Chapter 18

In Blue Water


Jiyoon finished her meal and headed upstairs leaving Baekhyun to clean her dishes. He soaked them into hot water and started scrubbing. For the first few minutes, his mind was focused on making the plates shine, but then the thought came back. The thought that he would spend the night with Chanyeol. He slapped his cheek and shook his head rapidly. “No! No! No! No dirty thoughts, Baekhyun!”


He dried off the dishes and placed them onto the counter.


Should I head up now? I’m nervous……


Baekhyun wiped his half wet hands onto his pants and walked up the stairs slowly towards Chanyeol’s room. The door was left slightly open. Baekhyun peeked through and saw Chanyeol reading a book. He was in his pajamas, glasses on, and hair wet. Baekhyun thought he’d never see the day where Chanyeol looked so comfortable. He placed his hands onto the door and pushed it lightly. The door swung back and hit the wall, causing Chanyeol to whip his head up to look at the older male. He didn’t say anything and went back to reading his book. Baekhyun stepped in quietly, afraid that he would bother the other. As Baekhyun started to sit down on Chanyeol’s bed, the reading male looked up and spoke. “You should go shower. I’ll put a change of clothes for you outside the door.”


Baekhyun nodded and headed for the bathroom. It was painted white. Almost everything inside it was white, from towels to cupboards. He closed the door behind him and the water. He took a look in the mirror, staring at his own reflection and started to remove his clothes. After stripping down, he placed his clothes onto the counter top and waited for the water to turn hot. He dipped a toe in, testing the water to make sure it wasn’t too hot or too cold and stepped in. The water hit his body, covering every dry spot on him. Standing outside of the shower waiting made his body cold. The heat from the water warmed his body down, making Baekhyun feel relaxed and calm. For those minutes in the shower, he had forgotten all of his problems and felt like he was free. As his shower came to an end, he turned off the water and reached his arm out, trying to grab a towel. There was no towel. Chanyeol had forgotten to hand him one before he entered and now Baekhyun was stuck inside and wet.


What am I going to do now?! There’s no towel or clean clothes for me to wear! Should I call Chanyeol over? But that’ll be too embarrassing and I can’t even open the door too! Aaaggh, what should I do?


Chanyeol found some clean clothes in his closet and placed them outside the bathroom door. “Baekhyun, I left the clothes outside the door.”


Baekhyun who was still standing inside the shower heard his footsteps moving away after his sentence finished.


Tell him now before it’s too late Baekhyun!


Baekhyun took a deep breath and exhaled every single bit of air inside of his lungs. “C-Ch-Chanyeol…”


Chanyeol stopped walking and went to the bathroom door again. “What is it?”


“T-Th-There’s n-no t-tow-towel…”

Chanyeol’s eyes widened.


Oh right! I forgot about the towels…


“Ah, I’ll go get one for you now.”


He headed into the hallway’s closet, took out a white towel, and headed back to the door. “Can you open the door?”


“I-I can’t…I’m cold and…n-.”


Chanyeol swallowed. His face was starting to turn red. “I’ll go get the k-key then.”


Chanyeol went into his room and took out the bathroom key from his drawer. He held it in his hand and stared at it for a while before he went back to unlock the door. He stuck the key into the hole and turned it slowly, feeling sweat form on his forehead every second that passed by. He placed his hand onto the doorknob and took a deep breath before turning it open. Through the white shower curtain, he could see Baekhyun’s silhouette, emphasizing every curve on his body. Step by step, slowly, he made his way to the shower and stuck his hand with the towel inside. Baekhyun almost fell back at the sight of his hand that almost touched his bare chest. He ripped the towel out of his hand and wrapped it around himself.


“I-I’ll b-bring the c-clothes inside too…” said Chanyeol.


After Chanyeol placed the clothes onto the counter, he ran out of the bathroom and closed the door, locking it as well. Baekhyun peeked his head out of the shower and let out a sigh of relief.


That was nerve wracking.


