Chasers Seekers!

Quietly Loving You - a VIXX high school love story

Is it Hot?
What are these traces of flame

Is it simply the sensation of your touch?


- - - - - - - - Beautee's Living Room

ready?     Rock!   Paper!    Scissors !!    

Paper : Hongbin, Danielle, Leo, Serrah and Beautee
Rock : N, Ken, Ravi, Hyuk

Danielle, Beautee and Serrah look at each other's hand. PAPER! 
Beautee " Yay, we're all on the same team! "
Serrah " Yay ^^ "
[ looks like they really want to play, so energetic. It's cute. ]
Danielle " Ok, now that we're in teams, tell us how to play! "
Hongbin and Leo make eye contact and acknowledge each others luck.

The 4 guys who chose Rock, look at each other......... a bit disappointed..
but Ken keeps his word and starts stating the rules of the game

Ken " This is how you play Chasers Seekers, I'll give you a list of rules. Basically it's like Freeze-Tag and Hide-and-Seek together. "
Danielle " Then shouldn't it be called something like Chasers VS Hiders ? "
Ken " It's myy game so I name iiitt~! " * Ken continues his explanation *

" Hiders have stickers on them that the chasers have to peel off   * Ken takes out large hand sized stickers from his bag *
If the Chasers peel off the sticker, they've captured the Hider.
Once a Hider is captured, they're taken to the frozen zone, where another Hider can save them by tapping them on the shoulder. Winners are decided by if the Chasers catch all the Hiders by the time limit. If all the Hiders aren't caught, they win. :D "

Beautee " Ooh~ Sounds fun! We can use the whole building :D Minus the bedrooms though."
N " I have a suggestion. Why don't we add a penalty? I say...loser's have to cook us a meal :D "
  All the boys are thinking the same thing. That's N's idea is awesome! And that they hope the girls lose.
  Even Hongbin and Leo who are on the same team as them wanted to lose for a second.
Ken " OOH! Great idea N!! That's our President for you!! "
Ravi " Ooh.. Danielle cooking? I'd like to see that. "
Danielle hesitates, but only slightly " Are you sure about that? You might regret it later. "
Beautee " Fine with me! We won't lose! Right guys! "
Serrah nods her head in agreement. * nod nod *  Leo does too.
Hongbin " Yeap. "
Ken " Ok, let's choose who get to be the Chasers and Hiders. Rock Paper Scissors, N vs. Danielle, winners are Chasers, losers are Hiders "

Danielle and N face each other. star-white-clipart.jpg
 Rock!   Paper!    Scissors !! 

Danielle's scissors lose to N's rock!
Ken, Ravi and Hyuk cheer!

Chasers : N, Ken, Ravi, Hyuk
Hiders : Leo, Hongbin, Danielle, Serrah, Beautee                                                          Sticker >>>>

Ken quickly hands out the large stickers " Put the stickers on your backs :) "
" Okay~ " The girls help each other put on the stickers while Leo and Hongbin stare at theirs.
Danielle " Let me get that for you Leo. Beautee help Hongbin? "
Beautee is a bit surprised " huh..ah, okay. "  Danielle takes the stickers from Leo and Hongbin and gives one to Beautee.
Danielle puts Leo's sticker on for him and Beautee put Hongbin's sticker on for him.
[ Serrah POV : This game is getting more and more interesting.~ ]

Ken " Now let's set a Frozen Zone. I suggest the 1st floor, middle of the 2 staircases. That way you can see from the 2nd floor too. Fine with you guys? "
Beautee, Danielle, Hongbin " Fine with me. "

Ken " Now the time.. I say.. 1hour? "
Beautee " Isn't that a bit's almost 11pm " Serrah nods her head * nod nod *
Ken " 45 minutes? "
Danielle " Call(deal) "
Ken " Okay! Everyone set their cellphones to ring in 45 minutes. Oh, and Chasers, we can't call each other with our cellphones, only for emergencies. But we can yell at each other out loud. And Hiders are not allowed to lock doors."
Beautee " Do you guys want to see a map of my building? I can show you one before we start. "
N " Sure, It would help. "
Danielle " You have a map?? Cool~ btw..the doors auto-lock, can you un-lock them? "

Beautee moves to get the map. " Yes, we can :D Hyuk, unlock the door of front stairs? I'll get the back door stairs and elevator. "
Hyuk " Ne! "  Hyuk quickly unlocks the doors and elevator with the passcode 

Map of Beautee's Home Building                                    * Everyone takes a quick look at the map *
* Everyone takes out their cellphones to set the alarm *

ALARM - 00:45:00:00
ALARM - 00:44:59:00
ALARM - 00:44:59:59

Ken " Ok, Hiders go hide. We Chasers will wait 1 minute!~ "

- - Hiders have a quick strategy meeting

Danielle " Try to find the best hiding place possible "
Beautee " Call for help if you've been captured "
Hongbin " Remember all the exits. "
Danielle " Use everything you can to excape. "
Beautee " Sounds good! "
Hiders Team confirms * nod nod nod*
Danielle " Okay let's go! "

The Hiders: Danielle, Beautee, Hongbin, Leo, and Serrah head to the lower floors to hide.

