
Stuck In The Middle (Hiatus)

You were happily walking towards your friends without a care in the world. You didn't even know why you were so happy. All of them notice your cheery spirit and were curious on what could have made you so happy. "How is it going there chipper?" Hana joked. You just laughed at her little remark and just sat down on the grass. "Yeah, why are you all smiley all of a sudden? Never saw you smile this much." Ai curiously asked. "Ooooooo, did you meet a guy? Is he cute? Who is he? Do we know......" You quickly popped a candy into Nana mouth. Aire looked at you innocently, "~~~~~~ you seem really happy today." Those innocent eyes she gave you were to hard to resist. You just couldn't resist her cuteness and just squeezed her. "Why are you sooooo cute Aire!!!!"

"~~~~~ I think it time to let go of Aire before you block the blood circulation to her head." Hana laughed. "Omo, I'm so sorry Aire." you pulled away quickly to see if she was okay. "~~~~~~~~ I'm ok, you don't have to worry. See? I'm still breathing." she weakly smiled.

Everyone were talking about the usual things, Boys, school, work, etc etc. You normally didn't engage into their conversation and just admired the nice day that you were having. While still looking up into the clear blue sky, Hana sat next you. "You know I haven't seen you this happy in long time. Something good must have really happened." Hana stated while looking at the sky with you. "Hmmmmm, I don't know myself. And what do you mean by a long time? You did see me go crazy at karaoke with you guys, didn't you?" you laughed.

"True, true. But there something about you that seems different? ~~~~~~~~ I knew you since we were little. If there was anything off about you, I would know. Ai was actually worried for while, she thought something might have happened to you. You use to always be the most talkative one around here, now you usually seemed dazed and out of it. You mostly stare into the sky when we're out here. ~~~~~~~~~, is there something your not telling us?" Hana looked at you with worry eyes. You haven't seen Hana be this serious in long time. You didn't know you were making people worry about you, that was the last thing that thing you wanted. You actually didn't even know you changed at all. Everyday seemed the same to you, the same boring life. The same routine was on a continuing rewind, but the worst part about it was that it was just you. Everything around you was moving forward except for you. Just you..... alone. This was one of the reason that you always looked up at the sky. It seemed so free and vast. Any possibility could happen, the one thing you wished for in your life, the adrenaline and adventure. The life you yearned for.

"Earth to ~~~~~~~~, you there?" Hana waved at you. You were so deep into your thought that you totally forgot that Hana was there. "Sorry Hana...... Ummmmm, on what you said before. There is something. I just felt like everything is just moving ahead of me. I'm been on this continuous rewind, the same thing everyday. Nothing seems as exciting as it was before. Don't get me wrong though, karaoke was great, I had a blast. But......... I felt like I'm not the me from before, the outgoing adventurous one. Something feels like I'm missing a part of me, but I don't know what it is. Hana.......... is there something wrong with me?" you looked to the ground, not knowing what you were at the moment.

Suddenly you felt something arms wrapped around you. It was Hana hugging you. "There is nothing wrong with you at all. You are you. Nothing about you is wrong. I promise you, you are moving forward. You are the of those few people that I know who is, for sure, not behind at all."

"But...... I still feel like a part of me is lost, somewhere where I will never be able to reach. Something very precious. Something lost very long ago...... What if I'll never find it again?" You still felt like nothing in the world can fix you back to person you were. The person that you admired and proud of.

"You will find it. I know you will. You have never failed in finding anything you really needed. The ~~~~~~~ I know will never give up and keep on searching. You have always been the one to help other out and not yourself. Start focusing on your priority first for once. We can manage on our own. We want you to be happy. Also remember that your not alone. You have us, your not alone. Don't hesitate to rely on us. What are friends for." Hana smiled at you.

Words couldn't describe the feelings you were having. The words that were coming out of Hana mouth meant more then anything in the world. The comfort that she has given is like getting a second chance in doing something right for yourself. You felt like a little part of you old self was coming back.

You looked up into the sky. *It not the end yet. I still have a long way to go. Hana right, I'm not alone. Everyone around me is here and I got nothing to lose. Time to stop beating myself up and bulk up. No point in giving up now.* You were more determined then you ever were. Searching for your missing self might be hard and might take some time, but that not stopping you. Even though you have no clue what it is, you were determine to find it. Hana saw the determined look in your eyes. She hasn't seen you this hyped up for something in long time. She actually miss that twinkle in your eyes when you were like this. *Looks like it going to be an good year after all.* Hana thought to herself.

"Hey guys, what are you intensely talking about? Don't forget about us." Ai pouted. You and Hana just laughed at Ai pouting face. "What so funny?" Nana asked. A confused Aire came over "What going on?". You looked around and notice that your weren't alone. You were surrounded by friends that you love that also love you back. "Nothing at all, we were just looking up at the clear sky." Hana replied. "It has been pretty nice lately." Aire stated. Everyone looked at the sky and just admired the great weather we were having.

You looked at everyone *Nothing can stop me now. This not the end, this is just the beginning.* You smiled and just looked at the clouds with everyone throughout the whole lunch period.

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Chapter 16: Aww cute~~ Yongguk is starting to like her~~~ :DD
Can't wAit for an update, I wonder if yongguk is gonna figure out he likes her... Hmmmm
Chapter 14: Just found ur story, I LOVE IT so far!! Was the other group EXO-K, since they're tagged in this story? I wonder if he'll tell the other B.A.P members that he told her about their gang. Hope u update soon~~
hippo_guk #4
Chapter 13: awwe keep updateing author-nim!!!*fighting
Chapter 10: Hahaha Himchan is gonna have fun teasing YongGuk!! I'm sorry YongGuk nobody can't help you ...I love the story..
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 8: Update soon please I love your story!!! :D