New Transfer Student

Stuck In The Middle (Hiatus)

"Arrrrggggg.... why do we even have go? We don't even do anytning? Really what was the point in even transfering to this school?????" Zelo complained.

Jong Up knocked Zelo in the head "Aisshhhhhhhhh, you know why we can't go back, with what we did there, I don't think they ever want us back."

"Come on guys, cheer up!!!!!!!!! New school equal new girls, maybe even cuter ones. I can even imagine them right now." Himchan sign in awww.

Young Jae just shock his head at the stuidity of his hyung. " Why must girls always be the first thing you think about? What so special abou them, there just going to be just a bunch of girls." Himchan gasp at Young Jae reaction. " How can you say that????? Tsk Tsk Tsk, my poor poor dongseng, you have much to learn?" while pattting his head. "YAAAAHHHH!!!" Young Jae chased after Himchan but was to slow to catch him.

As everone was fooling around, Daehyun just walked by them pretending to not know them. HImchan ran up to him. "Why are you walking so fast for, come and join the fun!!!" Daehyun glared at his hand that was around his shoulder. Himchan quickly removed his arm from Daehyun shoulder "Ok ok, you don't got to get mad." Daehyun still ignoring him just walked on. "Quiet as always" Jong Up lauged.

Yong Guk look at his friends with amusment. *Really, how are they even this lively this early in the morning?* "Hey Nana, how can you be so hyped.... at 7 O'CLOCK in the morning........ it to ealry." Yong Guk noticed your voice while you were passing by. "Seems like I'm not the only one thinking the same thing." He brushed it off and went to catch up with his friends.

Class has already started and you and your friends were separated this year. You didn't mind it, but you wished you were with them though. Sitting at your desk you were just staring out in the window wishing you were with your friends and out of this boring classroom.

The homeroom teacher came in the class and tried to get everyone attention, "Ok class. It time to settle down and start. Today we have a new transfer student. Please introduce yourself." A pretty tall and big guy came in to the classroom. Everyone started talking and gossiping. You weren't really interested since it was just another guy, but he did give off an itimidating feeling. You shrugged it off and just kept staring out in to the busy world.

Not wanting any part of this whole introduction, Yong Guk just stared at the class. The guys weren't really liking on how the girls were looking at him, they were kinda scared of him at the same time. Girls were squealing over his bad boy image, something you never really understanded. *Why do they even fawn over him? They don't even know him.* You started listening to your music to tried to block some of the noise in the class.

"Class please just calm down and stay in your seat." The teacher sign and stared at Yong Guk. " If your not going to say anything we are going to just continue, just take a seat anywhere you want. Class this is Bang Yong Guk."

Yong Guk looked around the class, seeing squealling girls when he looks at them and glaring guys when passing them by. Something caught his eyes, there was only one person in the whole classroom that was not paying attention to him. That was you. Wondering why you weren't curious about him, he decided to take the seat next to you.

You felt like someone was next to you. You turned around and noticed that it was the new transfer student. He noticed you looking at him, you stared at him with a blank expression and looked away without caring and continue listening to your music while staring our into the court yard.

Yong Guk was a little surprised at your reaction to him. *That it, not even a squeal, a smile, A HI!!!!! .......What's her problem?" He was a bit annoyed but at the same time curious about you. You were the first person to ever to just ignore him, like he was just another guy in this classroom.

Class just continued thorugh out the day slowly, but it was finally lunch. You quickly got up to meet up with your friends. You wanted to get away from the noisy atmosphere. You like the peacful and calm surrounding. Yong Guk watch you guickly leave the classroom. Girls tried to surround him but he just got up and left to meet up with his gang.

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Chapter 16: Aww cute~~ Yongguk is starting to like her~~~ :DD
Can't wAit for an update, I wonder if yongguk is gonna figure out he likes her... Hmmmm
Chapter 14: Just found ur story, I LOVE IT so far!! Was the other group EXO-K, since they're tagged in this story? I wonder if he'll tell the other B.A.P members that he told her about their gang. Hope u update soon~~
hippo_guk #4
Chapter 13: awwe keep updateing author-nim!!!*fighting
Chapter 10: Hahaha Himchan is gonna have fun teasing YongGuk!! I'm sorry YongGuk nobody can't help you ...I love the story..
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 8: Update soon please I love your story!!! :D