Drabble dump


Just a collection of drabbles - various ships - randomness 


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Chayazosi #1
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chayazosi #2
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chapter 18: MarkSon's story omg;;; I can't help but ask for more ♡ so intriguing!
pinkissmonsta #4
Chapter 18: wae Jackson? you don't like Mark? you kidding me?
Chapter 18: DaeJae's drabbles are so awesome!
But I can't stop thinking about Markson's one tbh. This (as everyone already said) could really turn into a whole fiction.
It would probably be heartbreaking, but I'd totally read that. =)
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 8: YAS DAEJAE YAS. I CAN JUST READ DIS ALL DAY *laughs evilly*
Chapter 18: Aw, now I'm kinda sad and also in an angsty mood. ;3; Yet I really it. ;;;;; asdfghjkloqnxx
Chapter 18: This would make an awesome full chapter...I actually wrote something similar to your jark dribble, this couple screams sarcasm and angst lol I Loved it^^
Chapter 17: This was awesome!
lorolemman #10
Chapter 16: That was beautiful. Thank you.