No Trouble Needed

Stuck In The Middle (Hiatus)

"Run!! Runnnnn!!! Please just run....." Sweating and crying, you woke up from what you though was a dream but felt like it meant more, it felt real.

Looking around you saw that everything was were it was, nothing has changed. Dirty clothes lying everywhere on the floor, papers all over the desk, and etc. Turning around you spotted the clock, it was only 6 in the morning and you still had an hour left before the first day of senior year in high school start. It was a mix of people so it wasn't the worst or best school in the city. All you wanted was for the year to just go smoothly, NO DISTURBANCE AT ALL.

While walking to school, a shadow was coming closer from behind you, but from the usual morning routin, you knew right away who it was. Your quick reflex made a quick douge. Seeing one of your best friend attemptive capture was one of the daily quirk of the day. "YAH, why won't you ever let hug me you from behind, hug in general in the morning!!!!??????" This was your all so energetic, hyper acive friend Nana. She was always hyped up for anything in the world, you just always wonder where she get the energy from. You shook your head, "Hey Nana, how can you be so hyped.... at 7 O'CLOCK in the morning........ it to ealry." While jumping around " Well it is the last year we'll be in this good for nothing school, soooooooooo LET GO SOMEWHERE!!!!!!!!! I VOTE KARAOKE!!!!!!!"

"HEY GUYS, WAIT UP!!!!" Oh and here comes your beloved innocently sweet Arie. She is the most innocent person you can meet. "Good morning! Arent't you guys excited, it our last year. Wonder if there something new this year, it has always been the same thing." You gulp. * I hope NOTHING changes.* "ARIE KARAOKE!!!" Nana screams out. "Wahhhhhhh, I haven' gone to karaoke in long time. Lets go!!!!! Who else is going, what about Hana and Ai?" asked Arie. Hana and Ai are the last of our little group. They're actually twins and they moved here from Japan during sophmore year because of their father buisness.

"Someone say our name?" smirked Hana. " Kyaaaaaaaaa, GUYS YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY IS?????? SENIOR YEAR!!!!!!! THE YEAR WE BECOME ADULTS!!!!!!" yelled Ai. Hana and Ai might be twin, but they are totally the opposite from each other. Hana is more of the boyish style while Ai is the girly one. That kinda how we differentiate them from each other, you can never get them wrong. "Nana wanted to go karaoke after school. You guys up for it?" you asked. "Sure why not, a little outing won't hurt us." Hana and Ai said in unison. Everyone has an agreement and decided to go for a little karaoke after school.

By the time you guys decided on where to go, you where in front of the school already. While staring at the building *Senior year.......... i hope everything turns out fine.* You sign and follow your friends in to the building. The last thing you wanted was for trouble to occur.

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Chapter 16: Aww cute~~ Yongguk is starting to like her~~~ :DD
Can't wAit for an update, I wonder if yongguk is gonna figure out he likes her... Hmmmm
Chapter 14: Just found ur story, I LOVE IT so far!! Was the other group EXO-K, since they're tagged in this story? I wonder if he'll tell the other B.A.P members that he told her about their gang. Hope u update soon~~
hippo_guk #4
Chapter 13: awwe keep updateing author-nim!!!*fighting
Chapter 10: Hahaha Himchan is gonna have fun teasing YongGuk!! I'm sorry YongGuk nobody can't help you ...I love the story..
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 8: Update soon please I love your story!!! :D