Noona will help

Summer Lovin'

"Goddamnit Lee Hyuk Jae! You ed up real bad."

Eunhyuk wasn't even slightly shocked by Kyuhyun's words.

"I know Kyu...  but what can I do? Hae won't listen to a word I say... he even accused me of playing him." Eunhyuk fought the tears building behind his shut eyes.

Somehow, he'd managed to forget the whole reason he'd been in Hae's little town.

"So what are you gonna do? Run away? Move out and live with your uncle?"  

Eunhyuk couldn't help but chuckle. Were these his only options? Couldn't he have Hae and his family? Did it have to be one or the other?

"Kyu... I can't leave my family... I love them with all my heart, if I had to leave them." Hyuk sighed and rubbed at his stinging eyes.  "I love Hae so much... I actually didn't think it was possible to fall in love in such a short amount of time... I thought... Kyu, help me."

Eunhyuk gave in and allowed the tears to flow freely.

“Hyukkie... I really don’t know what to tell you.” Kyu said as he pulled a small packet of tissues from his pocket, handing it to Hyuk. “I know you can’t leave your family... but you can’t leave Hae either. That would crush him, Hae wouldn’t know what to do with himself.”

Eunhyuk wiped at the streaming tears, he knew he couldn’t leave Hae... He loved him.

“Kyu, I really didn’t think it was possible...” Eunhyuk took a deep breath, trying to stop the tears.

“Didn’t think what was possible?”

“To fall in love so deeply, and in such a short amount of time.”

“It’s very possible... I fell in love the moment I laid eyes on Sungmin. You just get this overwhelming feeling that no other being in the world would suit you better than them,”

Eunhyuk forced a laugh, “You’re very romantic,aren’t you Kyu...”

There was a sudden knock on Eunhyuk’s bedroom door before the door was flung open.

An enraged Sungmin stood at the door. His face and neck were blazing red and his eyes looked ready to burst with tears. Hyuk didn’t need to think to know what was bothering Sungmin.

“HOW COULD YOU!” Sungmin screamed, “Do you know how much Donghae loves you?”

Hyuk couldn’t stand it, he knew he’d hurt Hae but what the did they expect him to do?  

“What do you want me to do, sungmin!?” Eunhyuk stood and glared at the red-faced Sungmin. “Do you want me to leave my family? Do you want me to run away and live on my own? Find a job, and hopefully Hae and I will be able live in a small apartment together?”

Sungmin stood quietly and looked at Hyuk, his eyes softened and tear slowly flowed down his face. “Hyuk... I know it’s not your fault... I’m sorry.”

Kyuhyun walked over to Sungmin and wrapped his arms around his small frame.

“Hyuk, please... just talk to him. Please, I know you love him, but he doesn’t want to believe it.”



“Noona,” Hyuk knocked on his sister’s door taking a few breaths to calm his nerves.

His sister opened the door and looked at him questioningly.

“What’s up Hyukkie?” Sora looked him up and down, “Hyukjae, are you not feeling well?”

“I’m fine,” Hyuk mumbled under his breath “May I come in?”

Sora stepped inside, letting him into the room. “Hyukjae, you look pale.... and your eyes are all puffy!” Sora cupped his face, “Hyukjae, what’s wrong?”

“Noona.... I don’t want to leave.... I don’t want to leave him.”

“What? Hyukjae, we have to go back to mom and dad.”

“Please, Noona... I love him. Don’t make me leave him.”  

Hyuk’s legs suddenly gave out. Before he knew it, he was on the ground at his sister’s feet.

Sora looked at her brother and felt something tug at her heart. Did Hyuk actually understand what it meant to care about someone for once? Was this serious? How could she trust that her playboy brother could actually settle down? Could he possibly be satisfied with one person...”

“Hyukjae... please don’t cry. Noona will do her best to help you.”



Sooooo, I was pleaded for mercy for Kyumin so I decided to spare them. :D I also decided that I won't make you guys suffer much longer. The next chapter will be YeWook and we will finally have some answers!! :D and also, sooner or later there will be SSSMMMMMMMMMMMMMUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

Don't ask which couple because I won't tell you! *mehrong*



BWT, I've started a series of ty shorts of different shipping and I'd love it if you guys would send me some scenarios. PLEASE!!! thanks

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I Will Fix Chapter 19 ASAP. sorry~~


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Chapter 20: Nice one, are you ok?I hope things get better for you......good energy sending in your direction :-)
vince1108 #2
Chapter 20: UGH EUNHAE feels fell so badly in the end ._. oh well nice ff =x
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 20: Nice story but I really didn't like the lack of EunHae. Thanks for the FF!
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 11: eunhae finally!
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 10: chapter confused mode. i can't tell who siwon really likes. good chapter though. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 4: Ohhh Kyu you are simply evil. lol
Chapter 20: please continue your fic!! I'd go with either option 1 or 2 but either way i hope to see more of eunhae pleeeeease.... xDD

author-nim hwaiting!!! :D
yethunguie-zo #8
Chapter 13: Whaaaaaaa it was awesome i liked it a lot^^u have a very good writing im flying >\\\\\\< plz continue updating
Cho_Caitlyn #9
Chapter 19: Omg keep going I need more and....yesung is turning wierd.....I like it!!!><