Chapter 7 part 1

[PG-13] LIFE


Chapter 7

Scene:Onew ordered Min Ho to bring Jae Yung to see doctor but he was not free. He had to record Dream Team; hence, Onew was choosing someone else. He moved his mouth from left to right and vice versa, making one eye big and one eye small looking up, putting his right hands on his chin. Thinking hard.

‘Since Min Ho is not free today, we need someone to bring Jae Yung to hospital.’ Onew said while tapping his right foot.

‘Me, me! I’m free today.’ Tae Min volunteered and running out with joy.

‘No, no, no. Remember what I told you? You are not going anywhere today. We need to record song today.’ Key joined the conversation, lecturing Tae Min.  

‘I’ll record when I get back!’

‘No. You can’t!’

‘I want!’ Tae Min insisted.

‘If you want to go, answered me these few question.’ Key’s mummy behavior came back.

‘First, have you recorded your part?’

‘No.’ He locked his arms with a little head bow down with a very low voice.

Have you practice your dance today?’

‘No.  But..but I’m called the dancing machine! I can practice later.’ He continued.

‘But are you as buff as Jong Hyun or Min Ho?’

‘No.’ Tae Min said disappointedly. ‘So means what? Jong Hyun is gonna bring Jae Yung to see the doctor?’

‘Wow ! You are smart this time!’ Key praised Tae Min sarcastically.

‘He is the best choice. He is buff enough to carry Jae Yung. He had recorded his part and he had finished learning his dance.’

Jong Hyun that looked innocent, sitting down on a lazy chair while reading book, sat up immediately. ‘What?’ Both Jong Hyun uttered it out loud.

Okay, honestly I prefer Min Ho or Tae Min or Onew or maybe..Urmm.. that irritating Key but definitely NOT Jong Hyun! I’ve got nothing to talk to him! And he doesn’t seem to like me, I thought.

‘What? I need to bring her? Why me? Why not you (referring to Key) or Onew Hyung?’ Jong Hyun said, while trying to push away the responsibility given to him.

‘Because you fulfilled ALL *stressing the word, ‘ALL’* the requirements that I asked Tae Min just now. I need to record my part today and Hyung need to practice dance with Tae Min. You are the best choice.’ Key gave a big smile to Jong Hyun and ended up with a few eye blinks.

Aishhh.. If bringing me to see doctor is that troublesome, I’ll just go by myself. While the boys were still discussing who should follow me to see doctor, I grabbed my bag and limped to the door, trying to get out of the house.

‘Where are you going?’ Tae Min asked.

I’ll go by myself. It is not that painful anymore. I’ll make sure that I’ll be back by 3.’ I stepped out the house without saying bye.

‘Jong Hyun. What are you still doing here? Get going!!!’ Onew rushed Jong Hyun.

‘Aishhh…. What a trouble!!!’ He grumbled.

‘You better don’t do anything to her else I’ll kill you when you are back!!’ Tae Min’s warning voice was heard although I was nearing the lift.

While I was reaching the lift, Jong Hyun jogged in front of me and pressed the lift button. He wore a funny specs and a cap. He smiled to me and I gave him a smile in return. He offered to carry me but I said ‘It’s okay. I’ll walk, but in a slow pace’ although I was in pain every step I took. Both of us did not have much conversation until a small, tiny accident arose.

When we were walking to the hospital, Jong Hyun leaded a way that had to pass by a playground. This is to avoid attention from the public and it was a shorter way to reach hospital. However, when we were walking, a bicycle was coming from the opposite direction, losing control. The bicyclist was cycling very fast and he was not able to get hold of the bicycle’s speed. He tried to break the bicycle by pressing the break on the handle but failed. His legs were wide open while his bike was swaging, left and right.

‘Move away! Move away!’  The bicyclist shouted before ramped into us. I stood paralysed, looking at the bicycle rushing fast towards my direction.

To avoid from his bang, I swaged myself on the right (Jong Hyun was standing on my right) a little. Jong Hyun saw and quickly grabbed my shoulder from behind. I lost my balance and fall into his muscular right arm and his left arm was across his body, grabbing my waist. I was looking straight into his eyes. His eyes were beautiful, bling bling shining crystal clear. I felt that I had a conversation with his eyes. I felt the chemistry when both of us exchanged stare for few seconds until we heard a loud bang sound!

