Chapter 3

In Blue Water


 Days passed by and Friday had already arrived. Baekhyun sat with his friends at lunch and complained to them about how he had to go to his swimming lessons tomorrow.


“Come on, it can’t be that bad.” said Sehun as he munched away on his sandwich. “I took swim classes before, they were pretty okay.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes at Sehun, “That’s not the problem here. I don’t actually mind taking swimming lessons but why on a Saturday?! Could’ve been any other day.”


Kai patted Baekhyun’s back and nodded, feeling the pain.


“I’m in the same situation. Your mom contacted my dad about your swim lessons and guess what…I’M TAKING THEM TOO! Haah-Haah-haah… no.”


They both sat together in silence as Sehun sat across them, staring them down.


“I would take them with you but Saturday is the only time I get to spend with Luhan-hyung and I can’t waste that opportunity.”


Baekhyun poked at his food and Kai followed along.


“Stop copying me, Kai.” Said Baekhyun as he continued to poke at his food.


After school came by and Baekhyun found himself walking home bored and lonely. Sehun decided to stay behind to study in the library while Kai was busy helping the teacher out. It wasn’t like it was the first time his friends had to stay back at school. The thought of having nothing to do once he got back home sent him the feelings. He just wished his swimming lessons came faster since that was the only thing he could look forward to. Once he got home he was stopped by his mom before he reached his room.

“In case you were wondering, just because I banned you from playing games does not mean I completely banned you from using the computer. You can still use the internet but I don’t want to see you on a single gaming site, alright?”


Baekhyun nodded and ran up to his room.


“At least I still have you~” he mumbled as he scrolled down his tumblr dashboard.


Pictures of 2-D girls were all that appeared in front of his eyes.


“Haah, I like you the best Yui (K-ON)~”


Aside from being an obsessed gamer, Baekhyun was also a Yui fanboy, but he mostly kept it to himself. The only other person that knew about his Yui obsession was Sehun…who was a Mio (K-ON) fanboy. On days when their games were down they would watch the whole seasons of K-ON over and over again. Just on Tuesday they had already watched season 2 for the 11th time this year already. Though they were fanboys, they never showed it to their other friends, much less their parents. As much as they wanted to buy K-ON figurines, they were too embarrassed to even enter the anime store that sold them. Baekhyun continued to scroll down until he saw a video posted by one of his favourite bloggers.


“New swimming anime, kyaaa.” he read.


He clicked on the video and watched it. By the end of the video, he found himself blushing.


“If I can look like that during swim class then I don’t mind going then!”



Saturday morning came by and Baekhyun was dragged to his swim class. It was in a local pool with kids other than him there. He changed into his swimming trunks and headed to the pool area in which was where he saw Kai.


“Baek!” shouted Kai, running towards him like a lost puppy.


Baekhyun waved at him and took a look around the pool area. It was big for a pool. There were slides, hot tubs, and baby pools all around the area. It amazed him since he had only been to the pool once in his life and that was for an elementary school trip. He felt a hand tug onto his swimming trunks and noticed that it was Kai pulling him towards the water.


“What are you doing?” Baekhyun asked him, wondering why Kai was pulling him towards the water.


“Make it less awkward?”


Baekhyun pulled his leg away from Kai’s grasp and walked towards the wall.


“I’m sure it’ll be less awkward if we just sit by the side and wait for the damn instructor to come.”


Kai followed Baekhyun to the wall and crouched down beside him. They waited for a few minutes until the name of their swimming class was shouted out loud.



They headed towards the person shouting; Baekhyun found himself suddenly blushing at the sight of his instructor.


“1, 2, 3------6, okay everyone’s here. Get into the water and get comfortable everyone.”


Everyone in the class jumped into the water and rested their backs against the pool wall.


“Alright everybody, so welcome to this swim class. My name is Park Chanyeol and I’ll be your swimming instructor for the duration of your swimming lessons. I’m actually only a high schooler so you don’t need to be too formal towards me considering most of you are in middle school anyways. So, let’s start this class by doing some introductions shall we?”


Baekhyun was shocked at how deep Chanyeol’s voice was. It seemed abnormal for such a happy person like him. The middle school students did their introductions and soon it was Kai’s turn to do his.


“Um, hey everybody…my name is Kim Jongin…you can call me Kai though…I’m in high school like the instructor…yeah…nice to meet you.”


Chanyeol chuckled at Kai’s awkward introduction and gave him a head nod. His eyes turned to look at Baekhyun, “Last but not least.”


“Aah...hello. I’m Byun Baekhyun, I’m also in high school. Nice to meet you.”


“Alright, it’s great to see that everyone is interested in learning swimming. Let’s start off with the basics now. Does everyone know how to float? Backs or fronts, doesn’t matter.”


Chanyeol looked at all of the students but no one gave him an answer.


“Haha, alright…I’m just going to assume that no one really knows then. Well to float on your back you just basically pretend you’re lying on the ground. Your whole body should be straight but it can’t be tense. You have to relax your body or else you’ll sink.” he said as he showed the class a demonstration.