- - Chasers

N " It was a great idea when you told me about this earlier Ken, but to think we'd actually get to play it so soon! "
Ken " I know right! Thanks for helping us out of the rain Hyuk, couldn't have done it without you! Just call me Ken-hyung from now on! " Ken grabs Hyuk by the shoulder to give him a quick 'bro-hug'
Hyuk " Thanks Ken-hyung ^^ "
Ravi " Well, this is more fun than the movies. It was worth getting stuck at the STN for hours. "
Ken " Remember, motivation guys. Beautee, Danielle and Serrah's home cooked meal. "
N, Ravi, Hyuk cheer. " YEAAHH!! "

                                      The game has begun.

- - 2nd Floor 

Danielle " Where should I hide..hmm "
Hyuk appears behind Danielle and quickly rips off her sticker!
Danielle " What!!? No way!! "
Hyuk " Sorry Noona, I couldn't not capture you~ You have to go to the Frozen Zone with me now :P "
Danielle " You're lucky you're cute you know! "

ALARM - 00:43:26:32 
Hider: Danielle  || First to be Captured || Chaser : Hyuk                     Frozen : 1/5

Danielle follows Hyuk down the stairs to the 1st Floor.  

- - 1st Floor

Ravi, Ken and N see Hyuk bringing down Danielle.

N of course immediately starts teasing Danielle " Oh Danielle! I feel like it's been years!! I've been starting to miss you!  "
Danielle " I only got caught because I let him ok! "

Ravi and Ken are arranging 5 chairs for the Frozen Zone.
N is put in charge of watching the Frozen Zone's captives while Ravi takes Danielle to one of the chairs " Have a seat my lady~ "
N sits in 1 of the seats.
N " Hyuk, go find the other Hiders! "
Hyuk " De(yes), N-hyung! "
Danielle takes a seat and puts her sticker back on " Someone PALI SAAVE MEE! "

Ken, Ravi and Hyuk head to different floors to look for Hongbin, Serrah, Leo and Beautee.

- - 2nd Floor

Beautee was hiding in one of the booths farther away when Danielle got caught.
[ Oh no, Danielle is caught already. I have to go save her! ]

- - 1st Floor

Hongbin is hiding in a booth right beside the stairs, right beside the frozen zone!!
The other boys don't even bother looking somewhere so close to the Frozen Zone and just pass him by.

[ Hongbin POV: Danielle is caught .. I should save her.. but at the right time.. it's no use if I get caught. I'll keep quiet for now. ]

- - 3rd Floor 

While the Chasers team all went downstairs Serrah is using this time to find a hiding place on the 3rd Floor.
[ Hmm.. what would be a good place.. somewhere bright and roomy, with corners to hide in, somewhere where they wouldn't look right away.. OH I know! ] Serrah is claustrophobic and can't handle small and dark places.

Serrah heads to the Laundry Room.

- - 2nd Floor

Ken is looking over the Kitchen counter.
[ Ken : If I was a Hider..where would I hide..hmm.. ]

Ravi takes the stairs up to the 3rd floor.

Hyuk is looking inside the private rooms at the other end of the 2nd floor.

- - 1st  Floor

N " Ah~ This is fun. " N relaxes in his chair.
Danielle " Aren't you going to look nearby? What if someone's hiding.. over there " Danielle points at the booths nearby.

[ Hongbin : Aish.. Danielle don't tell him to look around! ] Danielle's pointing directly at Hongbin! Even though she doesn't know it. Hongbin tenses, getting ready to run.

N " No way, I'm not falling for that trick, then you'll just run away. "
Danielle " What are you talking about-
N " Nope, no talking, I'm not falling for your tricks! "
[ POV : Home cooked meal by Beautee! ]

Hongbin relaxes
[ Lucky.. *phew* ]

- - 3rd Floor

Ravi opens the door of the staircase and immediately runs into Leo!!
Leo sees Ravi and starts running into the hallway!!

Ravi starts chasing him, yelling " I FOUND LEOOO!! "

Leo heads to the back staircase and then makes a last minute turn into the second hallway, making a circle back to the other front staircase!!
Ravi is right behind him.
[ I've got you! ]
When Ken appears around the corner.
Ken " Leo!!
But Leo's not there!
Ravi " Wha.. Ken, Leo was right in front of me!
Ken " I didn't see him.. "
Ravi " What.. are you sure?! I thought he turned the corner! He did go down stairs! Ya, he's in the 2nd floor! Let's go! You go that way, I'll take these stairs. "
Ken " Okay! "

- - Laundry Room / 3rd Floor

Serrah hears sounds outside the Laundry room. Then hear Ken yell " Leo!! "
[ oh.. did they catch Leo already?? I hope they don't look in here.. I just have to stay quiet.. ]

- - 1st floor

Beautee quickly made her way to the 1st floor when Ken went upstairs.
Beautee slowly and quietly makes her way into one of the kitchens just out of N's view.
There are 2 kitchens, the Western kitchen that makes western food, and the Eastern kitchen that makes eastern food.
Beautee is in the Western kitchen.
[ How can I save Danielle without getting caught.. If only N can move away from the Frozen Zone for a little while.. ]

- - 2nd Floor

Ravi is looking under some tables " Where is he.. "
Ken yells over " Ya Ravi, are you sure he's here? "
Hyuk " Ken-hyung he wasn't in the private rooms "
Ravi " let's check the kitchen, you take one side, I'll go to the other side so he can't escape. "
Hyuk " De(yes)! "
Ken " I'll go downstairs to look for him. "

- - 1st floor

Beautee looks over the Kitchen counter.
Danielle is sitting qiuietly as N looks up towards the second floor.

