Chapter 5

In Blue Water


Baekhyun and Kai started to leave Luhan’s house after the movie was over. After walking for a while together, they split up to go their separate ways. Baekhyun walked home slowly, strolling down the path home. He walked and walked until he was stopped by someone calling his name. He looked for the person whose voice it belonged to and saw someone he never expected to see.


“You’re Baekhyun right?”


“……..yes. You’re my swimming instructor aren’t you?”


There standing in front of him was Park Chanyeol, the creepy swimming instructor that called him cute. Chanyeol continued to smile even though no one was saying anything. Baekhyun couldn’t handle the silence and broke it.


“What is it?” he said, looking up to the much taller male.


Without saying anything, Chanyeol just grabbed onto his arm and pulled him away.


“Yah! Where are you taking me?!” Baekhyun shouted, struggling to get out of Chanyeol’s hold.


Chanyeol still continued to stay silent with that big smile on his face. Baekhyun being the shorter male, he couldn’t pull himself out of his grasp. He decided to stop struggling and let the creep drag him to wherever. It took a while until Chanyeol finally came to a stop. He had brought them into an ice cream parlor that Baekhyun used to frequent.


“Why did you bring me here?” asked Baekhyun with an annoyed tone in his voice.


“You looked hot so I just brought you here to cool you off…and to get to know you better as well. Don’t worry, my treat.”


They seated next to the window and started looking at the different flavours listed on the menu.


“I’m getting chocolate. What do you want?” said Chanyeol, yet again, smiling with his bright smile.


Baekhyun’s eyes rolled up and down the menu, “Strawberry.”


Chanyeol nodded at his reply and bought the ice cream. They sat by the window and ate their ice creams.


“So, what year are you in?” Chanyeol asked.




“Oh really? I’m in second as well! When were you born?”


“May 6.”

“Really? I was born on November 27. You’re my hyung then. That’s funny.”


Baekhyun nodded at his comment and continued to eat his ice cream. Chanyeol continued to ask more questions and gave some information about himself to Baekhyun while he was at it. They finished their ice cream but Chanyeol wasn’t done bothering Baekhyun yet.


“We should hang out more.” said Chanyeol.


They started walking home together. Though it seemed like Baekhyun was really annoyed by Chanyeol’s continuous questions, he actually enjoyed spending time with him. It had been a while since he made new friends. He was always playing games at home so there wasn’t really any chance for him to make new friends.


“Do you enjoy the swimming class so far?”


“It’s okay. Nothing about it makes me hate it or anything…except that it’s on a Saturday.” Baekhyun responded with a monotone tone.


“That’s good. I was sure you’d hate it since you were put into a class with a bunch of middle school students.”


Baekhyun noticed that they were walking closer and closer to his house. Soon enough, they reached his house.


“I don’t think it was your intention to walk me home but yeah…thanks. Bye.”


Chanyeol started waving at Baekhyun as he watched him walk towards his door step. “I’ll see you next Saturday!”


He started heading home. Baekhyun unconsciously felt his eyes follow Chanyeol’s back until he couldn’t be seen anymore. He started heading into his house and went up to his room. His phone started to flash, indicating that he received a text. He switched on his phone and read it.


“I’m going to be coming home late today. I left some money on the table for you.” he said, reading the text out loud.


Haah…mom’s gonna be late today. What should I eat?


Baekhyun headed down the stairs, flipping his hair aside as each step brushed his hair down into his eyes. He walked down the hallway and let his fingers run against the white painted wall until he reached the kitchen. Resting on the table was a white envelope filled with a few bills for Baekhyun’s dinner. He picked it up and stuffed it into his pocket. It took him a while to decide what he was going to eat, but he finalised on eating ramen. Baekhyun started heading over to his favourite ramen restaurant.


“Baekhyun! It’s you again!” a voice shouted.


Baekhyun raised his head and saw that it was the same person he met minutes ago.


“Oh, hi…Chanyeol.”


“What’re you doing here?” asked Chanyeol who seemed to also be eating in the same restaurant as him.


“My mom’s coming home late today so I’m eating out…here.”


“Want to eat with me then? The same is happening for me. I swear I’m not stalking you or anything!”


Baekhyun laughed at Chanyeol’s words and agreed to eat with him. They went inside and took a seat. The waiter handed them two menus and waited for them to finish scanning the menu.


“I’ll have the beef ramen.” they both responded towards the waiter.


They gave each other a stare after hearing their replies. The waiter wrote down their order onto a sheet of paper and went away. Chanyeol and Baekhyun started to laugh at each other.