He dried himself off and looked at the clothes Chanyeol gave him. A shirt that was too big for him and pants that were too long. He picked them up and held them in both hands. Then a piece of clothing dropped onto the floor. Baekhyun bent down to pick it up and saw that it was Chanyeol’s boxers. His eyes grew wider and wider, staring at the cloth inside his hands. He put them in front of his hips, comparing them to his hip size. Awkwardly, he slipped them on, feeling embarrassed as the fabric touched his skin.


I wonder if this is new or Chanyeol wore them before…


He put on the rest of the clothes and stepped out of the bathroom after a while. Chanyeol was still reading his book when Baekhyun came back into the room. After seeing each other, their faces both turned bright red, remembering what just happened.


“You’re wondering if the boxers are new are not…they’re new…just saying.” said Chanyeol, gluing his eyes to his book.


Baekhyun kept his eyes on the floor, not looking up at the other, “O-Okay.”


Silence and awkwardness filled the room. Neither one of them felt comfortable talking. It was until a couple of minutes passed that Chanyeol decided to suggest something for them to do.


“Do you want to watch a movie with me?” he asked, bookmarking his page and placing his book down.


“Ah, sure. What movie?”


Chanyeol slid open his drawer and took out a couple of movies for Baekhyun to chose from. Baekhyun ended up chosing a comedy for them to watch. He sat back against the wall on Chanyeol’s bed and watched Chanyeol slide the disc into the player. Chanyeol played the movie and sat next to Baekhyun on the bed. The movie begun and the two were quiet, letting their minds focus on the movie. 20 minutes into the movie, a funny part came up and caused the two of them to laugh.


“AHAHAH, that’s so funny!” Chanyeol laughed.


Baekhyun turned his head to the male beside him and smiled at his laughing face. The view in front of him right now was much better to watch than the movie that was playing. Throughout the whole movie, Baekhyun couldn’t take his eyes off of Chanyeol. His expressions just amazed him and his laugh was cute, but deep. When the movie ended, Chanyeol stretched his body out hitting Baekhyun’s face, that had been staring at him the whole time.


“Aah! Sorry!” he laughed, patting the spot he hit on Baekhyun’s face.


Baekhyun rubbed it and flicked Chanyeol’s forehead. They both ended up laughing at each other, breaking the awkwardness that had been between them for a while.


“Oh, it’s 3 already. We should probably go to sleep now.” Chanyeol said, noticing the time. Chanyeol got off the bed and took one of the two pillows that were on his bed, along with a thin blanket, “I’ll go sleep on the couch downstairs, call me if there’s anything you need okay?”


Baekhyun grabbed his arm and pulled him back before he reached the door, “We can share this bed…it’s big enough for the both of us.”


Chanyeol looked back at Baekhyun, “You don’t mind sharing a bed with me?”


“If I did I wouldn’t be doing this now…”


Chanyeol chuckled at his cuteness and patted his head, “Thank you.”


They both got on the bed and slipped under the blankets. The awkwardness was back now. Baekhyun tried to close his eyes and fall asleep, but he just couldn’t. The man that he loves is sleeping beside him, who could sleep knowing that? Chanyeol on the other hand slept soundly after turning off the lights. Baekhyun opened his eyes in the darkness, glancing around the room.


I’m not going to sleep tonight, am I?



sorry for the late update T.T  

hope you like this chapter ;D

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Chapter 24: to be completely honest with you, if i was the girl, i'd rather become best friends with Baek and Chanyeol than breaking them apart. so i can also meet Jongin, Luhan and Sehun too!

just a thought that crossed my mind :)
byunbebek #2
the whole story was good but i dont really like a girl oc involve in their love story (personal preference) and the ending make me sad.....
That was amazing!!! I wanted to see Baekhyun recover though! But very cute fanfic! I read this all in a day ^.^
Chapter 10: OMG! This is amazing!!! I just realized how much time passed as I was reading this. Truly amazing! OMG so cute! I can't!!! KYAAAAAAH
Chapter 10: MY BAEKYEOL FEELS >w<
Chapter 24: found it and read it in one go! I really enjoyed reading this story~ looking forward to your new stories :)
Chapter 24: Hopefully baek would be able to move his lower limbs again. The ending was kinda sad though. Tsk
menikkey #8
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(
menikkey #9
Chapter 24: uhhh.. the ending... ;---;
why must be like that? it happened so sudden... ;;;;(