Mr. Dimples

Summer Lovin'


Hyuk stood outside the gate of Siwon's house... or maybe Mansion was the proper term. The guy must have been loaded. His house was about 4 times the size of an average house. And was it ever extravagant! The lawn was neatly trimmed, there was a beautiful arrangement of flowers in the yard surrounding an angel fountain. 
"Siwon!" Hae shouted beside Hyuk's ear.
There was a man standing in the yard. A gorgeous man, who stood shirtless, dripping with sweat while he drank from a silver water bottle. The man was tall, all legs with the sculpted body of a God that left Hyuk suddenly feeling self conscious. 
The man finally looked in their direction, "Donghae! Sungmin!"
He jogged across the massive lawn towards the gate, all the while looking like a gym advertisement. 
"Wow." Kyu said once the model of a man opened the gate.
Up close his body was even more astonishing. His abs were well toned, his biceps were something to envy, every bit of him was well toned gorgeous muscle.
Hyuk wasn't the type to let anyone make him feel inferior. He knew he was good looking, though he felt self conscious about certain aspects of his appearance like; his gummy smile, his height, his eyes. But he knew that he was rather handsome...but... compared to that God of a man?...
Hyuk was snapped out of his thoughts by Hae's voice.
"Huh?" Hyuk replied, finally noticing that they were all looking at him.
"Hyuk, this is Siwon. Siwon, this is Hyuk. He's my neighbors nephew."
"Ah, nice to meet you, Hyukjae." Siwon said with a smile.
Hyuk was instantly jealous, the man had everything in the looks department! why did he have to have dimples to boot!?
"Yeah, nice to meet you." Hyuk said through clenched teeth, trying his hardest not to let his jealousy be heard on his voice.
"Let's go inside,it's so hot out." Siwon said, placing his arm around Hae's waist.
Hyuk balled his fists at the sight. Whenever he so much as touched Hae, he would jump two feet or try to shake him off. And yet here he was, with Mr. Dimples wrapping him up at his side.
"Someone's jealous." 
Hyuk was startled when Kyuhyun whispered in his ear.
"Jealous for what? I was just thinking it's unfair for Siwon to be so good looking and have dimples." Hyuk said, admitting a portion of the truth.
"Uh huh. So, his arm around Hae isn't bothering you at all right?"
"Shut up Kyuhyun." Hyuk felt his face heating up.
"Don't worry, I don't think Hae likes him." Kyu said, patting Hyuk's shoulder.
"And what does it matter to me?" Hyuk said, trying his best not to show his annoyance. 
"God Hyuk, you're so obvious. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone." 
"Tell anyone what?" Sungmin said walking up to them.
"That Hyuk is jealous of Hae's relationship with Siwon."
"Wh-ugh! Nice job 'not telling anyone' Kyu."
Kyuhyun laughed, "Min doesn't count as 'anyone' "
Sungmin blushed, "Stop saying weird things Kyu. "
Hyuk rolled his eyes and looked around the room they were in, Siwon's Living room. It was huge, the furniture was all whites, beige and a bit of green. There was a large Flat screen television mounted on the wall, several painting of beautiful landscapes were hung around the room.... It was a very beautiful room.
"Siwon, how was your trip?" Hae asked, practically bouncing in his seat.
"It was amazing, Hawaii is always so beautiful. The scenery, the people." 
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Was all Hyuk heard after that. He didn't know why, but he really hated Siwon at the moment. The way Hae looked at him, excited and happy. The way he looked at Hae, like Hae belonged to him. The way he touched Hae every once in a while. 
Hyuk couldn't take it anymore, "Um, I'll be headed home now." He said, quickly standing up.
"What? So soon." Siwon looked worried. 
"Hyuk, just stay a bit longer and we can walk home with you." Hard said with pleading eyes, pleading eyes that almost made Hyuk give in.
"Nah, you guys can stay. I need to do some stuff anyways... uh, goodbye Siwon. Kyuhyun, call me later okay." Hyuk wanted to avoid looking at Hae, he also needed someone to talk to. And Kyu was the perfect person for it.
"Alright... no, I'll come to your house, okay?"
"Sure" Hyuk said, trying to end the conversation so he could leave.
He'd just gotten to the gate when someone grabbed his arm.
"Hyuk, are mad at me?" 
Hyuk nearly melted when he looked into Hae's now teary, chocolate coloured eyes.