Danielle " I won't leave you know, you can go up if you want. "
N " Nope, I'm 100% fine down here. "
Danielle " tch.. someone hurry up and save me.. "

Hongbin takes a peek at N and Danielle in the Frozen Zone.
[ How can I save Danielle without getting caught.. ]

Beautee sees a small movement, a shadow of a person in the booths.
[ Oh! Is that someone hiding too! Ah but they're so far away.. how do I get there without getting caught.. If I distract N, that person will go save Danielle.. right.. probably.. ]

At this time Ken arrives from the 2nd floor.
Ken " Yo N, see Leo come down here? "
N " Leo? No.. just Danielle. Wae(why)? "
Ken " Nothing, Ravi was chasing him, but he just disapeared. I'm going to look around the private rooms at the back then. " Ken heads to the Private rooms farther away.
N " Sure, good luck! "

Beautee watches as Ken takes the middle hall going to the private rooms.
[ ok.. count to 10 .. 1  - 2  - 3  - 4  - 5  - 6  - 7  - 8  - 9   - !! ]

Beautee climbs onto the Kitchen counter!
Beautee loudly whispers " Don't worry Danielle I'll save you! "
Danielle turns around at the sound of Beautee's loud whisper, N hears her too.

N " Beautee, stay right there! " N runs towards the counter!

Beautee is quickly off the counter and back in the kitchen.
N [ ah..bouya(what to do) I have to go around ] N turns around to go to the Kitchen's back door, when he sees Hongbin tapping Danielle!
N " YAH!! GUYS!! They're down here!! PALI!! "

Danielle and Hongbin run in different directions before N finishes his sentence!
Beautee's hear's N's voice calling for back-up.
[ Yes! That person saved Danielle! ]

N " Beautee.. I know you're in the kitchen.. "

[ Beautee : Oh no.. ]

- -

Hongbin runs, but not far, he quickly dives into a booth as Ken runs back to the Frozen Zone.
[ phew, safe. Beautee did a good job distracting N, did she know I was nearby? ]

ALARM - 00:33:59:05
Hider: Danielle  || Freed  || Hiders : Beautee & Hongbin                  Frozen : 0/5

- - 2nd Floor

Danielle runs up the stairs to the 2nd floor.
[ I should go to the 3rd floor, no one seems to be looking there! Hopefully Beautee and Hongbin don't get caught. Thanks guys! ]

Danielle makes her way through the booths towards the front stairs to go to the 3rd Floor.
[ I should be sneaky.. Ravi was up here.. I can't be caught again. ]

Danielle takes slow qiuet steps and hides inside each booth one at a time.
[ Did they go up to the 3rd floor.. it's really quiet up here.
Danielle stays in the shadows of the tables and reaches the front stairs.

When she's grabbed by the waist from behind. It's Ravi!
Danielle manages to suppress a scream.
Ravi whispers in Danielle's ear " gotchu~ "

Danielle screams in a really high pitch " KYAAAAAA!! " So far for suppressing a scream.
Ravi's arms lose their grip as the scream pierces through his ears.
Danielle quickly runs up the stairs as Ravi clutches his left ear with his hand.
[ I can't be caught again!! Sorry Ravi.. >: anyways why was he whispering, giving me goosebumps. ]

Ravi " . . . ow. "

Hyuk comes running, but Danielle's already out of sight.
Hyuk " Hyung, kwenchana(are you alright)? Who.."
Ravi " Don't worry about it, I'm heading upstairs, keep your eye out if someone comes down ok? "
Hyuk " De(yes)! "

- - 1st Floor

KYAAAAA!! " Danielle's scream echoes throughout the building.

Hongbin hears the scream while hiding in the booth  [ Bouya(what the)..?? ]

Ken is with N when they hear the scream.
N " haha, I think Danielle got caught again xD "
Ken looks into the Kitchen area, no movement " probably.. "

Ken and N are circling the kitchen area, when Beautee is trapped.
Ken " Come out Beautee, you can join Danielle in the Frozen Zone~ "
N whispers to Ken " Ken, look over the counter to see movement okay, I'll go around to the kitchen entrance and sneak up on her. "
Ken nods " Beautee, you'll have to come out eventually~ "

Hongbin [ Maybe I should go check .. ]
Hongbin gets out of the booth and quietly makes his way towards the far kitchen.

Beautee's hiding behind the freezer.
[ Oh ottokae(what to do) I'm trapped.. maybe if I run from the Kitchen entrance I can get to the 2nd floor.. ]
Beautee slowly inches her way back to the kitchen entrance.

N sees Beautee getting out of the kitchen and quickly calls Ken " Ken! Yoegi(Over here)! "
Beautee runs into the back hall, since N is blocking the way to the closest staircase, Beautee has no choice but try the back stairs.
N is quickly after Beautee, with Ken following!

