Chapter 16

For The Love Of The Game
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Taecyeon's P.O.V

I didn't understand what was going on right now. WHy was she here? I thought she was still in jeju with her aunt and uncle. When did she get back? SO many question run through my mind, and to think that abeoji was hiding this from me. Was he that mad at me? I know I should have told him but I didn't think I would actually go through the process of marrying Jessica. Here I am face to face with the women who brought me so much emotion and we are surrounded by the one who wants her and the one who wants to protect her.

"Appa? What is going on?" She looked at abeoji trying to escape my eyes.

"When did you get back?" I couldn't hold back my curiousity. I needed to know, why she wanted to hide from me so bad?

"It been some weeks. Look..." She was here longer that I* thought and she didn't have the nerve to tell me.

"You were trying to hide from me. You didn't want me to know that you were back here in Seoul." I was slowkly getting angry of the thought. Seunghyun knew about her being here and I didn't. Was there something going on between the two without me knowing?

"They had nothing to do with it Taecyeon ssi. It was all my idea, I told them not to tell you I was here." That just broke my heart.

"Why don't you want me to know that your back here in Seoul? I care for you and you know that."

"You care too much Taecyeon ssi. Your suffocating me with your care, I'm not use to all this. I barely getting use to talking to my appa, the only reason why I left Seoul was because of you and your life. I can't be apart of that lifestyle. I'm grateful that you tried to be friends with and showed so much affection but it just too much for me. And besides your to be married soon, go and enjoy that. Let me go." Just at that moment my heart broke into million pieces. I knew she was lying, she needed me and she knows that.

"Is that what you really want?" I was hurting to much and the words I hope she wouldn't say are playing in my mind.

"Taecyeon ah." I could hear abeoji call my name but I just ignore him and looked at Yoona who look like she is lost for word.

"Yes. Let me go and don't come back. You can still talk to abeoji but don't bother me anymore." I looked at her, those eyes were saying something else. It was telling me it was all lies she was saying. I watch her leave out from the dinning area. I couold feel my eyes start to tear up.

"Taecyeon ah, you should og home and rest. You have to pitch tomorrow." Mr.Im trying to make Taecyeon leave before more unwanted things are said again.

"Fine then. I will just leave you alone, you don't have to worry about seeing me ever again." Taecyeon got his things and left. He was so sngry that he slammed the front door to the house. He tried to compose his tears but failed, they were now pouring down his face.

Back inside the house Yoona and fell to the ground, making Mr.Im and Seunghyun come to her attention.

"Are you alright sweety?" Mr.Im couldn't help but feel worried for his daughter. She looked really pale.

"Yoona, you should lay down you don't look too good." Seunghyun was even more worried than he was before. If Taecyeon had never came over and seen Yoona then she wouldn't be in the state she was in right now.

"I'm fine. I'll go up first." She got up and ran up the stairs, trying to avoid anymore questions,

Yoona's P.O.V

I closed the door behind me once I got to my room. My heart was racing like there was no tomorrow. Why did you say that to him Yoona? Aish, I don't think my heart can take it. Taecyeon ssi I'm so sorry but its for the best for the both of us. We need to stay away from each other, so that none of us get hurt. Its for the best Yoona.

"Yoona ah~" I heard someone call my name behind the door. My back was still rested on the door and I didn't have no strenght in moving at all. If I do, I'll just break down and cry.

"Yoona ah, is everything okay in there? Your appa is worried about you." I can hear Seunghyun clear through the door.

"I'm okay. Tell him I'm fine, I'm just tired. I'm going to bed a little early since I have to get up for work tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll come by tomorrow to see you." He was a sweet man but I ghave no feelings for him and if he keep doing these things he'll just end up hurting himself even more.

"You don't have to Seunghyun ssi. Please don't come back here, just enjoy what you have now." I know it may seem like I'm pushing everybody away but its for everybody on good. I don't want to be the reason for everyones heart ache. I can't even contain my own heart ache.

"I'm not going to leave you side that easily Yoona. You could stop thinking about that already. I already told you this before, I'm always going to stay by your side and I'm not going to hurt you because I love you. And I know one day you will feel the same." How can he be so sure of himself? I'm already confused about my feelings for Taecyeon.

"Goodnight Seunghyun ssi." I had to end this conversation.

"Goodnight Yoona." I heard his footsteps leave from my door. I let out a big sigh, it felt like I had a big burdden lifted from me.

I crashed into the bed just letting everything sink in. Just thinking how my life is so messed up in so many ways. I'm a motherless child, my appa doesn't know what to do to make me happy, I'm just a high school graduates working at the men who loves me to death mothers empire. I have two men that have feeliongs for me and I can't even return it because I don't know how to love anyone. My heart is just as messed up as my life, I make sure to shut out everybody from my life just because I feel that its rightr and so that I don't feel burden from being close with anyone. But that whole thing change when I met Taecyeon. He was the one that slowly made me change, he opened my eyes to the things around me. Are you fallen for him Im Yoona? No, that's not possible. Just stop thinking about this, its just going to end up in a heartbreak. They allways leave when you start to love so there is no point in loving back.

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sorry still working on both chapter, been really busy please wait for me


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gween97 #1
Chapter 31: oh my, i think yoona died! you really surprise me. yes a happy ending story, i love happy ending.. but so sad this story is end huhu wait your new storh update dear
Chapter 31: What a beautiful ending authornin. Thank you so much for this story. I can't wait for your next story. Alwaysss keep the faith. Fighting TaecYoon Shipperss <3 . Advance Happy Birthday to you
Chapter 31: OMGGG sweet ending love the story author-nim!!! waiting for the new story!
steiyoon #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the happy ending!
Soshisone93 #5
Chapter 31: THANK YOU!!! :D
Love TaecYoon Until The End!!!
Really anticipated your new story... :)
Kamsahamnida for make this story, it's really daebak jjang!!! :D
gween97 #6
Chapter 30: why this story became a complete when the last chapter still not showing?

Btw, success for your school:)
Soshisone93 #7
Chapter 30: I'm waiting for the last chap... :)
Success for your college too, but don't make us wait too long... ;)
steiyoon #8
Chapter 30: Don't take too long on your last chapter......i'm waiting on your fabulous & superb ending!