‘Bang….’, the boy hit on a big tree. I quickly got up from Jong Hyun hand and we walked over to the poor boy side.

‘Are you okay? Are you injured?’ I asked, helping the boy up while Jong Hyun lifted up the bicycle.

‘I guess so. I’m feeling a little dizzy. I see stars on my head.’ The boy said while trying to massage his forehead a little.

‘I think it is not stars. But a STARRRRRRR…. SHINee….. Kim Jong Hyun….’ The boy widen his eyes, staring at Jong Hyun but Jong Hyun that didn’t know anything looked so blur.

‘I’m your fan! My sister loves you a lot.’

‘Really? Thank you very much. Are you okay? Do you need to see a doctor?’ Jong Hyun concerned.

The boy shocked his head, looking blur. ’N… No nee… need.. Am I dreaming? It is SHINee!!’ the boy was jumping up and down with joy, forgetting all pains. Jong Hyun just gave him a wide smile. Jong Hyun gave him a signature as he demanded for it.

When we were walking back, the memory flashed back when we passed the playground again. I shocked my head and chuckled.

‘Ya.... what are you laughing at?’

‘Nothing, nothing.’ I was biting my finger nails and chuckled again.

‘Ya…. What? Tell me!’

‘Hahaha. Nothing, just thinking about what happened just now. Did you see his expression when he saw you just now? So funny!!!!’

‘Ermm.. This is considered normal. You haven’t met even crazy fans. Some will pull you and hurt you. But I don’t think we are that popular because you don’t even know who we are!’ Jong Hyun said disappointedly, trying to hint his words to me.

‘Yahhh… It is not like that okay? I guess I’ve heard about SHINee before but just that I’m not into Kpop. I’m more to Epop or CPop.’ I tried to explain.

Jong Hyun gave a small laugh. ‘YAHH… where are your manners? How can you call me, yahhh??’

‘Errrr.. Bianhe, Jong Hyun shii.’

‘I’m not that old okay? Call me Jong Hyun oppa.’

‘Oppa??? That’s weird.’

‘Your 15 right? Even Tae Min is older than you. You should call us oppa. Don’t tell me that you just want to call us, Jong Hyun-shii, Tae Min shii, Onew shii for the rest of your life???’

‘Errrrrrrr…..Jong Hyun’

‘Oppa.’ He stressed the word out. ‘Call me Oppa or I’ll give a knock on your head!’ He raised his hand with his prepared his knuckles, going to hit me anytime. I bended down while put both my hands up, trying to avoid him from hitting me for real.

‘Errr… oppa.’ I spitted it out and he chuckled.


This is weird. I’ve never ever call another guy ‘oppa’ before besides Ji Sun oppa and my male cousins that are elder than me. It is a weird for me to call the SHINee boys, oppa. But Jong Hyun was right. If I do not call them oppa, I can’t be calling their names with a ‘shii’ or calling them ‘yahh’. So, I guess…. I must… call them…. ‘OPPA!’



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Janics~~ so long i wait for update hehe~~ i ended up comment here not in swm..i re-read it again there after this~~<br />
<br />
ontae~ <3<3<3<br />
=Tae Min put his thumb into his mouth and it while he was sleeping.= <br />
^my taemin's image ><<br />
waaaahhhh~~ key kiss her~~kekekeke <br />
Go minho! spy mode on!<br />
<br />
u focus on OS more? hik..its ok~ ur OS r the best~ oh thats remind me..<br />
fighting Janics~^^
Hi !! Sorry I haven't comment in a while, been working alot !! I just finished reading all the way up to your new up date ,and I got to say I love your story, Im a SS501 fan all the way ,but for the past couple of months i've been crazy about SHINee hehe, I love reading story's with SHINee, and I love yours,keep up the good work my friend !!
its ok dear..<br />
I'll be waiting...<br />
cause I'm going to have my exams too..<br />
icemochi18 #4
will be waiting~
huishianwoo #5 gonna say this again<br />
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JANICS CHONG!!! you want die ah...PUNCH? grrrrrr
icemochi18 #6
unh... ONEW! poor onew! :( please don't kill him later on :(
assignments kill us both!!<br />
I like how Diva Key is being scolded by Jaeyung!
iceprincess08 #8
haha i kinda guess who punched jonghyun but still not sure update soon!
LOL Key dancing sorry sorry XD<br />
update soon ~
I want diva way of apologizing please!!<br />
hahaha had been requesting it!!