Party/Cat ears - Daejae

Drabble dump

College parties are not on the list of things Jung Daehyun enjoys.
Matter of fact it might be on second rank on his "Can we not" - list right after #1 doing the laundry and before #3 taking a walk.
He still finds himself at one of those obnoxious dress-up parties though and the reason might or might not be a blond haired boy with feisty eyes, one he most of the times fortunately but right now unfortunately calls his best friend.

The energetic boy has had one too many drinks already and he's loud and  hyper and to Daehyun's horror unusually touchy.
There's lots of chatter going on, people laughing and singing out of tune and off melody, completely against all musical understanding.
Daehyun is squeezed into the corner, trying to avoid all the buzz but it's hard to do when Yoo Youngjae is pressing against his side, one arm thrown around his waist, fingertips digging into his hip.
The smile on Daehyun's face is forced and the drink he drowns after the younger hands it to him is burning down his throat.

His eyelids feel heavy already and his vision is blurry, he's probably had one too many as well.
Youngjae is talking to someone, Daehyun doesn't know the girl's name at all only knows that his friend is yelling to get his words across and then he's laughing and Daehyun's insides twist on the sound.
The fingers on his hips dig into his skin a little more and he'd shake them off but the feeling is oddly comfortable and somewhere in the deepest synapses of his brain he thinks it would be nicer with less cotton clinging to his body.
He shakes off the thought and drowns another drink, Youngjae is still yelling, everyone else is still chatting and Daehyun still wants to be home in his bed sleeping off the buzz.

Youngjae’s hand leaves him in favor of pouring another drink and Daehyun decides to not sulk on the loss of intimate touch.
He takes another sip from his cup and closes his eyes for a moment, crossing his arms in front of his chest, his lips drawing a pout he’s sure is not supposed to be there.

The laughter gets louder, the girls giggle and Youngjae is still too present when their knees bump and bump and bump.


When Daehyun's eyes finally gaze at his friend again there's a pair of furry plush ears sat atop his head, black, peaky cat ears sticking out of a blond mob of hair and he blinks because Youngjae looks oddly adorable and unfamiliarly cute.
The blond boy smiles and Daehyun’s skin tingles.

The camera phones flash as the girls take pictures of his friend and Daehyun swallows when Youngjae bites his lip intending to look seductive but ending up looking like a soon to feel embarrassed drunk.

Everyone’s having fun except Daehyun who fights the warm fuzzy feeling that settles in his stomach with the bit of willpower he has left in his system.
He tries to fight it when Youngjae leans over, a pair of tiger ears in hand and intends to place them onto Daehyun’s head.
Daehyun declares defeat quickly when Youngjae’s now black doe eyes form crescents and his lips mold into a smile, the slight tint of the younger’s cheeks almost as distracting as the faint brush of his fingertips against Daehyun’s temple.
It's a bad idea to kiss his best friend, it's an even worse idea when he's more than a little tipsy but it seems like the best idea he's ever had when his hands frame Youngjae's face and the boy's eyes grow in size but he doesn't budge.

Daehyun smiles but it's crocked.
His lids are still heavy and his palms sweaty, the edges of the hairband dig into his scalp painfully but it all doesn't matter because the little focus he's got left is set on Youngjae's lips.

The blond blinks and Daehyun swallows, cameras flash once more and then their lips touch.

Youngjae’s lips feel heavenly against his own.

Maybe it's the alcohol pumping through his veins or the buzzing noise of chatter filling his ears but the push of lips against lips sends sparks flying and really it's not bad to kiss his best friend when he’s drunk.

It’s pretty god damn perfect.

Youngjae looks breathless when they part and Daehyun's face is blank but only until his tongue darts out to draw along the line of his bottom lip.
There's something wrong with Daehyun's head because his friend looks so much sweeter just like he's tasted, really sweet like a piece of fine candy and that comparison means a lot coming from Jung Daehyun.


He stares for a second, one, two and then he dips his head in anew to feel those lips against his once more, just to figure out what it is that makes Youngjae look different all of a sudden, to find out if that sweet taste belongs to his friend or if it’s all in his head.
His lips don't meet with the plush softness of Youngjae's though and he's left with nothing but air to fan over his lips because when he opens his eyes again Youngjae has already turned back to that girl, giggling and talking and the kiss seems forgotten in favor of drowsy conversation. 

For a moment Daehyun stares at his friend’s head, stares at the nape of his neck and the line of soft hair, close too sulking but too content after the kiss to even try.
He feels like lowering his head and pressing his lips against the smooth surface he sees, to let his tongue glide over soft skin, it sounds like a good idea to regain the other's attention but the longer he stares the blurrier his sight gets and after what feels like hours rather than minutes he drops back into his corner instead.

He sighs with heavy lids and concentrates on the throbbing in his head or maybe it's the one in his chest, he's not sure which is louder.
Daehyun is too tired to care.

He’s almost gone, drifted off to slumber in the busy surroundings he’s in when he feels a hand sneak around his waist once more.
There are fingertips brushing over his hip and sliding underneath his shirt.
The little brush of skin against skin is prickling up and down his side and now he’s sure his heart thrums louder than his head.


He cautiously cracks an eye open and though the hazy mess of his alcohol blurred vision he sees Youngjae with his cat ears, looking lovely and cute and all the things Daehyun had never thought to call the feisty boy.
His eyes feel heavy again and soon he feels more than he sees how Youngjae throws one leg over his own and shifts until his form rests against Daehyun’s side.

Youngjae is still talking, still attending the party unlike Daehyun but with the tender slide of his fingers along his skin Daehyun can't complain.

He still wants to be home, still wants to be in his bed buried underneath his covers but he wants Youngjae to be there as well and hopefully once the fuzzy feeling in his head is cleared he’ll remember that it is what he really wants.

And if he’s lucky Youngjae will remember as well. 


(for Sella <3)

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Chayazosi #1
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chayazosi #2
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chapter 18: MarkSon's story omg;;; I can't help but ask for more ♡ so intriguing!
pinkissmonsta #4
Chapter 18: wae Jackson? you don't like Mark? you kidding me?
Chapter 18: DaeJae's drabbles are so awesome!
But I can't stop thinking about Markson's one tbh. This (as everyone already said) could really turn into a whole fiction.
It would probably be heartbreaking, but I'd totally read that. =)
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 8: YAS DAEJAE YAS. I CAN JUST READ DIS ALL DAY *laughs evilly*
Chapter 18: Aw, now I'm kinda sad and also in an angsty mood. ;3; Yet I really it. ;;;;; asdfghjkloqnxx
Chapter 18: This would make an awesome full chapter...I actually wrote something similar to your jark dribble, this couple screams sarcasm and angst lol I Loved it^^
Chapter 17: This was awesome!
lorolemman #10
Chapter 16: That was beautiful. Thank you.