Beautee turns right towards the Eastern kitchen and sees Hongbin!
Hongbin is signaling for her to go quickly!
Beautee runs and makes a left, towards the back stairs, passing Hongbin.

Hongbin jumps out and blocks N and Ken's way. " Hey guys, ladies first remember? "

Beautee runs into the back stairs. [ Thanks Hongbin! I owe you! ]

N and Ken eventually overpower Hongbin, removing his sticker.

ALARM - 00:29:02:49
Hider : Hongbin || Captured || Chasers : N & Ken             Frozen : 1/5

- - 3rd Floor

Danielle's made her way to the back stairs of the 3rd floor wonder if she should go down when she hears a door open far away. [ Oh no! Someone's here! ]
Danielle decides to head into the staircase and meets-!

- -

Serrah quietly opens the door of the Laundry room, taking a peek outside.
[ It's been so's no fun waiting in here. ]
Serrah sees no one in the hallway and heads towards the back staircase.
[ Where-to next.. the Library soundss like a good place, I can find things to read.. I should have went there first! ]
Serrah makes her way down the hall when she hears Ravi's voice far away. " Danielle? I know you're up here.. "
[ Ravi!! ..Danielle? She's up here? ]
Serrah is surrounded by 3 doors.
[ Ah..which one was the Library again.. ah pali brain..which one was it?? ] Ravi is slowly making his way to the Laundry Room, when Serrah hears another sound. Someone just opened a door..the back stairs?!
Serrah takes a step towards the door to the left *step*
Ah, ottokae..!! ]
Someone starts running from the back hallway!!

- -

Ravi  walks passed the Laundry Room and sees Hyuk running. " Hyuk! Have you seen Danielle? "
Hyuk " Oh, it was you Ravi-hyung!? I heard someone in this hallway.. Danielle-noona? I haven't seen her.. And I just came out of the back staircase.. are you sure she was here? "
Ravi " She must be in one of the rooms.. let's split up, you take the Living Room and Kitchen, I'll check these rooms. "
Hyuk " De(yes), hyung! "

- -

Seconds before.

Serrah reaches her hand towards the door to her left when the door on the right opens.
[ Huh!? ]  Leo looks down and makes eye contect with Serrah.
Someone starts running from the back hallway!!
Serrah's mind goes blank and she runs into Leo, pushing him back into the room. The door quietly closing behind them as Hyuk and Ravi meet outside.

Serrah is frozen in place from the sudden move. Ravi and Hyuk can be heard talking just outside the door.

Ravi  walks passed the Laundry Room and sees Hyuk running. " Hyuk! Have you seen Danielle? "
[ ottokaji..!!! they'll catch us both if they open that door! ] Serrah's arms are on Leo's chest. Leo's still and quiet but you can feel his heart beating.
Hyuk " Oh, it was you Ravi-hyung!? I heard someone in this hallway.. Danielle-noona? I haven't seen her.. And I just came out of the back stairs.. are you sure she was here? "
[ ah..we're going to get captured!! ] Serrah and Leo are both tense, ready to run when the door opens.
Ravi " She must be in one of the rooms.. let's split up, you take the Living Room and Kitchen, I'll check the Laundry and Studio. "
[ where am I anyways..??  this isn't the library.. ]
Hyuk " De(yes) hyung! "
Sounds of Ravi and Hyuk leaving, pass through the door.
[ phew, they're gone.. for now. ] Serrah relaxes and drops her hands that were pressed against Leo's chest. Hands clammy from nerves, Serrah finds something to distract her.
[ oh, a heart made of game controllers, this must be the Game Room, how pretty. ]
Serrah walks around Leo and in front of the TV.
[ there's no places to hide here.. ah but there's a couch. ]
Serrah takes a seat on the couch, the sudden movements after sitting so long in the Laundry Room has made her body feel cramped.
Leo watches Serrah and takes a seat on the couch too.
The couch rises slightly on Serrah's side as it balances out Leo's weight. 
[ oh yeah.. Leo's here.. was he planning on leaving? Did I disrupt him.. would I get caught by Hyuk or Ravi if I leave right now..? ]
Before Serrah makes a motion to leave, Leo takes out a box of pocky. Danielle gave one to everyone earlier. He opens it and casually eats a Pocky stick while sitting on the couch. Serrah looks at the Pocky..

- - 2nd Floor

Danielle runs into the back staircase where she meets.. Beautee!
Quietly the 2 head to the Cafe on the 2nd floor and go to the nearest Private Room.
Danielle and Beautee start talking in quick whispers.
Danielle " So what happened? Where is everyone? "
Beautee " Hongbin got caught in my place when I was getting chased by N and Ken. "
Danielle " And Serrah? "
Beautee " I haven't seen her, Leo too "
Danielle " Well, then, since they're good. We have to go save Hongbin! "
Beautee " How? Do you have a plan? Ken and N are probably both there guarding him.. "

Danielle " True.. they most likely expect us to save him too. "
Beautee " We need-

- - 1st Floor

Hongbin " Guys.. you don't both need to guard me.. I mean come on.. "
N " Nope if my guess is correct Beautee will definitely try to unfreeze you, and she might bring someone else to help "
Ken " Sorry Hong, we're watching you like hawks. " Ken pretends to hold binoculars up to his eyes.

