So much Pink

Summer Lovin'


Sungmin stood in front of his bedroom door watching Kyu sleep, he'd never been so embarrassed in his life... he'd woken up that morning and found himself clinging onto Kyu who'd fallen asleep beside him.
Sungmin's immediate reaction had been to murder the boy in his sleep, but for some reason he felt happy that Kyu hadn't left him all alone.
Sungmin made his way down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, he wasn't surprised when he saw that his Ryeowook and his Friend Yesung had fallen asleep on the couch with the T.V on.
"Wookie, Yesung, get up."
Sungmin chuckled as his brother muttered incoherent insults in his sleep. 
Once breakfast was prepared Min went upstairs to wake up Kyu.
"Why, hello there." Min said once he saw a confused looking Kyu standing beside his door.
"Uh... I fell asleep. Sorry..."
Min smiled when a look of relief came onto Kyu's face "I noticed, you're lucky I was in a good mood and decided not to hurt you."
"Hurt or me? I feel thoroughly molested and remember pushing you off of me at some point."
Sungmin felt heat rush to his face, "that's why I have never shared a bed with anyone.... I tend to hug things in my sleep..."
Kyu laughed and fiddled with his wrinkled clothes. Sungmin couldn't help but notice how cute the bed-headed Kyu was.
"Mmmm, I should go home-"
"No! I made breakfast... you have to eat first... You like fried eggs right? You ate a lot of it when you came for dinner... I made some for you." Sungmin felt embarrassed as he spoke; why did he say it like that?
"Wha- but, you shouldn't be up. You're still sick and should be resting!"
Sungmin smiled at Kyu's concern for him, "I'm much better now Kyu. A certain someone nursed me back to health so I'm perfectly fine."
Kyu blushed and nodded, "All I did was keep your fever down."
"Well, that's all I needed and I'm happy you did it."
Kyu blushed and Min wondered how this cute boy could have been the creepy nerd that'd been stalking him all year.
"What are friends for?" Min might have imagined it, but Kyu's smile broke for a split second.
"You're a great friend Kyu, Hae would have just sent me to a hospital because he wouldn't know what to do...Alright, let's go. I still need to wake up Wookie and Yesung." Sungmin turned and headed downstairs and couldn't help smiling a little when he heard Kyu's footsteps behind him.
Kyu sat watching Sungmin sleep, He'd started shaking and Kyu was worried he might be sick and vomit. 
Even with his face a bright shade of red, Sungmin still looked beautifully stunning. He had a cute baby-like face that could weaken anyone's defenses. His lips were a pouty m shape and looked extremely kissable. His body was lean and his skin was pale and looked so smooth...
Kyu stretched out his hand brushed Min's cheek. "It is smooth" Kyu mumbled to himself as he continued to Min's cheek.
Min made a small cooing sound and put his hand over Kyu's. 
Kyu moved closer and rested his head beside Min's, he didn't want to leave... Min was so much nicer to him now and he wanted to stay longer, to take care of him.
"Uh, what are you doing?" 
Kyu nearly had a heart attack, he turned to see who'd spoken and saw Ryeowook staring at him.
"Sungmin is sick, no one was home and I didn't want to leave him on his own... in case he vomits or something, he'll need someone to help him."
Ryeowook narrowed his eyes, "so just no... you weren't trying to kiss him?"
Kyu's face heated up, "No. I-I wasn't, I swear. I was just looking at his face, that's all. I really didn't do anything."
Ryeowook pouted, "You're no fun! If I was in the same room as the person I like while they are sleeping, I would do a lot more than look at their face."
Kyu blushed, "Well Wookie, that just means people shouldn't fall asleep around you."
"Well, what's wrong with him? Min would never go to sleep this early unless there was something wrong..."
"Looks like he stayed out in the sun too long and had a bit of a heat ."
"Ah, leave it to him. Always taking care of others, never takes care of himself."
Kyu looked at Min's sleeping form, he looked so small on that bed all alone...
"Well, goodnight Wookie." Kyu said as he walked over to the other side of Min's bed.
"Are you spending the night here?... in Min's bed? Are you suicidal? "
"No, I just want to stay with him for a little while...  until I'm positive that he is okay on his own tonight."