Chanyeol chuckled as he stole glances at Baekhyun, “That was awkward.”


Baekhyun nodded in agreement and continued to laugh with him. It had been a while since Baekhyun had a good laugh. Since he was always gaming before, he never really had anything to laugh it. Meeting Chanyeol was like meeting a joker. He was someone that could always make him smile and laugh. They finished eating not too long after and headed straight home. Baekhyun’s heart started aching as they parted. He didn’t want to separate from Chanyeol since he was enjoying the time they spent together today, but he knew he had to. Chanyeol had a life of his own and so did Baekhyun. Now, Baekhyun just wished for next Saturday to arrive sooner so he could see Chanyeol again. 



Like Baekhyun wished, Saturday came by in a flash. He was excited to see Chanyeol again after not seeing him for a week already.


Aah, when is he gonna come?


Baekhyun hopped up and down in the pool area as he waited for Chanyeol to arrive to start the class. Chanyeol soon arrived with Kai following behind him and they entered the pool.


“Hey everyone! This class we’ll just review what we learned last week, which was the front and back float, and then learn how to do the back . So everyone, show me your front floats first.” said Chanyeol as he began the class.


The students started to do their front floats and Baekhyun followed along. It was easy to do and didn’t take long until the whole class got it.


“Alright, back floats now.”


Baekhyun saw that Kai was still struggling with his back float. He wondered if he was going to fail like he did to but gave it a go anyways. He started to rest his back against the water and lifted his legs up gently. He started to sink but soon relaxed his body and floated.


Chanyeol watched him as he did his float and praised him for his float, “Good job Baekhyun! You did it in one try!”   


Baekhyun was happy to hear Chanyeol praise him. The smile that Chanyeol added along made him even happier. He decided to help Kai and placed his hands on his back and legs.


“Thanks.” said Kai, trying his best to be able to float by himself.


The class went on and on. Baekhyun found that he was the only able to do the back , causing Chanyeol to throw more praises and compliments towards him. Before Baekhyun even realized it, the class had already ended.


“Alright, class is over. See you next week guys.”


Baekhyun got out of the water. His face had changed from a happy expression to a sad and depressed one.


Why couldn’t swim class be longer…


Chanyeol noticed that Baekhyun was upset after he announced that the class was over.


“Baekhyun, come over here!”


Baekhyun turned around and saw Chanyeol waving at him to come over. He went over to the edge of the pool and pulled his face closer to Chanyeol’s. His face lightened up after Chanyeol whispered something into his ears.


“xxx-xxx-xxxx, call me whenever you want to go swimming. I’ll be more than glad to go with you. I’ll text you the days I work when I’m done. See you.”


Kai waited for Baekhyun while showering in the change room.


Why is Baek taking so long?


He pumped some shampoo out and rubbed it over his wet hair, not leaving a single spot uncovered. He started to reach for his body wash until he saw Baekhyun running in with a smile on his faced.


Kai picked up his body wash and squirted some onto his hand. He watched Baekhyun step into the stall beside him and decided to question him. “Why are you so happy?”


All Baekhyun did was send him a smile and continue on showering. Kai stared at him for a while but noticed that he wasn’t going to answer him at all. He started to rub the body wash onto his dark skinned body from the top of his neck, down to his legs. Random thoughts about why Baekhyun was so happy were swirling inside his head.


Baek’s weird today.

just thought that i should add some details into Kai's showering part ;D
weirdo Baek alert
yaay, he got Chanyeol's number ;D
hope there was enough BaekYeol to make up for the lack of it in the last chapter.

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Chapter 24: to be completely honest with you, if i was the girl, i'd rather become best friends with Baek and Chanyeol than breaking them apart. so i can also meet Jongin, Luhan and Sehun too!

just a thought that crossed my mind :)
byunbebek #2
the whole story was good but i dont really like a girl oc involve in their love story (personal preference) and the ending make me sad.....
That was amazing!!! I wanted to see Baekhyun recover though! But very cute fanfic! I read this all in a day ^.^
Chapter 10: OMG! This is amazing!!! I just realized how much time passed as I was reading this. Truly amazing! OMG so cute! I can't!!! KYAAAAAAH
Chapter 10: MY BAEKYEOL FEELS >w<
Chapter 24: found it and read it in one go! I really enjoyed reading this story~ looking forward to your new stories :)
Chapter 24: Hopefully baek would be able to move his lower limbs again. The ending was kinda sad though. Tsk
menikkey #8
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(
menikkey #9
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(