Chapter 11

In Blue Water


After that day, Baekhyun started to fall more in love with Chanyeol. Every movement that the other person would make, made his heart flutter like there was no tomorrow. Sadly, his swimming lessons with Chanyeol was about to end. It was the last day of their swimming class today so they all just had fun.


“I’m going to miss everyone a lot! If you want to learn more swimming, I’ll be teaching the second level for this class in two weeks so sign up if you want!” said Chanyeol.


Baekhyun was upset that this was his last day. He didn’t enjoy learning swimming itself, but being able to spend more time with Chanyeol made him happy every Saturday. Kai who was standing next to him in the water poked Baekhyun’s arm and caught his attention, “Are you going to take the second level lessons?”


“I have no idea…I wonder if my mom will let me. I’m sure she thinks I’m obsessed with swimming now since I come home quite often with wet swimming trunks.”


“Well I won’t be taking them. I’m sure my dad will let me off now. Haven’t really touched my computer these says either. I’m gonna ask him if I can learn wushu instead!”


They started talking about learning other things. Chanyeol noticed them not paying attention to his class and knocked them on their heads lightly, “Alright guys, your little discussion is over. Time to swim; we’re going to be doing a race to see who can swim the fastest from one end to the other. Winner gets $10 from me.”


The students raced each other and in the end, of course it was Baekhyun, the student who gets free private lessons from the teacher, who won. Chanyeol went over to Baekhyun and whispered in his ear, “Instead of giving you money, I’ll take you out to dinner tonight.”


He could feel Chanyeol’s breath against his ear. Every word that came out of his mouth made him uneasy. He worried that if Chanyeol had continued talking in his ear, he would have fainted. After class was done, Chanyeol took Baekhyun out to dinner at a nearby restaurant.


“Are you planning on taking the next class?”


Baekhyun sat in front of him pushing around his food, “If my mom lets. I want to though…”


“Really? Why? You don’t seem to really like swimming. All those private lessons I gave you seem to have made you hate it even more.” Chanyeol laughed.


“It’s not that…I don’t hate swimming…”


“Why do you want to take it again though?”


Baekhyun panicked. He couldn’t possibly tell Chanyeol that he wanted to take swimming lessons again just to see him more often. If he didn’t take them, that means they wouldn’t see each other every Saturday or any other day for their private lessons. They would probably drift away, and Chanyeol would forget about that kiss he gave him the other day.


“U-u-umm…no reason…”


Chanyeol rested his chin on his hand and raised an eyebrow, “Is it so you can see me more often?”


His sentence made Baekhyun turn completely red, giving him an answer without even saying a word. Chanyeol laughed at the other and gave him a smile, “I like you, Baekhyun. A lot.”


Was this a confession?! Did Chanyeol just tell Baekhyun that he liked him…a lot?! Baekhyun’s heart beat faster and faster.


This isn’t a confession right? He’s probably saying it as a friend! Oh god, how do I reply to this?!


Baekhyun kept panicking, leaving them in silence.


“You’re not going to answer my confession?” Chanyeol said, confirming the other’s thoughts.




“It’s fine if you don’t feel the same. I did take you by surprise yesterday with that kiss anyways…” Chanyeol put on a gloomy face as he spat out those words to Baekhyun.


“NO! I LIKE YOU TOO!” shouted Baekhyun, causing everyone in the restaurant to turn over to look at him.


…….why did I just….T.T


Chanyeol bursted out into laughter, clapping like a seal while he was at it. The older people in the restaurant sent Baekhyun a warm smile after hearing his confession and the younger kids just gave him weird looks. Chanyeol’s laughter soon died down. He put his hand on top of Baekhyun’s and smiled at him, “I think you’re cute, remember these words? I said them to you on the first day we met.”


Baekhyun nodded and listened to Chanyeol continue on.