- - 3rd Floor

Ravi looks inside the Laundry Room. He takes a quick look and sees that the clothes in the Dryer are almost done drying.
[ empty ]
Ravi looks in the Studio.
[ empty ]
Ravi looks in the washroom.
[ empty, why would she even hide in the washroom, you can't escape the washroom. ]
Ravi opens the door to the Game Room.
[ empty, next the Library ]
Ravi is about to close the door when he sees something on the ground.
[ A broken Pocky Stick? Danielle was here!! ]
Ravi rushes out the other door of the Game Room, into the hallway.
[ She probably went back down to the lower floors while I chased her up here..! ]
Ravi runs into the back staircase to go downtairs!

- - before Ravi opened the door of the Game Room

Leo notices Serrah looking at his box of Pocky.
Leo takes another Pocky Stick out of the box when the doorknob clicks. *click*
Serrah looks at Leo, and runs towards the other door in a flash!
Leo is right behind her and they run into the back staircase just as Ravi slams the door open.
Leo wonders where to hide next, no way is he getting caught!  -when Serrah clicks the Elevator button.
The Elevator doors open immediately and Serrah hops in, pressing the 'close' button like lightning.
Serrah whispers urgently " Pali! before Ravi gets here!! "
The doors begin to close, and Leo jumps into the elevator just before they shut, hiding the two.
Ravi bursts through the doors of the backstaircase, just missing Serrah and Leo.

- - 2nd Floor

Danielle and Beautee are in a Private Room discussing a way to save Hongbin.
Beautee " We need- "
Suddenly the rain picks up outside and a bolt of lightning strikes close by! The lights flicker and darkness. The power goes out AGAIN!!
Danielle quickly gets her cellphone and uses it like a mini flashlight, " Perfect! Now we have a better chance of saving Hongbin! "
Beautee takes her phone out too " The others won't stop playing because of the power outtage? "
Danielle " Send them all a text saying to keep playing! It's more fun this way! "

- - 1st Floor

The rain picks up outside and a bolt of lightning strikes close by! The lights flicker and darkness. The power goes out!
N " Ah! BOUYA(What the)!! Why did the power go out!? What is this?? Wae?!..Ah..Ken.. where are you guys.. I don't like this " N, is not good with the dark. No.. he's a chicken, he's bad with anything close to a haunted house.
Ken " AYE CHINCHA! The power went out! does this mean we have to stop playing? "
Hongbin is quickly on his cellphone typing a text message.
N " Ya! Hongbin I can see you texting! That's cheating! " The light from Hongbin's phone is lighting up Hongbin's hands and face in a dim light. Before Hongbin presses 'send'            *bzz-

- - 3rd Floor / Back Elevator - Going Down

The lights flicker off and the Elevator comes to a shaking stop! It's pitch black!                           
Serrah jumps at the sudden shaking of the elevator, throwing her towards the wall!
                                                                                                     . . !                                                               
Serrah [ ow.. that hurt .. o- ] Serrah feels a hand resting on her head.
Leo " Ow.. " Serrah's phone is blinking, lighting up Leo's face. Serrah let go of her phone during the shake, how did it end up on Leo's face?
[ Wait a second.. Leo's face? But I'm on the floor..why is Leo's face there?? Huh? Are we standing? My phone's floating!? no impossible.. what..?? ]
While Serrah is figuring things out, Leo's other hand picks up Serrah's phone. The light blinking again and again. Without a word Leo leans up and moves back, against the Elevator wall, pulling Serrah who's on top of him along like air. Leo tried catching her when he saw her fly as the Elevator came to a stop, but he lost his balance and they somehow got into this position.
*silence* Leo's leaning against the wall.
*silence* Serrah's leaning against Leo's chest, oddly sitting on his lap sorta.
Serrah's quiet but steady voice breaks the silence " kwen-Kwenchana? (You're not hurt?) "
Leo replies after a short pause "  Kwenchana(Yes, I'm not hurt).        Na Kwenchana? (How about you?) "
Serrah " Ne, Kwenchana. (Yes, I'm ok.)" Serrah sees her phone blinking in Leo's hand. " My phone.. "

ALARM - 00:22:31:01                                  
                                                                                               LIGHTS OUT !!                          

              *bzz-bzz-bzz-bzz*               *zzt-zzt-zzt-zzt*                       *blink blink blink*
*zt-zt-zt-zt*                  *the lights blink on someone cellphone*                          *bzz bzz bzz *            

Incoming text message from Beautee!

Mass Text  To : Serrah, Leo, Hongbin, Hyuk, Ravi, Ken, N

The power went out! But keep playing!!
   btw thanks for saving me Hongbin!
But now you're on your own ;P   - Bea

- - 1st Floor

Ken closes his phone. " Awesome the game is still on! "
N " Chincha(really).. I can't play in the dark.. what if something appears, like a ghost?! AAH! what's that!!? "
Ken " N, relax, it's me! "
Hongbin " Look guys, Beautee said I'm on my own, you don't need to guard me anymore.. "
N " No way, I'm not falling for your tricks! You probably planned this! "
Hongbin " You mean the power going out just when I get caught and this text? How can I? "
Ken " Telepathy!! We'll take an even closer watch over you, can't take any chances! "
Hongbin looks at his phone with a worried expression.

