But I love you

Summer Lovin'

Donghae sat on his sofa staring idly out of his window. When is Hyuk coming? He thought impatiently as he stood up and walked to the window.

There he was.

Hae smiled as he saw Eunhyuk stepping out of his uncle's home in a red sports shirt, he must have just showered because his hair struck to the side of his face and neck, giving him a sleek, clean, provocative look.

Donghae held in a squeal and giggled. So this is what being in love feels like? He closed the curtains and peeked from the corner as Hyuk walked towards his house and into the porch.

Hae stood still for a minute, waiting for his signal to go to the door. Once Hyuk finally knocked after spending an odd amount of time staring at the door, Hae could barely contain his joy.

"Good morning!" Hae smiled as he looked at the face of the man who'd been Invading his dreams all summer.

"Hae..." Eunhyuk wrapped his arms around Hae's hips and pulled him into a tight hug.

Donghae breathed in Hyuk's warm scent. "Yeah" He felt like he could stay like this forever.


Donghae looked up at Hyuk as soft lips came to press against his own. Donghae smiled happily into the kiss letting his thoughts drown in the pressure of Hyuk's lips.

"Mmm, why do you always taste like strawberries in the morning?" Donghae murmured against Hyuk's neck when he finally came up for air.

"I like having strawberries in the morning." Hyuk said, tipping Hae's head back and capturing his lips once more.


Hae pulled away reluctantly after hearing his brother’s not so subtly throat clearing.

“ I don’t care what you two do, as long as I don’t have to watch any of it. Also, no on the couch, people have to sit there you know... As a matter of fact no downstairs eith-”

“Gah!! Heechul-hyung, we know! Please stop saying that!” Hae blushed at the thought. Hyuk and I aren’t even at the point where we would consider ...

“Oh, tell me to stop and then space out into your dirty fantasy land!” Heechul smirked enjoying his little brother’s embarrassment.

Hyuk giggled as he wrapped his arms around Hae’s waist. “We haven’t gotten to that yet... but when we do, I promise I won’t get him pregnant.”

“But I want nieces and nephews!”

Hae was completely shocked. How can they talk about that so easily... like a normal conversations...

“Hae” Eunhyuk mumbled into his neck. “Don’t be scared. We’ll only do that when you’re ready.”

Donghae sighed and turned in Hyuk’s arm. He felt so right in these arms. So... perfect, like he would always be happy in these arms....  

“Hey, Eunhyuk. Can I talk to you for a minute?” Heechul leaned against the knob of the front door looking at Eunhyuk with suspicious eyes.

“Right now... Okay.” Hyuk let his hands fall from the small of Donghae’s back where he’d been gently and followed Heechul outside.

What could they be talking about that I’m not allowed to hear? Hae sat in the quiet living room, eyeing the door. He couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong. Hyung would never under normal circumstances ask to speak to Hyuk... Did we do something wrong....

The door creaked open sheading some light into the room. Hae glanced at the clock; it’d only been 15 minutes yet...it felt like hours...

Hae looked up as Eunhyuk sank on the couch beside him.

“What did hyung want to talk to you about?” Hae asked after a few moments of silence.

“Hae... I.... honestly I just... I forgot all about that.”

“Hyukkie, you forgot all about what?” Hae felt anxious, why had Eunhyuk’s good mood suddenly depleted, what had Heechul said to him?

“Hae... my sister wants to return to our hometown. She says that she feels more at ease there... and... my uncle isn’t really up to the challenge of caring for a teenage boy so... I’ll probably...end up... returning to my hometown as well...”

Hae had never felt such intense hurt in all his life.

“So... you’re...you’re leaving!? You’re leaving me, are we just going to end it. Is that what you-”

“Hae, calm down!”

Donghae hadn’t realized that he’d stood up. His hands hurt as he noticed they were clenched into tight fists.

“Hae, I never said I was leaving you I said that I was leaving this town.”

“It’s the same ing thing!! You leave this town and then you leave me!”

“Hae, we can make this work, you know I care about you so we can-”

“No! You’re lying! You’re just going to leave and find some other naive guy, toy with him, make him fall for you and then rip his heart out.”

“G-God! Hae, what are you saying! Wh-when have I toyed with you! I told you how I feel. I love you Hae! I really do, so please let’s just-.”

Donghae heard nothing else as tears streamed down his face and his ears began to ring violently. He should have known better... I shouldn’t have opened up to him so easily, I shouldn’t have believed it when he said I was his and he was mine.



*SOB* *SOB* Is it normal to have too many feels during your own story? :'( DONGHAE!! HE LOVES YOU!! DON'T ACT LIKE THIS!!!

*sob* *sob* Why did I write this!! I'm so miserable now. First YeWook, now Eunhae! God, I hope nothing happens to Kyumin...

So... what do you think is going to happen? Will I be a nice person and have some miracle happen that saves Eunhae? Will Kyumin be safe? Will Eunhae just end and this story be nothing but angst and pain and misery?!!? WILL YESUNG ING HOOK UP WITH RYEWOOK ALREADY!?

Truth is... I don't even know!! *TEEHEE*

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I Will Fix Chapter 19 ASAP. sorry~~


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Chapter 20: Nice one, are you ok?I hope things get better for you......good energy sending in your direction :-)
vince1108 #2
Chapter 20: UGH EUNHAE feels fell so badly in the end ._. oh well nice ff =x
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 20: Nice story but I really didn't like the lack of EunHae. Thanks for the FF!
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 11: eunhae finally!
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 10: chapter confused mode. i can't tell who siwon really likes. good chapter though. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 4: Ohhh Kyu you are simply evil. lol
Chapter 20: please continue your fic!! I'd go with either option 1 or 2 but either way i hope to see more of eunhae pleeeeease.... xDD

author-nim hwaiting!!! :D
yethunguie-zo #8
Chapter 13: Whaaaaaaa it was awesome i liked it a lot^^u have a very good writing im flying >\\\\\\< plz continue updating
Cho_Caitlyn #9
Chapter 19: Omg keep going I need more and....yesung is turning wierd.....I like it!!!><