Ryeowook grinned, "Alright Kyuhyun, whatever you say... have you eaten yet? I'll make you something."
Before Kyu had the chance to reply Ryeowook left singing a happy tune to himself.
Kyu, having finally stopped staring at Min looked around the room. There was an abundance of pink. The curtains were pink, two walls opposite each other were painted pink and the other two white, the night stands were painted white and pink to match the dresser that stood on the far wall, there was a fuzzy pink carpet under the pink computer desk and from what Kyu could see in the half open closet, there was also a mass of pink in there.
"Looks like I've figured out your favourite colour..." Kyu said to himself as he laid his head on the pillow beside Min's. 
Kyu woke up staring at a pink wall. It took him a minute to realize where he was. He stretched out his sore limbs and groaned from the pain, he felt like he'd fallen asleep in a box, his joints were sore and he felt incredibly sweaty.
Kyu sat up and looked towards the person beside him...or rather, the person who should have been beside him.
Kyu started to panic, he looked to see if Min had somehow fallen off the bed, but he wasn't there. Kyu went and looked in the washroom to see if he'd gotten up during the night and possibly fell asleep there. He wasn't in there either. Kyu walked over to Min's bedroom once more, to make sure he wasn't there.
"Why, hello there." 
Kyu turned at the sound of Min's voice and was instantly relieved upon seeing him. He stood at the top of the stairs staring at Kyu with a questioning look.
Kyu figured he was wondering why he'd awoken to him in his bed, " Uh... I fell asleep. Sorry..." He couldn't figure out what else to say, he knew Min would probably misunderstand what his intentions were.
"I noticed, you're lucky I was in a good mood and decided not to hurt you."
Kyu was relieved that Sungmin seemed okay with the situation, he was even joking around about it!
"Hurt or me? I feel thoroughly molested and remember pushing you off of me at some point." Kyu replied with a smirk, he knew it hadn't happened but couldn't help teasing Sungmin, who probably had no recollection of the previous night.
Sungmin blushed and Kyu couldn't help but laugh at his response."that's why I have never shared a bed with anyone.... I tend to hug things in my sleep..."
"Mmmm, I should go home-" Kyu mumbled, not wanting to stay around long enough to embarrass himself.
"No! I made breakfast... you have to eat first... You like fried eggs right? You ate a lot of it when you came for dinner... I made some for you." 
Kyu was surprised by the desperate tone in Min's voice, did he really not mind? Was he feeling well enough to do all of this?
"Wha- but, you shouldn't be up. You're still sick and should be resting!"
Kyu said, finally remembering the whole purpose of his night stay.
Sungmin smiled, "I'm much better now Kyu. A certain someone nursed me back to health so I'm perfectly fine."
Kyu blushed and nodded, "All I did was keep your fever down." He didn't feel he'd done much to deserve thanks.
"Well, that's all I needed and I'm happy you did it."
Sungmin's smiled and Kyu felt his heart speed up. Just friends, we're, Just. Friends, Kyu reminded himself.
"What are friends for?" He finally said, putting on the best smile he could.
"You're a great friend Kyu, Hae would have just sent me to a hospital because he wouldn't know what to do...Alright, let's go. I still need to wake up Wookie and Yesung."
Sungmin turned and walked down the stairs, after a seconds pause, Kyu followed suit.
When they got downstairs, Ryeowook was asleep in a boy with dark red hair's arms. The boy, Kyu assumed was Ryeowook's friend, Yesung.
"Wookie, wake up!" 
Sungmin said, shaking the petite Ryeowook. 
"I'll wake them up." Kyuhyun said after Sungmin had received a kick from the still sleeping Wookie.
"Are you sure, I mean, he's got a pretty powerful kick."
"Don't worry about it." Kyu said pushing Min towards the kitchen. 
Once he was alone with the sleeping boys Kyu went to work, he found some tape in the washroom and a few bandages. 
He tied their arms behind their backs with bandages to avoid being hit by their arms. Then he rolled up their jeans and placed a long strip of tape one both their right legs.
Kyu smirked, it'd been a long time since he'd pranked someone.
