Middle - Banglo

Drabble dump


Night after night, day after day Yongguk fights a battle in his mind, weighting pros and cons, positive and negative, black and white and in the end he is left with a shade of grey. 
His heart tells him to take a risk, his mind tells him to run and Yongguk remains fixed in his twilight zone, paralyzed without the spirit to decide.
It’s a mush in his head, the raw emotion that boils in his chest; the one he knows so well, warm and strong and dangerous whenever Junhong is around. 
When Junhong gazes at him it’s always with that tad of affection, honest and hopeful, loving and sweet. 
It’s hard to ignore and harder to pretend his eyes gaze any differently towards the younger. 
His options are obvious, give in or give up and he tries to decide but he just can’t when he’s torn. 
He’s stuck somewhere in between what’s right and wrong. 
It’s last farewell or happy ever after for the two of them and it’s up to Yongguk to make a choice but either fills his chest with anxiety. 
He’s caged in the middle of a battlefield and there’s neither left nor right. 
It’s heart or reason and right in the center of the two, Yongguk stands waiting for life to decide on its own. 
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Chayazosi #1
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chayazosi #2
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chapter 18: MarkSon's story omg;;; I can't help but ask for more ♡ so intriguing!
pinkissmonsta #4
Chapter 18: wae Jackson? you don't like Mark? you kidding me?
Chapter 18: DaeJae's drabbles are so awesome!
But I can't stop thinking about Markson's one tbh. This (as everyone already said) could really turn into a whole fiction.
It would probably be heartbreaking, but I'd totally read that. =)
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 8: YAS DAEJAE YAS. I CAN JUST READ DIS ALL DAY *laughs evilly*
Chapter 18: Aw, now I'm kinda sad and also in an angsty mood. ;3; Yet I really it. ;;;;; asdfghjkloqnxx
Chapter 18: This would make an awesome full chapter...I actually wrote something similar to your jark dribble, this couple screams sarcasm and angst lol I Loved it^^
Chapter 17: This was awesome!
lorolemman #10
Chapter 16: That was beautiful. Thank you.