.  Everyone was able to breath.  Especially YG who still couldn’t look at Dara.

“I’m never going to have a child.”  TOP whispered to Daesung.  He was scared the most. 

“We still have a problem.”  YG reminded.


Everything was planned.  Dara and Gon-ah will leave casually with Seungri. If the reporters keep pressing questions on their way out of the building, Seungri will introduce Dara as his cousin and Gon-ah his niece.  They just came to visit Seungri.  

Dara was worried.  Gon-ah might get another fear-attack.  The little girl is very sensitive.  She easily gets scared and breaks down.

To divert the attention of the media from the girls, I and the others will follow them immediately.

As expected, the media flocked Seungri and the girls.  They took pictures non-stop.  Seungri was able to block the media with his aegyo.  And as expected, the media turned their attention to our group when we came out.  I was relieved to see Dara and my daughter safely leave the premises.



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This story never failed to make me cry. It's not perfectly written but I think this is my best fanfic to date...


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schaeiyra09 #1
Chapter 22: Omg!! I love this story.
GirliedeDios #2
Chapter 22: Are Idols lives like this? Can't they have career and lovelife at the same time? Silly me we know the answer to that. Lucky are the few ones who can have both. I'm happy that the father and daughter were able to find ways to get in touch. And the ever loving Dara never gets in the way. Too bad for our Daragon couple, they didn't end up together.
leikha #3
Chapter 22: It was heartbreaking.... Huhubels... I cnt stop crying.... Sequel authornim.... Daragon monents pls... Huhuhuhuhu
DaragonButterfly #4
Chapter 22: love your story authornim...i'm crying...hope jiyong and dara will get married...gon-ah to be come a kpop-star....thanks for this authornim...
Chapter 22: sequel please with JIYONG on top !!!
Chapter 22: oh god father and child moments make my heart swell... daragon sequel juseyoo~~~
1say16 #7
Chapter 22: Awww nice ending reunited with poppa
Chapter 22: What happen to dara and jiyong???sequel pleaseeeeee T___T
Chapter 22: I'm crying! OMG!. Love the story so much.. sequel please!!
Chapter 22: ahhhh khay... em dying for a fukking sequel..... gesss.. oh please my dear authorin... i hope daragon will get marriage.. whahahhaaty so much fof this heartwarming fic.