"Should I be mad at you?" Hyuk said, not wanting to admit that he was upset.
"I-If it's because of the kiss... I'll... I'll give you a kiss tomorrow, I promise."
Hyuk blushed, maybe there was a chance he could win against Mr. Dimples after all.
"So... you're saying that you want to keep Hae away from his friend?...I still don't see the logic in that." 
Hyuk sighed and threw himself on his bed. He'd been explaining to Kyu for the last 2 hours why he wanted them to keep Hae away from Siwon, but he didn't seem to understand.
"Kyu!! Ugh, just listen to me. He definitely wants Hae as more than a friend!"
"What makes you say that? Have you any proof?" 
"Just, the way he looks at Hae-"
"Yeah, like he really cares about him."
"Ughghh!! Fine, don't believe me!" Hyuk said as he punched his pillow, why couldn't Kyu just understand what he was trying to say?
"Hyuk, I pretty sure that you are just experiencing a bit of jealousy." Kyu said, as though stating a fact.
"Jealous of what!?"
Kyu sighed and rubbed his temples, "Well, for one; the guy is filthy rich, He's everything you wish you were; tall, muscular, he has dimples, as you keep stating and referring to him as "Mr. Dimples" and Hae seems very found of him and comfortable with him."
"That's what I'm saying!!" Hyuk's frustration was almost at its peak, "He's too close to Hae! He'll steal- uh, seduce him!"
"Steal him?" Kyu arched an eyebrow questioningly, "So... you admit that you're jealous."
"No Kyu. I am not jealous." Hyuk said, throwing his pillow at Kyuhyun. 
"Whatever Hyuk." Kyuhyun seemed disinterested in the matter, instead he made his way to Hyuk's window.
"How would you feel if some dude was obviously hitting on Min?" 
Kyu gave Hyuk a smirk that sent shivers down his spine, "They wouldn't dare."
Hyuk didn't doubt Kyu's words. He'd seen the evil boy at work and knew very well that it was safer to remain on his good side.
"Well, not everyone can be as scary as you Kyuhyun."
"Hmm... I have an idea. Have you tried actually asking Hae out on a date?"
"What? W-why?" 
Kyu let out a heavy sigh, "Because, if Hae is going out with you, he'll only have eyes for you."
Really? Hyuk thought to himself. Eyes only for me? "Uh, but... what if he says no? I mean... he is so comfortable with Siwon and doesn't and the touching and hugging from him... but Hae always fights me when I do those things."
"Yeah, but that just means you have to try harder until he accepts you... didn't you say he promised you a kiss? I think that's showing interest."
"Ugh, I told you already. He's doing it to make me feel better!" 
"How do you know? Jeez Hyuk, at least look at the possibilities."
".....I don't want to disappoint myself... "
"Oh shut up. I've got dinner with Min tonight so I'm going to go home and get cleaned up."
"What!?  Seeee!!?? You're making progress!"
"Yeah right! Min just cooks too much and wants me to eat it."
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.... Mr. Dimples... ah, Sorry it took me so long to update. My chapters got erased and I had to rewrite them... but thank goodness I had sent them to my friend and I got a few that she hadn't erased back. But that didn't include this one and a couple of others   :( oh well, I wanted to edit them anyways.... well .... hope you keep reading loves. <3
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I Will Fix Chapter 19 ASAP. sorry~~


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Chapter 20: Nice one, are you ok?I hope things get better for you......good energy sending in your direction :-)
vince1108 #2
Chapter 20: UGH EUNHAE feels fell so badly in the end ._. oh well nice ff =x
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 20: Nice story but I really didn't like the lack of EunHae. Thanks for the FF!
EunHaeLove42 #4
Chapter 11: eunhae finally!
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 10: chapter confused mode. i can't tell who siwon really likes. good chapter though. :)
EunHaeLove42 #6
Chapter 4: Ohhh Kyu you are simply evil. lol
Chapter 20: please continue your fic!! I'd go with either option 1 or 2 but either way i hope to see more of eunhae pleeeeease.... xDD

author-nim hwaiting!!! :D
yethunguie-zo #8
Chapter 13: Whaaaaaaa it was awesome i liked it a lot^^u have a very good writing im flying >\\\\\\< plz continue updating
Cho_Caitlyn #9
Chapter 19: Omg keep going I need more and....yesung is turning wierd.....I like it!!!><