“I wasn’t really attracted to you then. I just really thought you were cute…but after spending more and more time with you, I couldn’t help but fall in love with you. A-aagh! I’m being corny…”


Baekhyun didn’t really say much after that. He left Chanyeol being embarrassed by his own words. It made him happy to see that the person he liked, liked him back.



“Mom…so about the swimming lessons……………”


Baekhyun’s mom looked at the sign up sheet and signed it immediately, “I’m glad my son is finally leaving his beloved games.”


She started joking with him, pretending tears were falling down here eyes and wiping them, “So, so proud.”


Seeing that his mom was overly happy that he actually wanted to continue on with his lessons made him excited for the next swimming class he would be attending in two weeks. Waiting for the class to start for two weeks was painful for Baekhyun though. Even though him and Chanyeol were dating now, they didn’t get to spend as much time together as when they had classes. Chanyeol apparently had to watch over his co-worker’s sister. His co-worker was having family issues and so to escape them, they moved into Chanyeol’s house for a while.


“Sorry, we couldn’t spend time together again today…I just wish the lessons would start soon so I could at least see you on Saturdays…” texted Chanyeol to Baekhyun.


Baekhyun’s phone vibrated on his table and he quickly picked it up to read the message. He read it over and over again, until he thought of a good reply to text back. “It’s fine. I wish it would start soon too. Just one more week! We have to bare with it!”


Chanyeol read Baekhyun’s text and was happy to see that he also wanted their lessons to start soon, “Yeah…hopefully I don’t die from the lack of Baekhyun in my life. ^^ Time to sleep now~ goodnight bby.”


“goodnight bby.”……………. “goodnight bby.” ……….he called me his baby!!!!!!!!!!!


Baekhyun started squealing after reading the text over and over again. His smile was plastered onto his face and couldn’t be removed.


“Okay, night <3”


Chanyeol on the other side of the phone was squealing over the heart that Baekhyun sent to him.


That’s a heart right?! I’m not seeing things…RIGHT?!


The two ended up being overly happy and couldn’t sleep until a few hours had passed. Every day was slow and painful for Chanyeol and Baekhyun to endure. Chanyeol had to see his co-worker’s sister everyday instead of seeing Baekhyun. His sister was nice though, but a bit too clingy. Soon enough, their wish was granted and the second level of their swimming lessons had begun.


“Welcome to the second level! I see some familiar faces.” he said, noticing that the middle school kids were there.


Everyone from their last lessons was there except for Kai. Instead he was replaced by a pretty middle school girl. She was the only girl in the class, but it didn’t distract Baekhyun at all since Chanyeol was now in front of him. The class begun with them learning how to tread in water. It was hard for the middle school students but Baekhyun found it easy. Chanyeol had taught him it when they were having their private lessons so it was a piece of cake. He started treading in water as he watched Chanyeol helping the other students.


“Kyaa~, Chanyeol-oppa, help me!” the girl fakely screamed as she pretended to sink in the water.


Chanyeol rushed over to help her. He tried to hold her up from her arms but she moved in closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. Baekhyun who saw he doing everything started to feel some jealousy inside of him.


What’s this girl doing to my Chanyeol?!

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Chapter 24: to be completely honest with you, if i was the girl, i'd rather become best friends with Baek and Chanyeol than breaking them apart. so i can also meet Jongin, Luhan and Sehun too!

just a thought that crossed my mind :)
byunbebek #2
the whole story was good but i dont really like a girl oc involve in their love story (personal preference) and the ending make me sad.....
That was amazing!!! I wanted to see Baekhyun recover though! But very cute fanfic! I read this all in a day ^.^
Chapter 10: OMG! This is amazing!!! I just realized how much time passed as I was reading this. Truly amazing! OMG so cute! I can't!!! KYAAAAAAH
Chapter 10: MY BAEKYEOL FEELS >w<
Chapter 24: found it and read it in one go! I really enjoyed reading this story~ looking forward to your new stories :)
Chapter 24: Hopefully baek would be able to move his lower limbs again. The ending was kinda sad though. Tsk
menikkey #8
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(
menikkey #9
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(