Chapter 14

In Blue Water


 Baekhyun was ecstatic. He never would’ve believed that Chanyeol chose him over Jiyoon. Sure he was Chanyeol’s boyfriend, but Jiyoon was someone he had to take care of for a while.


If I were Chanyeol, I probably would’ve chose Jiyoon…


Baekhyun felt a little bad for doing such a thing to Jiyoon, but she started all this. If she hadn’t been all over Chanyeol, he wouldn’t have really minded.


“Sooo, let’s go to the grocery store…” said Chanyeol, not sure of what he should say after that happened.


Baekhyun nodded in agreement and followed Chanyeol to the nearby grocery store. He had never been to this store before so everything inside was new to him. His eyes wandered around the store like he was a 5 year old at a candy store. Chanyeol watched him as he made his way around the store beside him. It was entertaining to see Baekhyun act so childish.


“Are you lost little boy?” Chanyeol laughed.


Baekhyun was not amused at his joke. “I’m older than you!! Call me hyung!”

He pouted, trying to make Chanyeol feel bad, but it only made him want to bully the other even more. Chanyeol pinched his cheeks and continued his shopping trip. Aisle after aisle, the basket in Chanyeol’s arm started to fill up. It started to feel like Baekhyun really was at a candy store. Everything that was contained in that basket was filled with his snacks and only a few things belonged to the taller male. At first it didn’t bother Chanyeol, but once it started overflowing he knew he had to confront Baekhyun about it.


“Baekhyun…don’t you think you’re getting too much snacks?”


Baekhyun looked down at the basket and saw the overflowing amount. His mouth dropped. He had no idea that he threw so much of his snacks into the basket. His mind wandered away from him and his body moved on his own.


“Ah, sorry. I didn’t notice.” he said, slowly taking items out of the basket and putting them back.


Ahh, now he’s going to think I eat too much!


“It’s okay to get a few. I was just wondering.”


Chanyeol…it’s okay. I know what you’re thinking. T.T You don’t have to be so kind.


Chanyeol could see that Baekhyun was worrying about something. He took Baekhyun’s hand and held it in his. On the other hand, Jiyoon was at home screaming her lungs out.




Baekhyun felt shivers down his spine.


Why does it feel like someone is talking about me?.....


“I’m done here. Let’s go check out now.” said Chanyeol.


Baekhyun’s mind was off somewhere else; he misheard what Chanyeol had said.


“What?! CHECK WHO OUT?!”


Everyone around them stared at Baekhyun, giving his odd looks. Baekhyun’s face turned red, feeling everyone’s eyes on him. Chanyeol couldn’t help but laugh at the scene, causing people to start staring at him.


“I said let’s check out now. We’re done shopping here.”


This day couldn’t be any worse for Baekhyun now could it? First he had to act like someone else to win Chanyeol’s heart back, second he had to play a game with Jiyoon, and now he had to embarrass himself around so many people. If this wasn’t the worst, then Baekhyun didn’t know what could beat it. They quickly bought their things and rushed out of the store, trying not to attract anymore eyes. They headed back to Chanyeol’s place with bags in their hands. When Chanyeol opened the door, sitting in front of the door was Jiyoon. She was on her phone with her fingers moving at max speed, texting her friends.


“Ah, Chanyeol-oppa, you’re back!” she smiled. “You’re back too, BAEK-HYUN-OP-PA.”


Baekhyun stared at her. What happened to Jiyoon when they were gone? Why is she calling Baekhyun, oppa now? Was there something wrong with her? Did she hit her head?


“We’re back.” Chanyeol said, ignoring the fact that Jiyoon just called Baekhyun, oppa.


This girl must’ve rolled down the stairs and hit her head more than once. There’s no way she would just call me oppa like that.


Jiyoon gave Chanyeol a hug and then went over to give Baekhyun one. Her arms wrapped around his small build and pulled him close. Baekhyun froze in place not knowing what to do with this crazy girl holding him.


I’ll just have to make Chanyeol-oppa jealous then to win his heart.


Jiyoon moved her lips closer to Baekhyun’s ear and whispered in his ear, “Baekhyun-oppa~”


Her words sent shivers down Baekhyun’s spine.


This girl is crazy…

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Chapter 24: to be completely honest with you, if i was the girl, i'd rather become best friends with Baek and Chanyeol than breaking them apart. so i can also meet Jongin, Luhan and Sehun too!

just a thought that crossed my mind :)
byunbebek #2
the whole story was good but i dont really like a girl oc involve in their love story (personal preference) and the ending make me sad.....
That was amazing!!! I wanted to see Baekhyun recover though! But very cute fanfic! I read this all in a day ^.^
Chapter 10: OMG! This is amazing!!! I just realized how much time passed as I was reading this. Truly amazing! OMG so cute! I can't!!! KYAAAAAAH
Chapter 10: MY BAEKYEOL FEELS >w<
Chapter 24: found it and read it in one go! I really enjoyed reading this story~ looking forward to your new stories :)
Chapter 24: Hopefully baek would be able to move his lower limbs again. The ending was kinda sad though. Tsk
menikkey #8
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(
menikkey #9
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(