Released - gtop

Drabble dump


I've heard some rumors about a new guy you're seeing. 
He's handsome they say, he's got money they're smiling as you hold his hand, that's what they say. 
I don't care what they say, I don't even listen as they tell me how happy you are, how unblemished your skin looks, how the shadows below your eyes have faded or how they seem to sparkle a little more than before. 
It's not gonna break me as long as I don't listen, it's not going to leave scars just maybe a little damage. 
I've left before and now that I'm back the city hasn't changed too much from what I remember, it's just a little colder now, maybe a tad more dull. 
I'm not back in town for good, I'm not going to see you, haven't told you about my visit either. 
It's not like I'm going to stay anyway, I'm going to go and leave you behind, leave the city and the lights, and the heart in my chest, I leave that one in your hands.
I'm lying here in the afterglow of another man’s embrace and think of what has been, what could have been and what could be now if only I'd loved you a little less.
 I wish I'd never met you, wish I'd never fallen for you all hard and fast to the point where the both of us hurt instead of basking in the sensation of our love. 
I've loved you too much, held you too close, when all you loved was the freedom, the wind in your short hair and the ever changing ground beyond your feet. 
You were a restless thief without mercy and I was the smitten captor that held you hostage. 
There may be someone standing where I once stood but he's never going to love you as much as I do and that's why it's him and not me who holds you at night. 
I know you're somewhere out there chasing a dream under different skies and I know it's where you belong. 
Anywhere that is not here is just right for you. 
A shallow love that won't put you in chains is what you need and it's something I'll never be able to offer. 
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Chayazosi #1
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chayazosi #2
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chapter 18: MarkSon's story omg;;; I can't help but ask for more ♡ so intriguing!
pinkissmonsta #4
Chapter 18: wae Jackson? you don't like Mark? you kidding me?
Chapter 18: DaeJae's drabbles are so awesome!
But I can't stop thinking about Markson's one tbh. This (as everyone already said) could really turn into a whole fiction.
It would probably be heartbreaking, but I'd totally read that. =)
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 8: YAS DAEJAE YAS. I CAN JUST READ DIS ALL DAY *laughs evilly*
Chapter 18: Aw, now I'm kinda sad and also in an angsty mood. ;3; Yet I really it. ;;;;; asdfghjkloqnxx
Chapter 18: This would make an awesome full chapter...I actually wrote something similar to your jark dribble, this couple screams sarcasm and angst lol I Loved it^^
Chapter 17: This was awesome!
lorolemman #10
Chapter 16: That was beautiful. Thank you.