SiHyuk?? o.O

Summer Lovin'

This is my little pre-note..... don't hate me. This chap and the next are going to be really awks for our sweet Hyukkie.....



"Aish! It's so hot!! Can't we go another day!" Hyuk whined when Donghae asked him to go to the beach.
"But Hyuk, it's perfect beach weather and Siwon can only go with us today." Hae said pouting.
Hyuk ground his teeth together trying to hold back bitter words. It's always Siwon this, Siwon that. For the past four days it seemed all anyone ever talked about was Siwon!
But what Hyuk couldn't stand the most was that Siwon didn't seem to notice the hatred he felt towards him. Hyuk made it obvious with nasty looks and ignoring him, but it seemed as if Siwon kept trying to get closer and closer to him.
"Then go to the beach with Siwon! I'll just stay home."
"Aish, don't be so sour Hyukjae. Let's go to the beach together... it'll be fun." Kyuhyun said in a teasing tone, as if he were speaking to a baby.
"What if I don't want to have fun?" Hyuk added stubbornly. 
"Nobody doesn't want to have fun. That is completely ridiculous... " Yesung said as he joined the group attempt to persuade Hyuk.
"You're completely ridiculous!" Hyuk said coldly, running out of excuses. 
"Hyuk, why are you so upset about going to the beach today!?" Sungmin snapped at him.
"Well, I think that Hyuk has his reasons. Let's not go to the beach today, I think I have some time next week, we can go then." Siwon's smooth voice said calmly from Hyuk's porch steps.
"Aww, but Siwon.... can't we...." Hae didn't seem to be able to form a proper sentence.
Eunhyuk was instantly irritated with the way Hae looked at Siwon with such cute, apologetic eyes...
"Fine, whatever! I'll go!" Hyuk shout as he stormed into the house to fetch his things.
"Why the sudden change of heart?" Kyuhyun said from the doorway of his room.
Hyuk grunted and didn't bother to look at Kyu, knowing he'd be giving him a sly, sadistic smile.
"Oh, I know... was it because of the "Aww, but Siwon... can't we..." from Hae?" Kyu imitated Donghae perfectly, making Hyuk's feelings of resentment towards Siwon.
"Shut up Kyuhyun! You wouldn't understand! I mean. You got what you want and you didn't have to worry about someone taking him away from you!"
"But I was willing to tell him how I felt and ask for an answer. All you've done is toy with Hae and show him how ing erted you are. You need to show him some love for once you idiot."
Hyuk stared at Kyu blankly, how did he expect him to do that? Show Hae that he wanted him as more than a friend. That he wanted more than Hae's body...
"Kyu.... help me...please..."
Hyuk looked around the beach, it was crowded with teens and families, there was barely enough room to lay out a towel.
"Ah! Aren't you gald you came?" An excited Hae said smiling at Hyuk while he pulled out a bottle of sunscreen from his bag.
Be nice, talk nicely, show him you care... Hyuk said to himself. "Yeah, It's really nice out... I bet the water will feel great."
Hyuk couldn't help grinning when Hae's smile seemed to widen, "Really Hyukkie, you're gonna go swimming?"
"Yeah, why not... I'm here aren't I?" Hyuk shrugged, trying his best to not acknowledge Siwon as he was making his way towards them.
"Hey Donghae, I forgot my sunscreen, could I please have some of yours?" Siwon said in a ridiculously gentlemanly tone that had Hyuk fighting to keep a smile on his face.
"Sure, just bring it back when you're done."
"Ah, wait I need some too." Hyuk said realizing he hadn't packed any.
"Well, let me help you." Siwon said smiling at Hyuk.
Hyuk shuddered, why was he looking at him like he was food?
"Uh... I can do it myself... " Hyuk took a step back.
"But you won't be able to put any on your back..."
"Oh yeah! I need some on my back! Can you put some for me Si-"
"I'll do it!" Hyuk said, quickly snatching the sunscreen from Siwon and rubbing some onto Hae's back.
"Thanks! " with that Hae ran towards Sungmin who was walking hand in hand with Kyuhyun.
"Well... I guess I should help you with your back then."
Hyuk looked at Siwon who'd managed to sneak up behind him. He'd removed his shirt and it seemed as though every eye on the beach; male and female were on his body.
"No, I'm fine. I don't need help."
Hyuk was surprised when the gentleman Siwon grabbed his arm and began tugging him across the beach. Hyuk tried to shake out of his grip but it was no use, all he could do was let himself be dragged to the.... change rooms?
