Chapter 14

My Heart is Locked and Engraved with the Letters D&J


Goo Hara and Yong Junhyung confirmed to have ended their relationship after nearly five months representatives tells reporters. B2ST'S Yong Junhyung is unwilling to speak of this matter while Kara's Goo Hara is willing to lend us some inside scoop. 

"We both had a mutual reason on this matter. Because of our busy schedules and distance, we couldn't balance out our lives. When we could not take care of ourselves first, how do we see each other? We decided that this was the best way. Please look forward to our future activities!" she ended with a smile. The press conference did not last very long although she mentioned a lot of Kara's upcoming activities. 


"Wow," was all you could say while reading this with Jill. 

"Omo. Did I jinx this? I warned you about Hara not long ago," Jill gasped.

"Oh please. It's not like she knows me okay?" you responded.

"I know! But he knows you," she whispered.

"You're getting a litle extreme here. They don't have time for a neitizen like me," you told her. You got up and grabbed your bag. 

"Gotta go help my umma with dinner, Cya later," you said to Jill while putting on your shoes. 

"Kay then, see you later," she replied, while wiping her studying glasses with the edge of her shirt. You gave her a quick hug and started walking home. 

It was pretty cold at night in Seoul. You hugged your textbook trying to keep warm. 




"This shoe can be fixed. You can come by to pick it up two days from now," the man told me. 

"Arasso, kamsahamnida," I smiled, while signing the receipt. I bowed to him before exiting the shop. 

Why it so cold here? I forgot to bring my jacket so I was going to freeze my but off on the drive home. 

"Our next song is from none other but KARA!" the dj called out. I hit the off button on my radio.

"Aish, jinjja. I will not be listening to that group for a while," I said to myself. Because it hurt a lot seeing her cheat on me and being used by her, I felt a hundred times better being done with her. 

Ring Ring. 

It was a call from Kikwang.

Ring Ring.

It was a call from Yoseob.

Ring Ring.

It was a call Doojoon.

They must all be calls about my breakup. I ignored their phonecalls. I was really annoyed for recieving endless calls from the press. I was not going to answer these ones from my bandmates. They actually liked Hara and that's how blinded they were by her beauty. 

When I got home, I changed, grabbed some cans of beer and headed out to my balcony. I watched the night lights while taking a sip of beer. I enjoyed the breeze even though it was pretty cold. 

As I was standing with my elbows propped on the railing I saw a girl walk by. She was hugging something tightlty. I'm not sure if she was rapping but  I heard my lines from Fiction

Without realizing it, I started rapping along. To my suprise, she looked up directly at me and because I was taken off-guard, my beer can slipped out of my hand, landing on the ground next to her. She let out a short yelp. It had gotten over her clothes. 

"Crap crap crap," I said under my breath. She looked up at me again.

"HOLD ON MISS!" I yelled before grabbing my jacket and keys and running down. 

"I am in huge trouble," I cursed while taking the elevator down. I walked out, onto the sidewalk to spot the girl whom I unwillingly attacked. 

"I'm really sorry," I apologized while bowing. I accidentally startled her for she jumped back with a hand on her chest. She looked familiar. We both looked at each other for a while before her eyes started to enlarge. 

"Omo," we said at the same time.

"I know you," I pointed to her.

"I know you too," she responded. She started to laugh and I joined in naturally. 

"Do you know who I am?" I asked, to check if she really knew.

"Yong Junhyung," she smiled. 

"You are Junho's sister but I don't know your name," I told her.

"It's Lee ~~~~~," she told me.

"That's a pretty name," I smiled.

"Gomawo," she thanked, a little shy. 

"Oh. Please come in.  I think you are going to reek of beer if you continue to stand here," I told her. 

"Oh, it's alright. My home is near," she told me.

"I'll send you home then," I offered.

"Really, it's okay," she told me. 

"Are you sure? I,"

"Yes, jaljayo!" she waved before walking away.

"Jaljayo," I waved. Somehow, I wanted to continue conversing with her. So, in order to do so, I followed her. She walked for a couple of minutes before turning back. I looked a different direction and finally back at her. Her expression was so funny. She raised a brow at me.

