
'Minty Sweetness' Graphic & Story Review Shop [closed]

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Review by MeowX


Title [10/10]

The title sounds really interesting, and it really makes me wonder what the story is about.

Appearance [8/10]

The poster is a simple but nice edit, and the background suits the poster. The layout of the chapter... well... makes the story look long.

Description and foreword [7/10]

Maybe it is your way of writing a description, but i personally do not like to read the author's note in the description. I prefer having author's note and all that in the foreword section.

Characters [7/10]

Zelo seems pretty normal to me except for the dreams.
Yongguk, as you said, killed for pleasure. But well, I feel that he has some sort of mental illness?

Plot [32/40]

I am not really into gore and everything, but you can say i enjoyed reading it. A suggestion is that you should add a few cliffhangers here and there... You know... keep the readers hanging in suspense.

Grammar and spelling [8/10]

 There is not much error in spelling, but here are the mistakes in grammar or sentence structure.

Foreword | Junhong [has] a secret,

Chapter 2 | Since nobody knew [who the killers were], [they were just labelled* as 'The head cutters'.]

Chapter 4 | [He was getting tired. He is tired.]

Chapter 6 | I can't see them, [I don't know where they are, but i could hear their voice].

Chapter 8 | I am [so] hungry

Chapter 10 | the corpse was a drug [dealer]

Chapter 15 | Jun Hong's eyes grew [wide] in shock.

Chapter 20 | Kyung Lim's eyes were huge [as] he approached

Chapter 30 | we think that your brother [kidnapped] Jun Hong.

Chapter 40 | He [saw Min Ah from the side of his eye]

Chapter 50 | A pain shot through his [head]

Chapter 51 | "Where [exactly are we] going?"

Overall enjoyment [7/10]

It was quite okay i would say, except um... If you would describe the scenes more vividly, it would be better. Considering English is not your native language, the standard is already very good! Work hard~


Total [79/100]

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Jeonsa #1
I've requested a story review~
I requested a story review :)
ilabya11 #3
I applied as graphic reviewer :)
I applied to be a graphic reviewer!
Requested for a graphic review!
I requested! c:
Chapter 22: Thank you for the review!! :)
I forgot to do this. I requested!! lol Glad I remembered.