Moon light

War of Love and Hate


OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS~~~~ OVER 1000 VIEWS!?? Thank you so much!! It means so much that you guys enjoy this story so much! I will continue to work hard for you! I feel like I'm doing a ty job but you guys remind me that I can do it! I wanna thank you from my heart~ Who do you wanna B!?( ̄^ ̄)ゞBLOCK B!
---Taeil's dreamland---
       Taeil sat in the dark room. It was familiar, it was cold. He sat with pain in his side, he looked up and around. This time there was no door of light, or his parents there to comfort him. He cried in his dark room and waited for something to happen, anything. Taeil had time to think. He looked around and thought about Pyo. "So you weren't a actually cared about me to let me run." A tear went down Taeil's cheeks and hit the cold, hard black floor. The floor began to ripple as the tear fell. Taeil stood up and looked in fear, he started sinking. "N-No!! Help me!!" Taeil started to run but got no where, next thing he knew he was knee deep in the darkness. He screamed and started moving around violently just to get free. No use. He was only sinking farther. He started crying and screaming, "PYO!! Please help me!!" He bit his lip and looked up while his face was consumed in darkness. "Please...Pyo..I know you're not a traitor.." Taeil closed his eyes and cried. "I love you."
       A jerking force brought Taeil to the surface. He gasped for air and looked around. He saw the ground, solid as could be. He knocked on it just to see. He looked to his surroundings and saw no one. He could have swore someone grabbed him. "P-Pyo? Zico!?...Kyung?...please someone!?" Taeil looked around frantic, waiting for someone to step forward. He got up and started walking. A pathway lit up. After awhile three paths lit up. One blue, one red, one green. Taeil looked at the paths and studied them closely. "W-Wha?...what's going on?" Taeil looked around and again saw no explanation. "What if I don't wanna take a path!?" He exclaimed. "It's my life! Maybe I don't wanna choose these ones!" Taeil tried backing up, his back hit a wall and he looked back. He had no choice but to choose one. He went by the red path and it lit letters in the bricks. "Murder" Taeil swallowed hard and went over to the Blue path, "Sadness." Taeil shook his head, why were all these bad? Lastly, he walked to the Green path, it lit up before his eyes saying "Family." Taeil smiled and knew that this was the only choice he liked. All his life he only had the Red Tigers, and they were indeed his family. The other paths seemed like they would lead to danger. Taeil stepped one foot on the green brick. The room rumbled and the floor dropped leaving one path, the green path. One drop and Taeil knew he was good as dead. He started walking on the path, and never looking back. As he walked a little farther small pictures shined through the darkness. Pictures of Zico and Kyung, Pictures of his mother and father together. Taeil smiled to the new found memories. He stepped on the winding path of green bricks and pictures. As he approached the end he saw a picture of Pyo and him together. Not once did they ever take a picture together. Was this the future? What was his dream telling him? He reached for the picture but it soon turned to mist in the darkness. "Wait! Come back!....why do you have pictures of me?" A voice spoke up in Taeil's head, "this is your future Taeilie." Taeil jumped and looked around, no one. "Who are you? Where are you!?" A long pause hit Taeil until the voice came back, "I'm you. And I'm inside of you. You wanted to know about your family, that is the path you chosen correct?" Taeil nodded and continued a long the stretching path. "B-But, tell me. Why do you have these pictures? Why am I alone here?" Taeil sighed looking around to the family pictures and forgotten memories. "I don't have these pictures Taeilie. You do." Taeil quickly opposed, "but you are me!!" A hint of doubt was in the others voice. "I'm not physically there Taeil. I'm your conscious. I'm the thing you've been ignoring." Taeil shook his head, "I don't ignore you! I do whatever you say..." A sudden "No!" Stopped Taeil from continuing. "You listen to Zico and Kyung, but never your heart. If you look around you see pictures of you and Pyo. Wanna know why?" He gulped and nodded slowly, observing each picture. "Because he's your family. A true family never judges you or stops you from being you. Pyo was always, and WILL always be there for you." Taeil bit his lip and wiped away the forming tears. His conscious was right. As everyone judged Taeil, Pyo didn't. This war was going on and Pyo didn't give a single damn if he was safe, only if Taeil was hurt or not. "Don't you see Taeilie? These pictures are you and Pyo in the future. IF you decide to be with him." The path came to an end and Taeil looked to a giant portrait of Jaehyo. The picture glared Taeil right in the eyes. "Taeilie, the only way to beat the problem, is finding the source. Listen to me...whatever you do, don't die." Taeil looked in shock to the picture getting bigger and bigger til' it was as tall as a skyscraper. The voice was gone. The ending words "don't die" echoed in his head. A small hole was digging into the portrait, it began to burn and turn into ash. The flames got larger than the picture and they came toward Taeil. He watched the picture of Jaehyo burn. Taeil knew he had to do the same, he needed to take down Jaehyo, and make sure he won't rise from his ashes.
       Taeil watched a little longer as the portrait burned. The flames got closer to Taeil causing him to back up. They actually, hurt. The flames started burning, the heat was getting intense. Taeil started backing away from the fire, but he still kept his eyes on the so called "leader." The flames surrounded Taeil's feet and it burnt his toes. "Ahh!! No stop! Help me!" The flames turned into a giant pillar of fire. It spun surrounding Taeil into a tornado of fire. A doorway opened letting a figure pass through. Taeil put his hands up by his face for protection. He peeked through his arms and saw a man. This man had piercing red eyes, slender body, and black all over. Taeil put his arms down and glared. "J-Jaehyo!" The figure of Jaehyo didn't respond, he walked closer and reached out his hand for Taeil. "No! Go away! You're...You're not leader anymore!!" Taeil cried and felt his tears get hot due to the heat. "I-I-I AM!! I'M THE LEADER!!.....THE BLACK DRAGONS ARE MINE, THEY'RE MY FAMILY!!!" Taeil backed up and dropped to the floor, his heart was pounding due to the adrenaline he was pumping. The figure didn't stop, it only advanced forward. Taeil screamed and closed his eyes as the figure put out his hand over the smaller males face.