"Are you following me home?" she asked.

"Maybe," I teased. She chuckled and continued walking. This time, I caught up to her back made her walk on the inside of the sidewalk. The cars could be dangerous. 

While walking, we talked about this and that. She was really easy to talk to. Out of nowhere, a large van started to follow us. 

"Keep you head low," I warned her. I put on my hood.

"What's happening?" she asked.

"Papalachi. The paparazzi," I told her. 

"Omo, etteoke?" she gasped. 

"When we pass by that store, you walk in and stay there until you don't see them anymore. Also, I will walk in a different direction and lead them there. Now, just walk in front of me like you don't know me, araso?" I told me.

"Araso," she replied. I slowed down my pace so she would be ahead of me. Here and there, I checked posters out and ads out. The van was so annoying. Finally, she made it to the shop and walked in. I walked past the shop and into an alley without thinking about it. The van couldn't follow me there and I had finally lost it. 

"Bingo," I smiled. I saw ~~~~~~ walking home and smiled to myself, before heading back home.


"Umma! I'm home," you called out.

"Eeeh? What is that smell? Have you been drinking?" she asked.

"Aniyo, you know I don't drink that stuff," you told her.

"But why do you smell like beer?" she asked, worried.

"Someone dropped the can and it splashed over my clothes. I should go shower now," you said.

"Yes, please do," she nodded pushing you toward the direction of the stairs. You quickly jogged into your room threw your stuff down, and got into the shower. The smell was really dreadful.  While you showered, you couldn't help but think that hiding from the paparazzi could actually be quite fun. 

You got out of the shower and doned on some dried clothes and dried your hair. By the time you were done, dinner was ready. When you finished dinner and did the dishes, you brushed your teeth and started studying. 

You couldn't really focus because your mind was occupied with Doojoon. You still felt a little sad because he said he didn't like you and then he apologized for rejecting you. You sighed as you looked out your window. In no mood to study, you went under your covers and turned off your lamp. 

"Good night world," you whispered before closing your eyes. 


I laid in bed looking at my ceiling. Why was it so hard to forget that look on her face? Even after apologizing and after she told me it was okay, why didn't I feel relieved instead of being so bothered. I sighed and my T.V. to get the thought of her out of my mind. What I should be doing is leading B2ST and worrying about Junhyung. But because Junhyung is being Junhyung, he won't pick up his phone. He mind as well not have a phone if he isn't going to pick it up. Why do I feel like an ahjumma nagging about this and that? I should stop having these conversations in my head with myself. It isn't healthy. 

When I the television, I saw the episode of Strong Heart and there she was, smiling at the camera. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was really beautiful. Was rejecting her the right thing to do? Am I regretting it? No, I must not. She's still in school, I don't want to ruin her future by bringing her into this cruel industry. She's so innocent and pure. She has to stay that way. To be honest, I really wanted to ask her out at one point, but because I had to take care of my members and focus on my career, I had to set those feelings aside, and now they were creeping back on me. 

I turned off the television and continued to play her confession over and over again in my head. I had trouble falling alseep for the past week and tonight wasn't going to be any different. 



Who should Lee ~~~~~~ end up with?

A)  Yoon Doojoon
B)  Yong Junhyung
C)  Kim Jonghyun

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Chapter 25: I'm dying waiting for your update. I just love this story.
Chapter 25: Daebakk! I meant it! Poor Doojoon.. But why must she hide herself from Doojoon? I'm so curious..
shujun #3
Chapter 24: it's been a long time..
nice update~ love it like always..^^..
hwaiting !!!
shujun #4
Chapter 23: wae?!?!??!
update soon..
hwaiting !!!
silaratan #5
Chapter 22: OMG AKRJEKGMWNDKWF Great story so far! Hope you'll update soon and I will be waiting :-) hwaiting!
shujun #6
Chapter 22: Omo! Doojoon!
Please update soon..
Chapter 20: ~ maybe continue?
UPDATE PLEASE ? Such a good storry !
omg a story to die for lol