Into L. Joe's head

Why does it hurt...


"Crap. I forgot to give Li Na her phone." I felt around my pockets and took the phone out. I looked at it for a second and smiled. "I'll see her again." 

"Guys, I forgot to give Li Na her cell phone. I'll meet up with you guys later!" I waved Teen Top good bye and started to head back. I got to her street and found her house. I rang the door bell but no one answered. "Maybe she's still walking?" I said to myself as I looked through her window. I head back and I stopped. I went to go hide so ChangJo and Li Na wouldn't see me. It looked like they were having a serious talk. I held my chest, it hurts. I looked up and I saw it. I saw ChangJo kiss Li Na. I turned around. I didn't want to see any of that. I began to cry, silently. I turned back around. They were gone. 

I went to Li Na's house a couple hours after I saw them. I rang the door bell. 

"Hi.." I gave her a weak smile. She looked suprised to see me.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk. Outside?" I asked her. 

"Yeah, sure. Lemme grab my umbrella." I saw her run upstairs. I kept seeing the kiss over and over again in my head. I was heartbroken. She ran back downstairs and she closed the door. We walked under the umbrella together. I looked at her.

"Have you been crying?"

"No.." I knew she was lying.

"Then why are your eyes so swollen and red?"

"Allergies." I sighed. It was quiet for a while.

"I saw what happened." I broke the silence.

"Saw what?" I didn't answer her. We both stopped and I looked down. She went in front of me. "What's wrong." 

"I saw you kiss him..." I finally confessed. She didn't say anything and my heart was racing.

"I-I'm sorry.." She apologized. I looked up at her and gave her a weak smile.

"It's okay."

"L-L. Joe.." She stood there quiet for a bit. "How did yo-" I cut her off.

"You left your phone. I was going to give it you after school but I forgot. I was going to catch up to you and then I saw ChangJo lean in and kiss you." I looked up at her and gave her a weak smile. She grabbed the phone out of my hand and I felt myself starting to cry. So did Li Na.

"I'm so-" She was about to about to apologize again but I stopped her from talking by kissing her. Tears kept falling from my eyes as I kissed her. My heart started to ache even more. I knew I lost her. 

"I want you to know that I love you Li Na. And I wanted to do that before letting you go. I know you'll never love me the way you love ChangJo." I finally confessed after I pulled away from the kiss. She didn't say anything but just looked at me. I flashed her another weak smile. I was suprised when she pulled me into a hug. I didn't want to let her go. I wanted to stay like this forever. But I knew at some point I had to let her go. I hugged her back, tightly. We both cried together. She got my jacket wet from all her tears. We pulled away from the hug. 

"I'll walk you home." I offered. She agreed. 


We finally reached her house and before she walked in, she kissed me on the cheek. I knew that was the last time I was ever going to have her. 

"Goodbye, L. Joe." She looked at me from her door. I softly laughed.

"Goodbye, Li Na. I'll see you at school." With that, she closed the door. A tear ran down my face again and I softly smiled. I knew at one point I had to let her go. I knew I couldn't make her love me. It was impossible. She was in love with ChangJo, and I couldn't change that.

As I was walking home, I saw ChangJo sitting at the bench. He was wet and he didn't have an umbrella. I walked over to him.

"ChangJo?" He looked up at me. He was crying. Although the rain was hiding it, I could tell. He didn't say anything and looked back down. "Is everything alright?" I asked.

"I messed up, hyung." I knew where this was going.

"I already know, ChangJo." He looked at me all confused. "You're in love with Li Na. Am I right?" He didn't answer me but just stared. "I saw you kiss her."

"She ran away after though." I was confused. Why did she run away? 


"I kissed her, but she pulled away and yelled at me. Next thing I knew, she was gone."

"What did she say?"

"That she had you.."


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klienchoung #1
Chapter 14: Why is my name everywhere? Lol, I want to read in peace... :)
ninjaalee_ #2
Chapter 14: My username just appeared at the bottom of the chapter O.O
seyongi-sshi #3
Chapter 23: Sequel please!! I like ur story :) good job author-nim ;)
bokkeum_bab #4
Chapter 23: Sequel Keke!!
Chapter 24: Your Welcome!!!!!
Chapter 23: Squeal Please!!!!Plus If You Go To Your Profile And Look Up There Would Be A Poll Button.Click It Then Create One.After You Create They Would Give You The Embed Thing.Then Lastly Go To Your Story And Paste It A Lot Easier Then How It Sounds!!! :D
Chapter 23: Sequel please
Chapter 22: I Love The Ending!! If My Phone Isn't Dying Which It Is I Would Have Read The Squeal Right Now.So I'm Gonna Take A Nap While It Charges.
Chapter 23: Sequel please! But make it about L.Joe and Mi Sook. Maybe have a little angst with Changjo and Li Na! just a idea
_Sona_ #10
Chapter 23: SEQUEL!!!!!!!! This is an amazing story!!! I want more XD