End of Summer

Summer Lovin'


Eunhyuk paced about nervously along the beach strip; he hoped his efforts wouldn’t go to waste.

He’d spent the entire night up, writing a letter to put in Donghae’s mailbox… Sure, Donghae’s house was only a hop away from his uncle’s, but what if Hae didn’t want to see him? Or talk to him? What then… He’d lose all motivation to patch things up between them.

What if Hae didn’t get the letter… what if it fell out of the mailbox? Eunhyuk thought of every possible excuse as to why Donghae was two hours late for the meeting time… Maybe he’s busy and couldn’t make… Or what if he left early today without checking the mail.. What if Heechul hid the letter…

Eunhyuk threw himself on the ground with a heavy sigh.

Why had he been so chicken? Why couldn’t he just go and talk to Donghae face to face…

“Because you’re a coward, Lee Hyuk Jae.” Eunhyuk said to himself

“You’re chicken and you’re afraid of feelings. You’re afraid that Hae might lose his feelings for you… Or you for him… And because you’re afraid, you’ll probably never get to know what would happen between you two.” Eunhyuk choked as he scolded himself.


“Well… If you’re so afraid, then why don’t you just end it?”

Eunhyuk jumped, surprised by the quite figure that had snuck up beside him.


“If you’re afraid, you should have just written a letter saying; Donghae, let’s end this for both our sakes. If you thought that I’d lose feeling for you, or you for me.. then you should have simply said; I don’t think this is going to work out…. If...If you just wanted to bring me here to end this… this… whatever this is…. Then, you shouldn’t have bothered to so much as say anything.”

“Donghae, I-”

“But you don’t believe that, do you Hyukkie?” Donghae turned and looked into Eunhyuk’s eyes, capturing his heart.

“No, no I don’t believe that Hae… I think… even if we’re far from each other, that we can make this work; and that’s what I want to do Hae! I want to make this work.”

Eunhyuk took Donghae’s hand into his, “I don’t want to have to give up anything; not you, not my family, not the new friends I’ve made here nor the old ones I have back home…”

“I know.” Donghae sighed, “And it was stupidly selfish for me to demand you do so.”

“You weren’t stupid.” Eunhyuk chuckled.

“But it was selfish.” Donghae pouted

“Well…. kind of.”

“And I accused you of using me to boot.” Donghae pulled his knees to his chest.

“You were upset… You weren’t thinking about anything but being upset.”

Eunhyuk moved closer to Hae and wrapped his arm around Hae’s waist.

“Hyukkie… I’m gonna miss you so much.” Donghae sobbed turning in to Hyuk neck.

“Babe, I’m gonna miss you too… But, I’ll call you everyday, and night. You can text me… or we can skype… or  you can send me pictures of your naughty bits to keep me company on cold winter nights.”

Donghae playfully smacked Eunhyuk’s cheek. “Guess sweet romantic moments aren’t ever going to last more than forty seconds with us before you make it into a filthy fantasy?”

Eunhyuk chuckled and kissed Donghae’s temple; “Babe, you know that’s how I am. Take it or leave it.”

Donghae leaned against Hyuk, trying to close the few centimeters separating their bodies.

“You promise you’ll call everyday?” Donghae looked up at Eunhyuk, pleading with his eyes.

“I swear, and if I don’t call one day and haven’t died… feel free to come do the job yourself.”

Donghae pouted and pinched Eunhyuk’s side, “What do you mean if you haven’t died ?? Are you planning to do reckless things when you get home?” Donghae gave Eunhyuk another painful pinch.

“No, I just…”

“Shut up. You talk too much.” Donghae murmured into Eunhyuk’s ear as he lowered his lips to his neck.

“Oh, and I’m the filthy one.” Eunhyuk let out a pleasure filled sigh as Donghae began to mark his neck. “I didn’t know you liked hickies… doesn’t suit you.”

Donghae nibbled and at the soft flesh, leaving small deep red bites. “ I don’t, but knowing you; if you aren’t marked, someone will try to.”

Eunhyuk giggled; “Why don’t you brand my instead?”

Donghae paused and seemed to seriously contemplate the offer.

“Hae, I was kidding…” Eunhyuk said as he cupped Donghae’s face in his hands.

“Yeah, I know” Hae whispered “Be safe, okay. I won’t be there to nurture you to health if you get sick… or God forbid; injured.”

“I know, same to you. And no flirting with boys. No matter how rich or handsome they are. Understood?”

Donghae giggled; “It’s a tempting offer though, a rich and handsome man in exchange for a filthy ?”

“Ouch” Eunhyuk said as he kissed Donghae’s lips gently.




Heechul looked out the living room window at his brother as he hugged Eunhyuk goodbye.

Donghae tried to be brave, spending Eunhyuk's last week here with him, smiling and trying to enjoy the time they had... but now the poor thing had broken down into tears.

Eunhyuk had his arms wrapped around Hae tightly as he rocked them back and forth in an attempt to stop the tears, but only seemed to trigger his own.

Heechul opened the door and walked towards the couple.

"Come on Hae,Hyuk will miss his train if you make him stay any longer." Heechul laid a hand on Donghae's shoulder.

"And it's not like you won't ever see each other again, We can go visit them during christmas break."

Donghae pulled away from Eunhyuk and leaned into Heechul's shoulder.

Heechul watched as Eunhyuk climbed into his sister's car, wiping away the tears that had escaped his eyes.

"Don't worry hun" Heechul whispered as he patted Hae's head, "You'll see him soon."



Hey guys, It's been a while... I'd list off the reasons this took so long but what's the point? It's here now right.... Honstley I've been on Tumblr and became a chronic blogger, making gifs and all that jazz. Then I had a bit of a quarter life crisis in which I realized that my whole life will crumble into nothingness because my family isn't stable enough to even lend me money to purchase books for Uni next year, no one seems to want to hire me, but I NEED a job, like now or else I can kiss my dreams goodbye. I need money to apply to Uni, I have to take out student loans. My parent's aren't in a situation where they can apply for things like a student credit line for me and I've contemplated selling myself as a way to earn a bit of money for the time being.....

I'm starting to get a hang of myself now, (thank gods) else I would have spiraled into depression again and that would have meant this chapter wouldn't be out till May 2014 (If you're lucky) 

But... I can't tell you for sure what I intend to write next... I have a ton of drafts, just waiting on my drive but, I don't trust my emotions enough to make such a commitment. 

But please keep an eye out for me :P 

oh and like... you should follow me on tumblr... all three of my blogs; Kpop gifs and spam, Infinite awesomeness and Lee Joon/ Mblaq 

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I Will Fix Chapter 19 ASAP. sorry~~


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Chapter 20: Nice one, are you ok?I hope things get better for you......good energy sending in your direction :-)
vince1108 #2
Chapter 20: UGH EUNHAE feels fell so badly in the end ._. oh well nice ff =x
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 20: Nice story but I really didn't like the lack of EunHae. Thanks for the FF!
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 11: eunhae finally!
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 10: chapter confused mode. i can't tell who siwon really likes. good chapter though. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 4: Ohhh Kyu you are simply evil. lol
Chapter 20: please continue your fic!! I'd go with either option 1 or 2 but either way i hope to see more of eunhae pleeeeease.... xDD

author-nim hwaiting!!! :D
yethunguie-zo #8
Chapter 13: Whaaaaaaa it was awesome i liked it a lot^^u have a very good writing im flying >\\\\\\< plz continue updating
Cho_Caitlyn #9
Chapter 19: Omg keep going I need more and....yesung is turning wierd.....I like it!!!><