
'Minty Sweetness' Graphic & Story Review Shop [closed]

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Review by Val


Title [9/10]

It's a funny title, it does help in guessing what the story would be, and it reveals a little the comedy side, though it doesn't grasp the attention from first glance.
Appearance [9/10]

Both the poster and background suit the comedy like story and I personally like how the chapters themselves are coloured and not just written in a normaln way. But the purple colour of the text kind of hurts the eyes and is distracting.
Description and Foreword [10/10]

Like I said I like the way it's coloured it gives an adorable and appealing vibe. The description is not too long and gives off some information, but not too much, just enough to spark the interest of the reader. The scene in the foreword has a really funny feeling.
Characters [7/10]

KyungHwa, being 22 as stated, is more like a typical high school teen and at first gives off the vibe of a spoiled child, but I actually like her character, beacause I can relate to it and I think most people can. However from the 3 current chapters Kris' character is a little awkward, to me at least, in the beginning he is kind of conservative, then he's funny and relaxed and suddenly becomes sarcastic towards KyungHwa. Unlike hers, his mood changes are too drastical and it's kind of bothersome.
Plot [37/40]

It's an original idea, not something cliche at least.  Stated as a comedy it does match the genre. Though the third chapter seemed a little off and weird with their bickering. I think  it shouldn't have been so long and the sarcasm is a little bit too much, even for my enjoyment (as a frequent user of sarcasm).
Grammar and spelling [10/10]

I personally didn't notice any grammatical or spelling errors.
Overall enjoyment [9/10]

Overall, even a little too early to judge, it's a nice story and I hope the act doesn't go too slow or too fast which is very important. Looking forward to the future events ~

Total [91/100]

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Jeonsa #1
I've requested a story review~
I requested a story review :)
ilabya11 #3
I applied as graphic reviewer :)
I applied to be a graphic reviewer!
Requested for a graphic review!
I requested! c:
Chapter 22: Thank you for the review!! :)
I forgot to do this. I requested!! lol Glad I remembered.