Chapter 5

For The Love Of The Game
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Yoona's P.O.V

I walked inside and I could see my dad in the living room again except he wasn't sleep this time. He looked at me and smiled, I could help but to look away. I was going to head to my room when he stopped me from doing so. 

"Yoona, How did things go tday at practice?" I could tell he wanted to say something else but he brought that up instead.

"It was fun." My answer was short. I really didn't want to talk to him right now. But I guess it's for the best.

"I'm sorry about this morning appa. I... just couldn't deal with the fact that eomma is not sitting at the table with us eating. I should have stayed and eating with you." I wanted him to know, he had the right to know what's going on in my head.

" that's the reason. I just thought that you were late for school."

"Appa~" He then looked at me with his curious eyes.

"I'm sorry for being a bad daughter. I should have told you how I felt after eommas death. I wanted to be strong and deal with it on my own but realising it after time went by I couldn't do it. So I would get mad at myself and ignore you, the one who was trying to help me. I'm sorry appa." I know I said I wasn't going to cry ever but at this moment I just needed to let it out.

"Yoona~"I could see the tears coming down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry appa." He then walked closer to me, but I turned away.


"I'm sorry." I then ran out the room to my room and closed the door behind me.

I feel really sorry towards appa but there is nothing I can do. I then heard my phone go off, I seen the name on the screen.

"How did he get my number?"

I have never told Taecyeon sshi my number. I wonder who could have given him my number. Just thinking about it, I never really given anybody my number except couch. Could she have given him the number? I then looked ay the message.

I hope you got home safe. 

Don't stay mad at your dad too long, he's all you have right now.

I know your probably wondering how I got your number, I asked the couch.

I'm sorry I should have asked you instead. Anyway have a good sleep you have a big day tomorrow.

I couldn't help but to smile at the message. I don't know why I'm feeling this way. He made me forget why I was even crying for. I laid down on my bed staring at my phone with a smile on my face. But it then went away when I remember what Jessica told me. It's just not right for me to have these feelings. I then fell alseep with so many emotion going through my mind.

~Next Morning~

I got up and did my morning routine. I put on my school uniform and then left out my room. My parents door to their room was opened and I seen my mothers spot. Where she would be when I would leave for school on game days. Knowing that she's not there hurt me deeply. I walaked down the stairs and my dad was coming out from the dining room.

"Good morning." He said to me, I just looked at him.

"I fixed you food to go since I know that today is a big day for you. Don't worry it's all healthy."

"You didn't have to do that appa."

"I wanted to do it for you. And plus I wanted to cheer you on with this, since I can't come to the game." I looked at him

He never came to any of my games, he always said that he's busy at work. I wondered if it was really true.

"I understand, it's work you always go. Don't worry about me, I always play without my family members being there supporting me." I said it in a harsh way.

I really didn't mean to say it like that but hey, it's the truth.

"I have to go appa, I hope you do well at work." I then grabbed the bag of food and then left out the house.

I walked all the way to school and when I got there I seen all of my teammates standing at the front gate with a sign in their hand. The sign read "Welcome back Im Yoona" and "Time to kick some ." I just laughed at the sight, I guess they really did miss me. I then seen Taecyeon sshi, he was with Jessica, they both were walking into school together. He looked back at me with a smile, I was going to smile back but then I seen Jessica face. I just turned away from him and walked towards my teammates. 

"Yoona ah, you like our gift." The youngest member of the team asked me.

"Yea. Thank you." I just smiled at them.

"Wow, you actually do know how to smile. This should be in the news." She joked. I laughed at her.

"Let's go to class be fore we get in trouble and can't play today."

"Okay!" They all said at the same time.

We all seperated and went to our class, I walked inside the class and there he was. I sat down in my seat and a person appeared infront of me, I was shocked and so was everybody else in class. Taecyeon sshi was standing infront of me with a smile on his face. I couldn't help but to blush and looke away from him.

"ARe you ready for today?" He asked me still looking at me.

"Uh..uh. Yeah. Um Taecyeon sshi."

"Ne?" He looked at me with his big eyes.

"Can you stop being nice to me. It's making everybody talk." I couldn't look at him.

"I don't care about none of these people and you shouldn't either. We are friends anyway, it's not like we are more then that, unless..."


"That you want to be more then that." My eyes opened wide at what he just said.

"" I didn't know what to say. Thank god the teacher had came in.

Class finally ended after a long time of listening to the teacher talk about her love life. I sometimes worry about her. I made my way out of the school building, I had a feeling that someone was fol

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sorry still working on both chapter, been really busy please wait for me


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gween97 #1
Chapter 31: oh my, i think yoona died! you really surprise me. yes a happy ending story, i love happy ending.. but so sad this story is end huhu wait your new storh update dear
Chapter 31: What a beautiful ending authornin. Thank you so much for this story. I can't wait for your next story. Alwaysss keep the faith. Fighting TaecYoon Shipperss <3 . Advance Happy Birthday to you
Chapter 31: OMGGG sweet ending love the story author-nim!!! waiting for the new story!
steiyoon #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the happy ending!
Soshisone93 #5
Chapter 31: THANK YOU!!! :D
Love TaecYoon Until The End!!!
Really anticipated your new story... :)
Kamsahamnida for make this story, it's really daebak jjang!!! :D
gween97 #6
Chapter 30: why this story became a complete when the last chapter still not showing?

Btw, success for your school:)
Soshisone93 #7
Chapter 30: I'm waiting for the last chap... :)
Success for your college too, but don't make us wait too long... ;)
steiyoon #8
Chapter 30: Don't take too long on your last chapter......i'm waiting on your fabulous & superb ending!