Out of the Way

I'll Play Your Game [Age Is But A Number]

It was lunch period. Hyemi and Yeongie had the same lunch period together but didn't usually sit together. Hyemi was with her friend Krissie and both were about to go upstairs until Hyemi spotted Yeongie sitting with her other friends. "Krissie, I'll see you later okay? I need to talk to Yeongie."

"Sure, I'll see you later." Krissie left to go to class.

"Hey Yeongie!!", Hyemi screamed.

"Hyemi!!!!!! What's up girl?"

"You excited for taekwondo?"

"Oh yeah.. about that.. I dont think I'm going today. I have a bunch of tests tomorrow and a lot of homework.. I'm gonna get home super late if I stay after school.. I'll go next time though. Promise!" Yeongie stuck her pinky finger out.

"Yeah yeah girl" Hyemi laughed at her. *Wait this means that it'll just be me and Daehyun.. What if he doesnt talk to me though? Will I not know anybody then? I guess it's time to make some new friends then.* Hyemi smiled at this thought and with that, she went up to class.




"Bye Hyemi! Have fun at taekwondo!" Yeongie waved slowly.




Hyemi sat in the taekwondo room, waiting for the instructor and most importantly, Daehyun to show up. The class ran through the daily routine, as usual, and Hyemi was afraid that Daehyun really only liked Yeongie because during the whole practice, he didnt even talk to her once. Hyemi came to the conclusion that Daehyun would only talk to her when Yeongie was there in order to look like a good guy in front of her. But instead of being a lovesick puppy, Hyemi decided to listen to the instructor for once and be a good student. It was boring listening to the instructor speak, but Hyemi had nothing else to do and no one to talk to.

When the instructor stopped talking, Hyemi was staring into space and then met eyes with Daehyun. He walked up to hear and jokingly yelled, "HEY! What are you looking at?"

Hyemi couldn't help but laugh at him but look to the side at the same time, aware of how close his face was to hers. She took a step back but apparently Daehyun didn't want that, and he took a step forward. She looked up and Daehyun and he smiled with her, a genuine and sincere smile that reached his eyes. Hyemi looked down and giggled nervously and kept running away from him while he chased her around. Eventually Daehyun stopped when the instructor told him to stop fooling around. The instructor finally dismissed them and the class went into the changing rooms.

Hyemi turned around to get her stuff and then she saw Daehyun, too lazy to go and change in the rooms. She caught a glimpse of his sculpted body and nervously panicked and looked at his face instead of at his body. When his eyes met hers, Hyemi quickly turned away and blushed a deep red. She hoped that Daehyun didn't notice, but chances are, he saw everything.

"Hey Hyemi....." Daehyun condemned.

Hyemi turned to look at Daehyun with wide  nervous eyes.

"Flash!" Daehyun pulled his shirt up quickly as to give Hyemi a second glance. He gave her a cute little smile and she couldn't help but let her heart flutter a bit. The most important thing is that Yeongie was not there, which means that he might have some feelings for her instead of just thinking of her as Yeongie's friend.

At that moment, it was just the two of them in the practice room, everyone else had gone to change or had already left. Hyemi needed to wait for the bus to come and it was not scheduled for another thirty minutes.

Daehyun got up and walked around the room for a bit, examing everything on the walls or anything he can possibly find to keep himself occupied. Hyemi sat there, looking for something to talk about to ease the awkward atmosphere but she settled with sitting still and keeping shut as if in deep thought.

"Hey Hyemi, you want some ice cream?" Daehyun said out of no where.

"Ice cream??"

"Sure why not. Ice cream on me!" They walked outside togehter only to realize that it started snowing. Both of them screamed and laughed and began running through the snow, showing "SNOW!!!!!!!!!"

But by the time they stopped running around in the snow, it was pointless to get ice cream in the weather and the buses had already arrived. Hyemi felt disappointed in the inside that she couldn't spend some more time with him and she quickly muttered, "Bye...."

Unsure if Daehyun had said anything in return, she walked to her bus quickly, sat down and looked out the window, thinking about what a day she had.


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Chapter 15: I had a heart attack for a moment ;;;; I thought that maybe it was a surprise and they planned it together, but then when Yeongie showed up and asked if they're having fun... too many feels!
Chapter 15: *O* OMFG THE PLAN THE SURPRISE OMFG adhakjhlfjlhadhgl
miscellaaaneous #3
Chapter 15: OH MY GOD. MY FEELS.
Chapter 13: hgkdhgasajgjv HOLY jsdfhkjdhsaghlkajhfjh


THAT JERK OMG!! HE HAS YEONGIE!! dfjhdjhjahjjkldal ._____.
miscellaaaneous #5
Chapter 13: OMGWHUTWHY. He kissed Hyemi?! Like, don't tell me he's just practicing how to kiss Yeongie on her or something a;shaJFSHG.

deulightful #8
Chapter 8: Ohmygerddisiscuteeeeee
I ship them ;u;
Chapter 6: OMG Cute~ xDD
deulightful #10
Chapter 6: Oh my gerdddd update