- - 3rd Floor

Serrah " My phone.. "
Leo " ah.. " Leo who's been holding onto Serrah's phone brings it closer to Serrah.
She's not scared? ]
* Serrah moves her arm out to get the phone. *

Leo feels Serrah's hands.. shaking slightly, as she takes the cellphone.
[ She's scared? ]
Serrah stares at her phone.
Leo stares at the glowing phone too.
[ hm? ]
After a slight pause, Serrah quickly opens her messages and reads Beautee's Mass Text. [ Huh? Beautee sent a text .. the game is still on,.. and Hongbin is by himself...? ] Serrah realizes the strange sitting position they're in. " Wa! Sorry! I'll get off now! "
Serrah gets off of Leo and stands, unconsciously brushing herself off from any dust from the floor. Leo gets up as well and moves towards the Elevator doors.
Leo turns his phone's screen light setting up, and uses it like a small flashlight.
doors' shut tight.. ]
Leo " uh.. we're stuck. "
Serrah " eh?!?   I mean, fine with me, is that all? "
[ She's not scared? ]
Leo's phone starts buzzing, and Serrah jumps, quickly grabbing a hold of Leo's back/shirt " Kyaa! "
Leo quickly checks his phone, it's the Mass Text from Beautee, he quickly reads it and wonders what to do.
Serrah is silently gripping onto Leo's shirt.
[ She seems pretty scared to me. What to do.. ]

Leo adds a new contact. The light from both phones dimly light up the Elevator, so Leo and Serrah can roughly see each others outlines.

 Contact Name : Scaredy Cat 

Leo sends a text message.

- - 1st Floor

Beautee and Danielle have devised a plan!
Beautee will sneak up behind Hongbin, N and Ken while Danielle throws scrunched papers to scare and distract them. While they're distracted Beautee will run and tap Hongbin and then everyone runs away!

Danielle suggested throwing warm jello pieces at N, to mimic slime, but they didn't want to have to send N to the hospital.

Beautee heads to the back staircase to go around. Danielle get's into position at the stairs closest to the boys. Bag of scrunched paper balls ready.

Beautee arrives at the Western Kitchens hallway and shows a quick reflection of her cellphone light!
Time to execute the plan!

Danielle can't really see where Ken and N are, but you can hear them whispering and mumbling as they watch over Hongbin. Danielle starts throwing the paper hoping to hit N or Ken on the head.

N " Did you hear that?! I definitely heard a crunching noise this time! "
Ken " For the 3rd time, there's nothing the- " *crunch*
N " Did you hear that! SEE! Something's there!! "
Ken " Hongbin did you step on something? "
Hongbin " Nope.. " *crunch*
N " Something's there !! I heard it for sure! Ken go check it out! I'll stay here with Hongbin. "
Ken " What, I have to go by myself? "
N " You want me to go ??! "

Beautee makes her way closer to Ken, N and Hongbin undetected.

Ken " I'll stay here and you can go with Hongbin! "
Hongbin " Bouya(what?) I'm frozen, I can't leave the Frozen Zone. " *crunch!*
N " There it is again! it's getting closer !! It's a ghost I tell you!  "
Ken " Ya, why would there be a ghost in a restaurant stop over reacting! Fine I'll go take a look.. "

Beautee finally reaches Hongbin and taps his shoulder. Hongbin is surprised but his shock isn't heard.
One of Danielle's scrunched paper balls hits the bullseye! N's neck!
N screams and grabs onto Hongbin's arm!! " AAAAAAHHH!! What was that! Hongbin did you - "
N looks down - " Beautee??!! " N grabbed Beautee isntead of Hongbin and Hongbin is already a few steps away!
N " Ken!! It was a trick! Pali! Hongbin's running away! "

Danielle [ Abort Mission! Abort Mission! ] Danielle executes a plan before someone gets caught: run as far as possible! Danielle throws the rest of the papers down and starts running!

Ken wasn't too far and quickly turns around to chase after Hongbin.

The rest of the scrunched papers fall all around N! " AAAHHH! BOUYA! WHO'S THERE! Beautee how many of you are there?! Yah! " Before Beautee can escape N remembers and quickly removes her sticker. " You're not leaving me alone right? "
Beautee [ Danielle told me N didn't like the dark..but.. o.o...]

ALARM - 00:19:37:14
Hider : Hongbin || Freed || Hiders : Danielle & Beautee
Hider : Beautee || Captured || Chaser : N                                   Frozen : 1/5

- - 1st Floor

Hongbin runs passed the stairs, passing the Eastern Kitchen, but it's dark and he runs into a small table! " AAhh! "
Ken hears him and reaches out, catching Hongbin by the arm. Hongbins runs again but there's another table in the way!
Hongbin tries to get away and Ken struggles to find his sticker in the dark!!

Ken whispers as he looks for the sticker on Hongbin " Hongbin..why are you trying to win so much? "
Hongbin pushes away from Ken " What do you mean? Beautee said I was on my own, but she came to save me anyways, I should be running away. "
Ken " Remember the punishment?? The girls will cook us food! "
Hongbin remembers the deal and hesitates " Oh yeah.. "
Ken " If you lose, you still win! Sounds good right? "
Hongbin " Yes, it does..but- " Ken using Hongbin's hesitation, spots the sticker and *ripppp!* Hongbin is Captured!