       "STOP!!!" Taeil gasped for air. The intense heat was gone, the figure was gone. Taeil panted looking around the familiar room. It was his room, the curtains were closed and the window was closed shut. The moon light shined through the speckled window and shined on Taeil. He had no words, the dream he had, wasn't a dream. It felt so real, it was a message. The adrenaline was gone, he had felt his chest and he twitched in pain. His throat hurt like a and his side even worse. "W-Was...I screaming?" Taeil looked around and bit his lip. He fumbled with the blankets and looked to his side. White bandages, stained red wrapped around his whole body. He saw the bandages still soaking up blood. He touched them lightly and winced in pain.
        Kyung ran in with water and towels. "Taeil!" Kyung looked to the awake Taeil and smiled, he dropped the towels and ran over embracing the smaller male. "Thank god...thank god..." was all Kyung muttered. Zico ran in behind him, "is he screaming again?...Taeil!!" Zico ran as well and took both into an embrace. Taeil held onto the other boys and smiled, he felt so warm, so loved. As he took in the embrace the twinge of pain came back. "A-Ahh! M-My side!" Kyung let go and kissed Taeil's forehead. "I'm so sorry!! Oh Taeilie~ I'm so glad you're safe! Me and your father were so worried!" Taeil felt puzzled and panted due to pain. "You guys?....are worried? But I was so mean to you." Zico shook his head and smirked, "we'll worry for you even if you hate us for a lifetime. We love you Taeil." Taeil smiled and covered his face to hide his tears. "Taeilie you were shot. You faded out and luckily we patched you up. You screamed all day in your sleep." Taeil took away his hands and looked to the floor. A messed up blanket and pillow was on the ground. He seen many towels filled with blood over the room. "Wha? Did you stay here? By my side?" Kyung nodded and held the cup of water. "'ve been out for 7 hours. Me and Zico have been by your bed side all night. We got towels and bandages every time you re-opened your stitches." Taeil looked down and sighed. "I'm sorry..I cause you so much stress umma." Kyung blushed and shook his head. "I'm just glad you're safe Taeilie..that's all that matters." Zico agreed with Kyung and held Taeil's shaking hand. "Get some rest, you REALLY need it." Zico looked to Taeil with concerned eyes, he laid him down gently and pulled the blankets over him. Taeil watched as his "umma" and "appa" laid beside him. It baffled him that they would stay beside him. They were mad that he still believed in Pyo, but yet they were so caring for Taeil. He watched Kyung and Zico lay beside each other, they gave each other a kiss good night and drifted off. Taeil didn't get a kiss, but just the thought of Pyo made him smile a drift off back into dreamland.
---Outside in the Downtown---
      Pyo inched against walls, trying to make his way to the Red Tiger hideout. The Tigers knew about Pyo being banished so he tried to make his way slowly and safely. All he wanted was to see Taeil. And see him safe. Pyo slid down a brick wall holding his bruised side. The pain had ached and his body was growing weak. He's never felt so abandoned and used. Is this what Taeil felt? It seemed as if Pyo was going through Taeil's life. Well, the hard part at that. He watched the moon shine. It was so beautiful, the blue emanated across the sky. The stars sparkled and complimented the moon. Pyo couldn't give up now, he wanted to see Taeil. He got up with support from the wall. He looked to the moon, "I'm coming Taeil, wait for me. We'll end this war...together."
Sorry about the little Pyo~ it'll get better!! Please comment! Options for next chapter:
1) Pyo makes it to the hideout(Taepyo)
2) Taeil writes his song
3) Back to the Uptown
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i love this fic so much TT
thanks for zikyung feels ;;;
fishumi #2
Chapter 27: Just wanted to say that I love this fic! It just has such a great idea to it and is written really well and I just cry, it's perf! I've been constantly checking for updates on it just cause I'd like to see how you're going to finish it. I just want to say that I'd love to see you continue this when you're not busy! FIGHTING! (Sorry I've never commented on fanfics before so...sorry if it sounds awkward or anything)
Viiaral #3
Chapter 27: Wah! An update! It's amazing too! But, I had so much feels I can't sleep now and it's 4:25 am ;u;

Thank you, for updating after a long time!
Chapter 27: New reader here~
I couldn't stop reading your story, I just keep going on next chapter for almost 3 days XD
Can't wait the next chapter... what Jaehyo will do now? Hope Taeillie gets well soon ç^ç he's suffering so much, as well as Pyo
Loved your Kyung-umma *-*<3
Keep doing this great job!

Taepyo ♥~~
This story is just so good .-. Wondering what's Jaehyo up to now good thing that he believed Kwonnie tho
Chapter 26: I cant wait for the next chapter!! I'm totally subscribing!! Fighting author-nim!!
Viiaral #7
This is amazing. I read it all in one day o3o
It's too bad it wasn't updated since February ;A; Hope you see this and update soon!
kimminnie #8
Chapter 26: ubomb~~~ i wish jaehyo wuld wake up at ukwons words or sumthing
Chapter 26: New reader here! I read all these chapters in one-go and I really, really like this fic~ Altough I'm angry at you of making Jaehyo like this(lolz sorry).. I hope Taeil is going to be okay and this rivalry will end soon!
Btw can i have some ubomb in the next chapter? My fav otp xD