Nice to meet you

Summer Lovin'


"So Chullie, have you met Mr. Lee's nephew?"
Donghae was setting the table, it was strange because they usually ate dinner in the living room while watching some of Heechul's favourite shows.
"Yeah, I went over to the Lee's and introduced myself to him. His name is Eunhyuk, he seems like an okay kid... but I think I scared him."
"Already! Hyung, what did you do to him?"
Heechul grinned, "Honestly, I think my good looks intimidated him. It's not his fault, I'm rather stunning don't you think?"
Donghae could help but laugh at his brother, who's long red hair and delicate facial features had him mistaken for a woman everywhere he went.
"Did he think you were a girl and get scared after he heard you speak?"
Heechul got an annoyed look on his face that told Hae that he'd guessed correctly. 
"Shut up and put out the-"
Heechul was cut off by the ringing of the door bell.
"Omo, go get the food Hae! Their here."
Hecchul was off to let in the guests leaving Hae to finish the dinner preparations.  
Hae heard the voice of their elderly neighbor; Mr. Lee, the voice of a young woman, possibly another relative and the quiet voice of Mrs. Lee. Where was the boy he was supposed to meet...?
Donghae finished setting the table and peeked around the corner into the living room.
Mr. Lee sat on the couch, looking at him you could tell he'd been a handsome man in his younger days. He sat holding the hand of his tiny wife who, for her age was quite beauty. Beside Mrs. Lee, sat a young woman with cat-like eyes, dark hair reaching below her shoulders and a very gentle smile. By the way Heechul kept looking at her, Donghae figured out his motive for this dinner.
But the person who held Donghae's attention was the boy standing beside the couch. He was fairly tall, his hair was dyed a light brown and his eyes, they were the same beautiful cat-like eyes, but somehow... he was simply mesmerizing. 
Donghae's eyes trailed from him face to his chest. He wore a form fitting white tank under a navy blue dinner jacket. The shirt clung to his body so perfectly, Donghae was sure it was sinful to not stare. His dark jeans hugged his hips perfectly revealing parts of him that left Donghae flushed and .
Donghae made eye contact with the boy and quickly looked away and walked back into the kitchen. 
"Hae, is the table set?"
"Uh, yes... it's set."
"Well then come out here and meet Mr. Lee's relatives."
Donghae shook his head, attempting to clear his mind of all the erted thoughts that had suddenly made an appearance. When he stepped into the living room, the first person he made eye contact with was the beautiful boy who smiled and let his eyes trail down and back up Hae's body.
"Hae, this is Lee Sora and her brother Eunhyuk."
Donghae bowed and looked at Ms. Sora, "it's nice to meet you. I'm Lee Donghae." 
"Your brother has told me so much about you. I hope you and my brother will get along... Hyuk! Why don't you introduce yourself to Donghae?"
The boy rolled his eyes but stepped forward and held out his hand. Hae took the hand but immediately felt a rush of heat to his face. 
"Hello, I'm Lee Hyuk Jae, but I go by Eunhyuk. Nice to meet you."
Donghae was at such a loss for words that he'd forgotten to let go of Eunhyuk's hand. 
Eunhyuk cleared his throat and Donghae realized that he was was waiting take his hand back. 
"Oh, uh... sorry, um. Nice to meet you... Eunhyuk. "
Donghae let go of Eunhyuk's hand and took a step back. His smile had caught Hae off guard, and left his face feeling warm.
"Alright, let's go eat!"
Heechul said leading the way to the dining room.
Donghae couldn't figure out how to initiate a conversation with Eunhyuk, which frustrated him because he was usually great at talking to new people and making them feel comfortable. 
"Hey, um... is it okay if I leave the table now?"
Donghae nearly jumped out of his seat when Eunhyuk leaned close and whispered in his ear.
The Lee's were talking to Heechul and had forgotten all about the two of them.
Hae nodded, "wanna sit on the porch?"
Eunhyuk smiled, "So, you'll be joining me?"
Donghae got up and led the way to the porch, it was warm and dark out. Hae switched on the porch light and walked over to the swing on the far side of the porch. Eunhyuk stood by the door, he seemed to be contemplating sitting with him. 
"Uh, wanna sit... here with me?" 
Donghae blushed, when did asking a simple question become such a difficult task?
Eunhyuk walked over to the swing and sat down beside Donghae. Hae unknowingly held his breath waiting for him to speak.
Eunhyuk stood by the doorway of his neighbors house, the older brother Heechul was it? Was truly terrifying, when Hyuk first saw him all he could think was 'what a beautiful woman' but the second he'd spoken.... well, Hyuk was left questioning how a man could be so beautiful....
It was a nice cozy house, the furniture was all warm earthy colours, greens, browns, deep reds. Hyuk figured the older brother was in charge of fashion, seeing as he had a very flamboyant look to him no matter what time of day he'd spotted him. He also seemed to have a thing for Hyuk's sister... Hyuk felt like this made no sense because; what girl would want to date a guy who is prettier than her?
Hyuk looked around, he had the strangest feeling that he was being watched. He spotted a head peeking at him, the person had dark hair and... Hyuk smiled, when he made eye contact with the boy who'd been caught in the act of ogling him.
The head disappeared, but not before Hyuk could see his face turning red. 
The older brother called out to, Hae? Was that his name? Asking if the table was set. A voice answered quietly that it was and the brother told him to come out to meet them.
Hae, Hyuk thought to himself, was pretty cute; His hair was a dark brown reaching to the nape of his neck and looked beautiful against his slightly tan skin. His lips were a pale pink, but his bottom lip reddened as he bit it nervously. 