Sungmin jumped when he heard two shrieking voices. He ran into the living room to find Wookie with his arms tied behind his back, on the ground swearing up a storm, while Yesung was still on the couch, shouting death threats.
Kyuhyun however, was on the ground, holding his stomach as he laughed.
"Wh-what happened? "
Wookie started shouting, "That sick bastard over there, ripped all the hair off my leg!!"
Kyu's laughter got even more out of hand 
"I'm gonna ing kill him!" Yesung shouted as he thrashed about on the couch.
Sungmin found himself laughing with the now teary-eyed Kyu.
"Hyung! How could you!? He hurt me!" Wookie pouted.
"No, I was trying to wake you up sleepy head." Kyu said through his now subsiding giggles. 
"You couldn't just wake us up normally?!  And untie me Goddamnitt!!" Yesung looked annoyed so Sungmin untied him and had to hold him down for what felt like ages, so he wouldn't attack Kyuhyun.
Once Yesung was calm, Sungmin left him to untie Wookie and took Kyu into the kitchen, where he would be safe.
"Goodness, I've never laughed so much, so early in the morning Kyu!" Sungmin commented as he put food out on the breakfast table.
"I love pranking people." Kyu said with a grin. 
Sungmin got goose bumps , though he knew Kyu was just grinning at thought of harassing others, Kyu's grin was very seductive.
"I hate you Kyuhyun!" Wookie said, snapping Sungmin back to reality. "Look what he did to my leg, Hyung! I'll have to shave my legs to be able to wear shorts now!"
Wookie rolled up his jeans, revealing a smooth, hairless stripe on his leg.
Yesung grumbled and showed Sungmin the hairless stripe he too now wore.
"Good thing I wax my legs!" Sungmin said shaking his head at the boys.
"You wax your legs?" Kyu asked grinning at Sungmin.
"Yeah, hairy legs look gross..." Sungmin blushed, confessing his habit to Kyuhyun who, he'd only actually been friends with for one day.
"Hmm, that's a bit... girly don't you think?" Kyu said biting off a piece of sausage in such a erted way Min thought it must have been done purposely. 
"What do you mean, Girly!?" Sungmin said, blushing at the accusation and his erted thoughts.
"Well Hyung, you are by far the girliest guy I know." Wookie said innocently. 
"Well, feminine faces are common in males in our family!" Min said in his defense. 
"That's understandable, but why wax your legs?" Kyu said, apparently enjoying Min's flustered state.
"I told you! Hairy legs look gross!"
"Just what a girl would say." Yesung said, joining in teasing Min.
"Oh, and that, absolutely fabulous room." Kyu emphasized the word 'fabulous'.
Min reddened as the assaults on his feminine habits and styles continued. 
Okay, I had some difficulty at the beginning of the chapter, I won't lie but, I managed to get things flowing again and even had a bit of our beloved evil Kyuhyun come out ^^ and he's even teasing his little bunny now >///< omo.
Anywho, please stay with me. There is a very interesting Eunhae scene coming up and I fangirled while writing it so you will love it... I hope... and we will be getting some nice conflict soon, don't hate me! I'm not gonna post them yeettt because.... I'm evil and want you all to wait in antici------------------------------pation.  :D 
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Thank you!
I Will Fix Chapter 19 ASAP. sorry~~


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Chapter 20: Nice one, are you ok?I hope things get better for you......good energy sending in your direction :-)
vince1108 #2
Chapter 20: UGH EUNHAE feels fell so badly in the end ._. oh well nice ff =x
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 20: Nice story but I really didn't like the lack of EunHae. Thanks for the FF!
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 11: eunhae finally!
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 10: chapter confused mode. i can't tell who siwon really likes. good chapter though. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 4: Ohhh Kyu you are simply evil. lol
Chapter 20: please continue your fic!! I'd go with either option 1 or 2 but either way i hope to see more of eunhae pleeeeease.... xDD

author-nim hwaiting!!! :D
yethunguie-zo #8
Chapter 13: Whaaaaaaa it was awesome i liked it a lot^^u have a very good writing im flying >\\\\\\< plz continue updating
Cho_Caitlyn #9
Chapter 19: Omg keep going I need more and....yesung is turning wierd.....I like it!!!><