
Stuck In The Middle (Hiatus)

Lunch was about to end, so you decided to walk back to class with everyone. * And let the headache begin again....* While rubbing you temples, you accidedently bumped into someone. "Sorry...", as you looked up, to your luck it was the one person that you really didn't want to make contact with, Yong Guk.

"Omo, ~~~~~~ why did you stop.........!!!!!!" Nana accidently bumped into you and slowly looked up to also see who it was. "~~~~~~,~~~~~~ isn't that....." You quickly popped a hard candy into to stop her from continuing the sentence."MMMMMMMMM" she mumbled. You always had some on you just for Nana when you had to stop her from talking or anything in general. Girl loves her candy.

Yong Guk just stared at you with a blank expression. You were also staring back. Not a word was spokened. It was like both of you were trying to figure out what the other was thinking. That continue untill Himchan came up to Yong Guk. "Hey, why did you walk away so fast for? Oooo, who this, a little friends of yours.........." before he could introduce himself, you brush passed them with Nana chasing after you.

"Woooooow, first girl to ever do that to me,interesting....." Himchan looked back. "What do you think......HEY, why do you always walk away!" Yong Guk was now more intrigued by you.He couldn't get you our of his head. *There something about her that really different.....why can't I figure it out.* Yong Guk was actually getting a headache this time.

Hana, Aire and Ai were trying to catch up to you guys and was about to bump in to Yong Guk and Himchan. "OMG it's Himchan!!!!!" wispered Ai. When they were about to pass by, Hana looked at Yong Guk. * Sooooo this must be Yong Guk....*

"Yong Guk, what tonight plan????" Zelo eagerly asked. " I think we should look around the area and try to secure our new territory?" Young Jae replied. "And that the reason why your in charge of strategy and tactics" Jong Up came up. "Yeah, that a good I idea, this is our place now, let see if anyone wants to mess with us" Yong Guk smirked.

When class was about start, you took your seat and continued listening to your music. You weren't a big fan of class but you still had to come just for your parents sake. Just when Yong Guk came in, the level of commotion increased drastically. *Why can't everyone just shut up?* pissed as you already were, you just wished everything would end. Yong Guk sat down, both didnt say a word to each other for the whole day. The only thing that were going though both of your heads were about one another. Trying to figure the other one out.

*Who is he/she?* both of you thought.

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Chapter 16: Aww cute~~ Yongguk is starting to like her~~~ :DD
Can't wAit for an update, I wonder if yongguk is gonna figure out he likes her... Hmmmm
Chapter 14: Just found ur story, I LOVE IT so far!! Was the other group EXO-K, since they're tagged in this story? I wonder if he'll tell the other B.A.P members that he told her about their gang. Hope u update soon~~
hippo_guk #4
Chapter 13: awwe keep updateing author-nim!!!*fighting
Chapter 10: Hahaha Himchan is gonna have fun teasing YongGuk!! I'm sorry YongGuk nobody can't help you ...I love the story..
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 8: Update soon please I love your story!!! :D