Hyuk met his eyes once more and smiled before letting his eyes explore the boy's body. He was lean, he wore a loose gray tank and a black dinner jacket. His jeans were dark blue and unfortunately not as tight as Hyuk would have liked them to be. 
" Hyuk! Why don't you introduce yourself to Donghae?" Hyuk's sister's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Hyuk rolled his eyes, she just told him all they needed to know, why did he need to introduce himself again? 
Hyuk took this as an opportunity however, to judge whether or not Hae was into him.
He held out his hand, "Hello, I'm Lee Hyuk Jae, but I go by Eunhyuk. Nice to meet you." 
Hyuk held in his laughter, as soon as Donghae touched his hand, his face had gone red and he seemed completely stunned. 
After several awkward seconds if having his hand held by him, Hyuk cleared him throat to get his attention. 
" Oh, uh... sorry, um. Nice to meet you... Eunhyuk. " 
Donghae let go of his hand and Hyuk was slightly disappointed at the loss.
The older brother led them into the dining room, Eunhyuk waited for Donghae to initiate a conversation, but he never did. 
Hyuk's sister seemed to be enjoying a conversation with Heechul, his uncle and aunt were also enjoying themselves. 
He'd had enough, he leaned close to Donghae and asked, "Hey, um... is it okay if I leave the table now?"
Hyuk smiled when Donghae nearly jumped out of his seat. 
Donghae seemed to pull himself together quickly, "wanna sit on the porch?" A bit of pink snuck into his cheeks as he spoke.
Eunhyuk smiled, this guy would be soo easy to tease "So, you'll be joining me?"
Without a word Donghae got up and led the way to the porch.
Donghae immediately walked over to a swing on the porch after turning on the light, Hyuk stood by the door, wondering if Donghae would invite him to have a seat.
"Uh, wanna sit... here with me?" He finally said, all the while, blushing. 
Hyuk sat beside him, Donghae fell silent.
"Hey, are you breathing?" Hyuk asked after a few seconds.
His suspicions were confirmed when Donghae inhaled deeply. 
"Wow. Why are you so nervous for? I don't bite." Hyuk said as he placed a hand on Donghae's arm.
"Are you sure?"
Hyuk was caught off guard by Donghae's response and could only laugh at how serious he sounded.
"What? Do I really look that scary hun?"
Hyuk couldn't help adding intimate words as he spoke because of all the cute reactions he received. 
"Nnn... It's... It's not that you're scary... you're just, so much to take in." 
He blushed again, giving Hyuk the perfect opportunity,
"Too much to take in? Just because you invited me for dinner, doesn't mean I'll put out for you Mr."
"WHAT!? N-no! I didn't- I wouldn't... I meant like..."
Donghae slumped in his seat with frustration. Hyuk smiled, he was really fun to tease. " I know what you mean babe, I was just playing."
Donghae sighed and stood up, "I'm gonna get Bada, she probably needs to go." With that, he went into the house leaving Eunhyuk by himself on the porch.
Who the hell is Bada? Eunhyuk thought to himself,  he hadn't seen anyone else in the house...
The door opened and Donghae stepped out holding a leash as a small dog ran out of the house barking excitedly. 
"Bada, say hello to Eunhyuk."
The dog ran towards Eunhyuk and started sniffing him.
"Hey Bada, nice to meet you." Eunhyuk loved dogs, they were so cute.
"Do you like animals?" Donghae asked 
"Yeah, well... some. Not the creepy ones though, like snakes."
Donghae smiled at him, "yeah, they are "creepy animals" after all, who does... Bada needs to take a walk and use the bathroom...  do you want to come with us?"  
Hyuk stood up followed Donghae, it was nice and warm out with some wind blowing every once in a while, keeping them from sweating.
Donghae blushed easily and Hyuk was having too much fun, making fun of him. Before he knew it, they were back at Donghae's house.
"Oh, there you are Eunhyuk. Your aunt, uncle and sister went home. It's really late, Hae you should know better than to go for such a long walk at this time of night."
"Sorry Hyung, time flew and before I realized it, we'd walked an hour and a half away from the house..."
"Anyways, goodnight Eunhyuk." Heechul walked into the house leaving them alone.
"Goodnight Hyuk...I'll see you tomorrow?"
Hyuk smiled hearing his name from Donghae, "Yeah, sure Hae I'll see you tomorrow. And try not to dream too dirty about me. BYE!" 
Hyuk ran off to his uncle's house and heard a flustered Hae trying to prove his innocence. 
Okay, so Hyukkie makes a lot of ual jokes. Bit come on. Thale man is a ert. Admit it.  <3 anywho, I'm taking a long time to post because I am currently doing a bunch of crap for my classes (one of which involves reading about a ver gruesome murder) and I don't want to accidentally screw up my story line...
Anyways... Heechul is still a player like there is no tomorrow,  I wanted an Eunhae getting to know each other that was fairly cute and embarrassing so.... yeah.... BYE 4 now.
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I Will Fix Chapter 19 ASAP. sorry~~


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Chapter 20: Nice one, are you ok?I hope things get better for you......good energy sending in your direction :-)
vince1108 #2
Chapter 20: UGH EUNHAE feels fell so badly in the end ._. oh well nice ff =x
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 20: Nice story but I really didn't like the lack of EunHae. Thanks for the FF!
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 11: eunhae finally!
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 10: chapter confused mode. i can't tell who siwon really likes. good chapter though. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 4: Ohhh Kyu you are simply evil. lol
Chapter 20: please continue your fic!! I'd go with either option 1 or 2 but either way i hope to see more of eunhae pleeeeease.... xDD

author-nim hwaiting!!! :D
yethunguie-zo #8
Chapter 13: Whaaaaaaa it was awesome i liked it a lot^^u have a very good writing im flying >\\\\\\< plz continue updating
Cho_Caitlyn #9
Chapter 19: Omg keep going I need more and....yesung is turning wierd.....I like it!!!><