Everyone’s eyes watched him as he showed how to float on his back. Most of the students were astonished by Chanyeol’s float except for Baekhyun.


He turned to Kai and moved his face closer to his ear, “Don’t you think it looks way too easy?” he whispered.


Kai looked back at Baekhyun and shook his head, “It looks hard to me.”


Chanyeol let everyone try the back float and every single person was struggling with it, even Baekhyun who thought it was easy. Every time he tried to lay flat on the water he always ended up having his legs sink down.


“This is stupid!” he shouted, getting annoyed with it.


Baekhyun’s loud voice caught Chanyeol’s attention. Chanyeol started moving to Baekhyun who was lying on his back with his legs hanging in the water. He placed one hand under his back and the other held up his legs.


“Wah! I can do it! Look Kai!” shouted Baekhyun who thought he was doing it on his own.


“Yeah, you can do it with help. Try your best to do it by yourself as well.”


It was only until time that Baekhyun realized the soft hands brushing against his back was not the water but Chanyeol’s hands. He flipped forward into the water and sunk down to the bottom of the shallow end. The scene replayed in his mind. He could feel his face slowly starting to heat up and turn red. He could still hear the others laughing at him even though the water muffled most of the sounds. Chanyeol’s laugh was the loudest out of them along with his seal-like clapping. He somehow managed to pop his head out of the water. The laughter soon died down and they were all back to practicing their back float. Everyone was starting to get the hang of the back float. Baekhyun and Kai helped each other out and were able to grasp it as well.


“I think everyone is getting the hang of it now. Let’s move onto the front float now.” said Chanyeol, clapping to attract everyone’s attention. “Okay so, front float is easier than the back float. You do the same but except on your front. You should be able to do it in the first one or two tries.”


As soon as everyone tried to do the front float, they all managed to do it on their first try.


“Ah, that’s a nice front float you’ve got there Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol who was complementing him and gave him a glare. Instead of fearing him, Chanyeol returned a smile that showed his perfectly straight teeth. His smile couldn’t help but make Baekhyun’s heart start racing. To avoid blushing in front of everyone, Baekhyun ducked into the water again until the redness faded. There was only 10 minutes left of class so Chanyeol decided to play a game with everyone.


“Let’s play broken telephone.” he suggested.


He turned his head towards everyone to see if there were any objections but being the quiet class they were, everyone agreed to playing the game.


Chanyeol decided to start explaining to everyone how to play the game in case there were some people who were unfamiliar with the game. “Everyone knows how to play right? Someone just whispers to the person beside them something and that person has to whisper it to the next and so on. Instead of doing it above water though, we’ll do it under water. You can come up whenever to catch your breath so don’t worry about have to hold your breath for long.”


The game began. Everyone held their breaths under water and waited for their turn to come. Chanyeol moved next to Baekhyun to start it off.


Chanyeol thought about what he was going to say and then whispered in his ear, “I think you’re cute.”


The water did muffle Chanyeol’s words but he heard them loud and clear.

Did he just call me cute?


Not thinking for another second he told Kai what he heard from Chanyeol. Kai listened and nodded like he understood Baekhyun clearly…but he didn’t…at all.


He turned over to the next kid and whispered to him, “I see, you’re a toad.”


Everyone exchanged what they heard until they finally got to the last person. Everyone came out of the water and listened to what the kid was saying.


“I hope to see your board?”


The others immediately started bursting out into laughter after hearing what he said.


“Not even close man.” Chanyeol laughed as his eyes made it towards the clock on the wall. “Alright everyone, I hope you had fun today. I’ll see you next Saturday then!”


After hearing Chanyeol’s words, everyone made their way into the change rooms. Baekhyun got out of the water after Kai. A part of him was happy that class ended but another part also wished he could stay longer. He turned back to look at Chanyeol who started to teach another class and felt jealous of the kids that got to spend time with him afterwards.


I wonder if he will like us better than those people.

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Chapter 24: to be completely honest with you, if i was the girl, i'd rather become best friends with Baek and Chanyeol than breaking them apart. so i can also meet Jongin, Luhan and Sehun too!

just a thought that crossed my mind :)
byunbebek #2
the whole story was good but i dont really like a girl oc involve in their love story (personal preference) and the ending make me sad.....
That was amazing!!! I wanted to see Baekhyun recover though! But very cute fanfic! I read this all in a day ^.^
Chapter 10: OMG! This is amazing!!! I just realized how much time passed as I was reading this. Truly amazing! OMG so cute! I can't!!! KYAAAAAAH
Chapter 10: MY BAEKYEOL FEELS >w<
Chapter 24: found it and read it in one go! I really enjoyed reading this story~ looking forward to your new stories :)
Chapter 24: Hopefully baek would be able to move his lower limbs again. The ending was kinda sad though. Tsk
menikkey #8
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(
menikkey #9
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(