ALARM - 00:18:40:27
Hider : Hongbin || Captured || Chaser : Ken               Frozen : 1/5    2/5

- - 2nd Floor

Ken left Hongbin at the Frozen Zone with N so N has more company. Plus after catching Hongbin he thinks he can capture everyone. [ of course, my chasing skills are the best! hahahaha ]

Ken sees Hyuk with his phone light on, turn the corner.
Ken " Oh, Hyuk, any luck? I just caught Beautee and Hongbin! Let's tag team and capture someone else! "
Hyuk " Really hyung? Wow! Okay, let's go! "

- - Back Elevator

Leo and Serrah are stuck in the Elevator because of the power outage.

* Serrah's phone starts blinking again * * 1 NEW MSSG *
Serrah checks her messages.

text from : Hongbin
mssg : Eodiga? (Where are you?)
   Kwenchana? ( Are you okay?)
I've been captured, do you want me
to stop the game and look for you?
                              - Hongbin

[ ... typical Hongbin. I-I'm not scared..I'm fine. Yeah, 100% fine. It's not scary-it's not..]

*blink blink* * 1 NEW MSSG *

text from : Unknown Sender
mssg : You should just say so If you're scared.
                    Scaredy Cat =@w@=

[ what?? who..

Leo starts to sit back down, Serrah who's holding onto his shirt follows along and sits on the floor of the Elevator too.
* tk tk tk tk tk * Leo is typing away on his phone. Serrah can't see because Leo's facing away from her. *send*

* 1 NEW MSSG *
[ what, again? ]

text from : Unknown Sender
mssg : Your phone hurt a lot when it hit my face.

[ EHH?! He couln't have gotten my number from that.. ]

Serrah quickly sends a reply.

reply to : Unknown Sender
mssg : Leo ?

Serrah looks at Leo's back in front of her.
* 1 NEW MSSG *

text from : Unknown Sender
mssg : Ne (yes)

Leo turns around to face Serrah.

[ EEHHH??!! ]

- - 3rd Floor

Danielle is in the Living Room looking for a good corner to hide when Ken walks through the front staircase door.

Ken whispers quietly enough so that Danielle doesn't hear " Hyuk, this is what we'll do, once you find someone just yell and we'll start chasing them! They can't run too far in the dark! "
Hyuk " Ne Ken-hyung. But what if they're far away? "
Ken " We'll sneak up on them first. Just follow my lead. "

Danielle finally hears the 2 boys and starts running!
Hyuk sees her shadow pass over the light of the window.
Hyuk " Ken-hyung! It's Danielle-noona! "
Danielle is running to the 2nd hallway to go to the back staircase! " Ouji ma!! ( Don't come closer!!) "
Ken and Hyuk start chasing after her!!

Hyuk " Hyung! Go through the Studio and try cutting her off! "
Ken " OKAY! "

Ken turns into the Studio.
Hyuk continues to run after Danielle and almost catches her, when Danielle throws a pillow from the living room at his face!! " OUFF! "
Danielle " Hyuk? Sorry I thought you were Ken! "
Hyuk grabs hold of the pillow and continues running. 

- - Back Elevator

Leo turns to face Serrah after recieving the text messages.

Serrah " I said I wasn't scared! "
Since it's dark and Serrah can't see Leo's face clearly, she imagines Leo's stare directed at her.
Serrah " I am scared! Wae? We're stuck in an elevator plus it's really dark ! Anyone would be scared ok! "

Leo " . . . . we can call for help. "   Leo holds up his phone, lighting up Serrah's face a little.

Serrah is torn about what to do, Serrah remembers Hongbin's text.
Serrah " No! Don't.. "
Leo " ..m? "
Serrah " I don't want to lose! Even if I am scared.." Serrah's voice trails off.

Leo [ good, I don't want to lose too. ] Leo's super competitive by nature.

- - 1st Floor

Ravi ges down the stairs and joins N, Beautee and Hongbin.

N is happy to have more company " Ravi!! Where have you been?! :D "
Ravi " The lights went out when I was running down the staircase.. almost died! N..don't turn around... " Ravi says in an ominous voice.
N " W-Wae?! . . . ahh, I'm not falling for that!! Stop trying to scare me! "

- - 3rd Floor

Danielle is still being chased around the 3rd floor!

Danielle " Ouji ma(don't come closer) ! Chincha Ouji ma(Reallly stop it) ! " Danielle get's to the front staircase and goes down the stairs.
Ken and Hyuk are quickly after her. 
Danielle runs across the second floor to the back staircase, as quietly as possible!
[ If I'm going to get caught I might as well try saving Beautee and Hongbin! ]

Danielle goes down the stairs to the 1st Floor.

- - 1st Floor

" N! "

N " WHAAAA!! "
Ravi " Oh, chincha(really) there's someone there??  hahaha xD "

It's Ken yelling from the 2nd Floor!

