He's Not So Bad

Stuck In The Middle (Hiatus)

Yong Guk watched you clean up and was fascinated on all your movements. He couldn't figure you out. Out of all the girls that he has encounter, you were the first to treat him like a human being, not a piece of meat. The one thing that bewilder him the most was how you weren't even effected by his death glare. *Haven given death glares to so many people, even people you don't even want to meet, you just shrugged it off. Ha, your pretty tought.* he lauged to himself while thinking about you.

You notice him laughing. "What so funny?" you looked at him weirdly. "Nothing, nothing at all." You weren't really convince, but you just brushed it to the side.

The awkward silence came back again. You didn't know what to do and notice the time. To your surprise it was actually not late. After this much happened in one night, it was only 8 o'clock. "grrrroooowwwwllll......" *A growl?????* You looked around to see what was that sound. You turned around to see Yong Guk bent over and turned away. The room was pretty dark, but you still notice his bright rosy blush. *Hehe, he not all that badasss.* you giggled.

You yorself needed to eat something also, the only thing you had at the cafe was just a cup of coffee. "You like bibimbap? I'll go make it." Before he could refuse your offer, you were already gone. You haven't cooked for anyone in a looooooonnnnng time. It always been just you, all alone in this big house.

Cooking was the one thing that you were really good at, for one thing it was your passion. You loved it so much that sometimes you would make so much to the point where it didn't even fit the fridge. The leftover were usually were given to either the neighbors or your friends. *I haven't cooked for anyone in awhile......feels nostalgic.* you happily hopped off to work.

Yong Guk decided to check up on you, to see if he could help. He doesn't like been in dept to somone either. Being a bother to someone was even worse. While cooking, you were humming your favorite song and dancing along to the beat. The scene was hilarious to Yong Guk. *What a weird girl.* Yong Guk couldn't stop laughing. He quietly went back into your room to not disturb your little dance.

Once you were done , you brought the food up to your room. " I hope you like it....." you shly said and placed the food right next to him. Yong Guk was amused on how you were acting. You were cold to him all day and all of a sudden you were treating his wounds and cooking him dinner. Yong Guk didn't wait a secong and digged right in. *WOOOW!!!!! This is really good.* he quickly ate his food. To your delight he was enjoying the food that you made for him.

Yong Guk contiued eating his dinner and thought maybe he should start a conversation with you. He notice that you were a bit tense next to him. He didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable after all the help you gave him. "Soooo, you live on your own?" he wiped away some of the rice that was stuck on his face. You noticed that he was trying start a conversation, " Yea, my parents has always loved traveling and I didn't want to stop them from following there dream." He was just amazed at your sincereity, not just him but also towards your parents too. "It nice having the house to yourself sometimes, but it's a pretth big house and get a bit quiet. Its lonely sometimes when your just home alone and eating by yourself. I miss the welcoming feeling when you get once you come home. It like someone is expecting you." You noticed that you were just rambling on and on, but something about him just felt right. You were comfortable talking to him and you never felt comfortable about your feelings. The only person you have ever personally talked to was Hana.

Yong Guk felt sorry for you. *Never knew she was all alone in this house.* he thought. "Even though i feel lonely sometimes, I remember I still got my friends with me. There everything to me. And thank to you, I'm not eating alone tonight." you smiled back at him. Yong Guk notice your smile and it melted his heart. The bright smile on your face made a tingly warm feeling build up in his heart. He didn't mind it at all, he actually really liked it. *Why is she so nice to other, but not notice that she need help herself.* Yong Guk thought. Subconciously, Yong Guk held on to your hand. You didn't even notice his hand, you just like the confort.

It took both of you a second to realized what has happened. Both of you quickly pulled away. You were flustered by what had just happened and was blushing really hard. Yong Guk was surprised at his action too. He tried to cover his face with his hand to cover up the blood thta was rushing up to his face. " Ummmm.... You you done with that yet?" you stuttered. He nodded and put the bowl on to the tray. You quickly gathered up everything, " Thank you agian for saving me. I'm really gratefull." you softly smiled and was about to leave. Just when you were about to shut the door, Yong Guk grab hold of the door. He was only an inch behind you. He leaned over your shoulder, "Thank you......" he whispered. His voice sent goose bump all over your body.The husky voice made you feel numb to the feet. You quickly went out and shut the door. You ran to the kitchen, placed the tray on the table and just slid down to the floor. *Why am I like this? I barely know this guy? I shouldn't even be having these feelings. I locked up my feeling a long time ago. I can't let that happen to me again.* You just sat on the floor for a long time till you were back to normal.

Yong Guk was just leaning on the door wondering why he was like this. He never felt this way before, especially to a girl. But you weren't just any girl to him. You made him feel like he belong in this world, not someone useless. Every movement that you made were just so fascinating to him. All he could think abou last night was you. You were just stuck in his head all night long. *What is this strange feeling?*

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Chapter 16: Aww cute~~ Yongguk is starting to like her~~~ :DD
Can't wAit for an update, I wonder if yongguk is gonna figure out he likes her... Hmmmm
Chapter 14: Just found ur story, I LOVE IT so far!! Was the other group EXO-K, since they're tagged in this story? I wonder if he'll tell the other B.A.P members that he told her about their gang. Hope u update soon~~
hippo_guk #4
Chapter 13: awwe keep updateing author-nim!!!*fighting
Chapter 10: Hahaha Himchan is gonna have fun teasing YongGuk!! I'm sorry YongGuk nobody can't help you ...I love the story..
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 8: Update soon please I love your story!!! :D