
'Minty Sweetness' Graphic & Story Review Shop [closed]

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Review by MeowX


Title [8/10]

The title 'Ghost-Busters' seems fine enough to me, unless you have other editions of this fic starring different idols.

Appearance [9/10]

Poster seems legit enough, though the group pics at the end doesn't fit the poster much, but i get that it is difficult to find a good image for the poster. Background seems pretty unnecessary and plain but the colour fits.

Description and foreword [10/10]

It definitely told me that this fic is going to be a crack fic. Nice description; totally got my attention.

Characters [10/10]

Consistency is a key, and i think you pulled it off quite well. I feel that the personality of the BAP members are similar to who they are in real life, and it's better like that. Having reference.
I can't really give comments about the EXO characters since i'm not a fan, but the way you write them, makes them sound like they're high on weeds or something, which can be received in a good way.

Plot [39/40]

I absolutely love this plot, it's plain original and yes, definitely crack. The thing i'm curious about is: Didn't Daehyun die or something? Other than that confusing chapter, everything else is fine!

Grammar and spelling [7/10]

Generally, it is all about sentence structure and the choice of words.

Chapter 1 | Lightning cracked [from a distance behind them]

Chapter 2 | Youngjae shrugged, and [continued eating his infinite supply of cookies calmly]

Chapter 3 | The cup slipped from Tao's hand.
Baekhyun let out a blood-curdling scream. (Separate the two sentences into two different paragraphs would heighten the effect.)

Chapter 4 | Tao asked excitedly, his eyes widening in amazement.(I felt that amazement would be more suitable that anticipation)

Chapter 5 | Why the hell do you need chicken blood? / What the hell do you need chicken blood for? (Both sentences are applicable)

Chapter 6 | aiming the tiniest bit of breeze at Tao

Chapter 7 | Youngjae chirped in, contributing to the conversation, or argument, as one would call it.

Chapter 8 | Kris will overcome [any] obstacles

Chapter 9 | Yongguk threw his hands up in exasperation

Chapter 10 | "and i saw them sitting on a pile of clothes on the floor."

Chapter 11 | HImchan starting banging his head against the wall, knowing all too well what was about to come.

Overall enjoyment [10/10]

You can say that i absolutely love this fic! ^^


Total [93/100]

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Merry Christmas to everyone ^^


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Jeonsa #1
I've requested a story review~
I requested a story review :)
ilabya11 #3
I applied as graphic reviewer :)
I applied to be a graphic reviewer!
Requested for a graphic review!
I requested! c:
Chapter 22: Thank you for the review!! :)
I forgot to do this. I requested!! lol Glad I remembered.