Ken " N, it's me Ken, chill out, have you seen Danielle? She just came down from the 3rd Floor! "
Ravi "Danielle? I just got down here, I haven't seen her. "
Ken " Are you sure?! "
N " Ya, stop yelling up there and come down here! "
Ken " She might be up here though!! "

While Ken is distracting N and Ravi, Danielle stealthily reaches the Frozen Zone.
Beautee and Hongbin see her but keep quiet.

[ 3 - 2 - 1 - GO! ] Danielle runs up to Beautee and Hongbin and taps them on the shoulder!
Beautee and Hongbin start running in different directions! Danielle runs back towards the backstaircase!

N turns around at the sudden noise and sees Danielle, Beautee and Hongbin running away!
Ravi sees a shadow go up the stairs!

N " Ken! They've escaped! Pali! Someone's going up to the second floor! Ravi go get Danielle! She went down that hall! Pali! "

ALARM - 00:12:09:42
Hiders : Beautee & Hongbin || Freed || Hider : Danielle                  Frozen : 0/5

- - Everywhere
It's a mad chase!!

Hyuk and Ken are chasing after Beautee who's running on the 2nd Floor.
Ravi is chasing after Danielle who's running back to the back staircase!
Hongbin was heading that way too, and is quickly behind Ravi.
N is by himself at the Frozen Zone.

N " Guys? Where are you? Why did you leave me alone..?! Where am I.. Ahh! " N is stuck at the Frozen Zone.

- -

Danielle screams as Ravi chases after her in the staircase. " KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! "
The scream can be heard throughout the building.

- -

Ken " Hyuk! Where are you? Try blocking the stairs! "
Hyuk " Which stairs? There's too many! "
Beautee knows the layout of the cafe very well, so Ken and Hyuk can't catch her!

" KYAAA!! " You can hear Danielle screaming from here.

- -

Hongbin followed Ravi up to the 3rd Floor but he's disappeared!
" Danielle?! Eodiga(Where are you)? Ravi? "

- -

KYAAA!! " Danielle's scream pierces through the Elevator doors.
Serrah jumps at the scream dropping her phone on the floor.
Serrah reaches for her phone, Leo does too.  * Serrah and Leo's hands touch *
Serrah's surprised and pulls her hand back, embarrassed " Ah, mian(sorry) "
Serrah quickly picks up her phone, when her stomach grumbles. *grr~*

Leo "'re hungry? "
Serrah " A-ani(no)-I'm not hungry. "

Leo takes out his box of Pocky and holds it towards Serrah.
Serrah takes a Pocky Stick, surprisingly they weren't crushed during the fall earlier.
Serrah's glad that Leo can't see her face turning red. [ aish, this is embarrassing ]

- -

Ken and Hyuk have cornered Beautee down at the 1st floor.
Ken " Time's almost up! Hyuk go look for the others! ! "
Beautee " Hyuk, you're not going to leave me here right? "
Hyuk " Sorry noona, I'll see you in a few minute~ ^^;

- - 

Hongbin tries texting Serrah again.
[ Where did everyone disappear to? ]

- -

Ravi has Cornered Danielle in the dark library.
Ravi has a serious face as he slowly takes a step towards Danielle.
Danielle's back bumps into the bookshelf  "'s'll let me go right? "
Danielle tries thinking of a way to escape.
Ravi jumps towards Danielle, Danielle flinches and tries running towards the other side of the room but Ravi stops her! Ravi's arms are blocking Danielles way, she's trapped.
Ravi smirks, with an ominous voice, " Where do you think you're going~ "
Danielle is nervous " Ya, Ravi, You know who you're talking to right?! "
Danielle is wondering if she should scream again, when Ravi leans in, close to her face! Danielle takes a deep breath. *huup*
Ravi's face gets closer and closer. Danielle defiantly turns her head to look at Ravi!
* Danielle and Ravi make eye contact * 
Danielle hesitates to scream.
Ravi winks. *ripppp* Ravi says with a smile " Got your sticker!! "
Danielle is in dismay " BOUYAA(WHAT THE HECK)!!! " and pushes at Ravi's chest.
The lights flicker back on and the orange-ness of Ravi's pajama's burn!!

        !     *r-ring r-ring r-ring *               ALARM - 00:00:00:00         !

end of Chapter 12 : Chasers Seekers ~

authors note~
 Hello Hello Hello ~     How did you like the sleepover chapter ? Tell me your fave moment :P 
   I'm still trying to figure out the picture problem, if you see a broken picture please tell me! :D    
            I'm gonna go start writing the next chapter now xD
   See you in the next chapter my lovely reader-nims <3 

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it's been so long since you've last updated. :(
Green_Chinmayi #2
Chapter 17: Author nimmm~ when are you going to update this storyyy?? T^T ... is this the end?! I cant get myself its hanging just like thisss :'((
zin1004 #3
Chapter 17: are back....*^*
Chapter 17: Yaaayyy you updated!! ^^ I'm so happy~~ I'm going to go back and re-read the aquarium chapters - I've forgotten what happened.. ^^" I'm glad you're back!
Chapter 17: So happy that there is a New chapter. Thanks
zin1004 #6
Chapter 17: favorite one is back...!!!!....happy to die...^^
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Chapter 16: love it so muuchhh :)))
zin1004 #9
really love ur story... plz update soon... plzzzz...
Chapter 16: I miss this story...please update if you can!