We're Even

Why does it hurt...

It's monday and you were walking to school. You saw ChangJo.

"You feeling better?" You said to him.

"A bit, yeah. Thank you." He replied coldly. You didn't want to feel awkward so you decide not walk wtih him. I really hope he's okay. 

"Yah. Wait for me." You stopped and you turned around. You listened to ChangJo and you two walk to school together. He talked to you, more like venting.

"I liked her alot. I don't know what got to me. I'm not usually like this with girls. Is this how you felt when I rejected you?" You stopped.

"I didn't have the urge to drink. I just cried. A lot. I was hurt. Just like how you feel now." Your eyes wideden when you suddenly feel him hugging you. 

"Mianhe. I didn't mean to hurt you. Or the other girls." You smiled and hugged him back. 


It was lunch time during school. You tried talking to ChangJo, but he just kept ignoring you. Did this morning not happen?! You thought to yourself, stabbing your food. 

"Uh, you alright?" Ricky asked nervously.

"Oh. uh. Yeah, I'm fine." You said, while you stopped stabbing your food.

"ChangJo, what did you do after the mall?" C.A.P asked. You both looked at eachother, wide eyed. 

"Uh, nothing. Just went straight home." My home. You thought. 

"You'll forget about Mary in no time!" Niel happily said. "I'm sure theres better girls than Mary waiting for you." He continued. 

"I hope so.." ChangJo said, looking down. I'm right here... 


Teen Top walked with you again after school on the way home. You couldn't stop thinking about that night. The night he pulled you next to him. He only did that cause he thought I was Mary. You and Teen Top had to go seprate ways except for ChangJo.

"Where do you live?" You decide to ask.

"Why, you gonna stalk me?"

"Mwo?! No!" You shouted. "I was just wondering just incase something bad happens." You said shyly.

"Come over my place." Your eyes shot towards him. "As return for letting me stay at your house." You agreed and followed him to his house. 

"Wow. I like your place."

"Thanks. Just sit over there. I'll go make something." You sat down. ChangJo was taking forever to make the food. You were getting tired, he had no games for you to play. You fell asleep on his couch. 


For some reason, the food I was making was taking forever. Finally, I finished making the food. I brought out the food and called Li Na.

"Li Na. The food is done." She didn't reply. I went into the living room to go get her, but instead, I find her sleeping on my couch. "Although I broke her heart, she still hasn't given up.." I shook her and she finally woke up.


You got up and followed ChangJo to the dining room. 

"Thank you for the food." You said with manners and began eating. After you were done, you decide to go home. You grab your bag and head out. You finally reached your front door. You pulled out your bag, searching for you key. 

"Omo.. wheres my key.." You panicked. You couldn't find it. You knew you didn't have a spare key cause you thought you didn't need one because you think you'd never lose/forget your key. But you did. You sat infront of you door. Waiting. For what though. You didn't have the energy to panic even more. You fell asleep on your doorsteps.


You woke up and looked at the time. You were already late for school. You looked around, and you noticed you were in a familiar place. You weren't wearing your uniform anymore. You were wearing boxers and t-shirt which was too big on you. 

"What the.. where am I?" You asked yourself. You see a walking ChangJo with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"You're in my house." He murmured. 


"You forgot your jacket at my house and I wanted to return to you. But I saw you sleeping infront of you door. I figured you forgot your key so I brought you here."

"Oh.. wait. Am I.. wearing.. your c-clothes?" You asked nervously. 

"Yeah. Your uniform was dirty because you were on the floor. I changed you out of it." He said carelessly.

"MWO?! Y-YOU UND-DRESSED M-ME?!?!" You immiadiatley turned red as you yelled. He laughed. 

"We're even."


"I slept at your place, now you slept at mine. And don't worry, I undressed you without looking at you."

"LIAR!!" You snapped back.

"Whatever. You don't have to believe me. Oh, and we can't go to school. We already miss 3 classes, so it's already too late." He walked back upstairs. You puffed and you sat back down on the couch. You looked at what you wearing and you started blushing. I'm wearing his clothes.. You smiled and hugged yourself. 




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klienchoung #1
Chapter 14: Why is my name everywhere? Lol, I want to read in peace... :)
ninjaalee_ #2
Chapter 14: My username just appeared at the bottom of the chapter O.O
seyongi-sshi #3
Chapter 23: Sequel please!! I like ur story :) good job author-nim ;)
bokkeum_bab #4
Chapter 23: Sequel Keke!!
Chapter 24: Your Welcome!!!!!
Chapter 23: Squeal Please!!!!Plus If You Go To Your Profile And Look Up There Would Be A Poll Button.Click It Then Create One.After You Create They Would Give You The Embed Thing.Then Lastly Go To Your Story And Paste It A Lot Easier Then How It Sounds!!! :D
Chapter 23: Sequel please
Chapter 22: I Love The Ending!! If My Phone Isn't Dying Which It Is I Would Have Read The Squeal Right Now.So I'm Gonna Take A Nap While It Charges.
Chapter 23: Sequel please! But make it about L.Joe and Mi Sook. Maybe have a little angst with Changjo and Li Na! just a idea
_Sona_ #10
Chapter 23: SEQUEL!!!!!!!! This is an amazing story!!! I want more XD