Hyuk began to panic, what if Siwon wanted to beat him up to keep him away from Hae? He couldn't fight him off, he didn't even hope to be able to, he knew he couldn't. 
"Si-Siwon... let's talk about this..." Hyuk said, trying to sound friendly and casual. 
"I don't want to talk." He replied sternly. 
He pulled Hyuk into on of the stalls and slammed the door shut.
"P-please don't-"
Hyuk's words were cut off as Siwon pressed his lips against his, pushing his tongue into Hyuk's open mouth.
Hyuk panicked. What was going on? Why was Siwon doing this?
"Mmmm, your lips are as soft as they look." Siwon said, pulling away and his lips. "And you taste so sweet... like strawberries."
Hyuk was stunned, did he? Was he really? This wasn't happening... 
"What..wh... huh?" Hyuk didn't know where to start.
"What? You're surprised? I suppose you have the rights to be... I've always been fond of Donghae. I mean he is beautiful...  but you... You Lee Hyuk Jae; are a masterpiece, a true work of art, every bit of you is beautiful, even your bratty attitude. I want you to be mine."
Hyuk blinked, this wasn't happening. 
"So what do you say Hyukjae? Do you want to claim this for yourself? " He said gesturing towards his body.
"I... I'm...  no.... no. I-I...  no." Hyuk couldn't form a proper sentence in his mind, but he knew that his answer was no.
"Come on Hyuk. Think about it." Siwon help onto Hyuk's wrists with one hand and lifted his chin with the other. "I can give you so much. Anything you want." He leaned down and kissed Hyuk's lips.
Hyuk trembled, "I... I want Hae. I'm sorry. "
Siwon chuckled but his grip tightened arou d Hyuk's wrists. "I'm sorry, but Hae isn't really something I can buy you. Though I can try." 
"N-no Siwon. I mean... I love Hae. I want him, not you... I'm sorry." Hyuk looked at Siwon's hurt expression and realized, he really was sorry for the guy.
"Figures... I can try my best to look like a model and still no one wants me..." He said quietly as he rested his head on the change room wall.
"Siwon..." Hyuk whispered as he felt something wet hit his bare shoulder... was he crying?
"I'm sorry." Siwon stepped away from Hyuk and released him wrists. 
Hyuk rubbed his bruised wrists and couldn't decide if he wanted to punch the man in front of him... or hug him and tell him that he would meet his someone one day.
Hyuk decided it was best to be nice, "Hey, Siwon... if it makes any difference...  had I not already met and fallen for Hae.... I would definitely have gone for you."
Siwon smiled warmly and for the first time Hyuk realized why everyone loved this guy so much.
Ahhhahahahahahah, I bet you're mind is feeling rather molested at the moment.... I don't blame you... anyways yeah, do you think Siwon will really give up? I'm curious... also, why the sudden attraction to Hyuk, Siwon? I thought you liked Hae!! You two-timer... lol, I have issues....but please wait patiently, I have to go to the doctor today, so I'll have plenty of time in the waiting room and while waiting for the doctor to take his sweet time -_-.... I'll have my tablet with me and will be writing a few chapters....  also, if you actually read this please check out. Something to Cherish by GwenTee and I  :P we're working on our sequel and should be uploading by this weekend *fingers crossed* okay..... I'm done advertising, bye, bye loves.
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I Will Fix Chapter 19 ASAP. sorry~~


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Chapter 20: Nice one, are you ok?I hope things get better for you......good energy sending in your direction :-)
vince1108 #2
Chapter 20: UGH EUNHAE feels fell so badly in the end ._. oh well nice ff =x
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 20: Nice story but I really didn't like the lack of EunHae. Thanks for the FF!
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 11: eunhae finally!
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 10: chapter confused mode. i can't tell who siwon really likes. good chapter though. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 4: Ohhh Kyu you are simply evil. lol
Chapter 20: please continue your fic!! I'd go with either option 1 or 2 but either way i hope to see more of eunhae pleeeeease.... xDD

author-nim hwaiting!!! :D
yethunguie-zo #8
Chapter 13: Whaaaaaaa it was awesome i liked it a lot^^u have a very good writing im flying >\\\\\\< plz continue updating
Cho_Caitlyn #9
Chapter 19: Omg keep going I need more and....yesung is turning wierd.....I like it!!!><