Song - Daejae

Drabble dump

When Youngjae sings it's magic, it's bright colors and swirls of light dancing in the air like fireflies circling around his form.
Daehyun knows it's only in his head, the light that Youngjae emits when the words flow from his lips and the breeze of air Daehyun feels ghosting over his skin when the younger’s voice vibrates in the back of his throat.
When Youngjae sings it's passion, like a sensual confession, his high notes compare with the brush of fingertips against skin, his low notes similar to a rough and eager press of lips against lips.

Daehyun wants to feel the love his younger bandmate puts into every song, every line, every single word that he presents in his velvet voice.

He wants Youngjae to embrace him as passionately as he embraces the notes and melodies that drip from his lips when he sings.
If he could, Daehyun would chose to be a song, Yoo Youngjae's favorite song, the one that makes the younger vulnerable and beautiful when he closes his eyes to hum the last notes.
Daehyun can't be what he wants to be, can't ask to melt his body into words and strophes formed by Youngjae's lips.
He remains an observer, listening and watching as Youngjae becomes one with the melody and his feelings emerge to the surface of his being for everyone to see.

One of these days he might realize that he's the very reason Youngjae's singing the way he does, that he's been Youngjae's song all along, every word falling from his mouth a small and simple confession of love, wrapped into the cover of a song that he's picked for Daehyun and solely for him.
Because Jung Daehyun is Youngjae's song, the sweetest melody, the softest tune, the most beautiful rhythm and the moment the two vocalists harmonize as they sing it's almost as if they understand. 

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Chayazosi #1
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chayazosi #2
Chapter 18: More Markson Please
Chapter 18: MarkSon's story omg;;; I can't help but ask for more ♡ so intriguing!
pinkissmonsta #4
Chapter 18: wae Jackson? you don't like Mark? you kidding me?
Chapter 18: DaeJae's drabbles are so awesome!
But I can't stop thinking about Markson's one tbh. This (as everyone already said) could really turn into a whole fiction.
It would probably be heartbreaking, but I'd totally read that. =)
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 8: YAS DAEJAE YAS. I CAN JUST READ DIS ALL DAY *laughs evilly*
Chapter 18: Aw, now I'm kinda sad and also in an angsty mood. ;3; Yet I really it. ;;;;; asdfghjkloqnxx
Chapter 18: This would make an awesome full chapter...I actually wrote something similar to your jark dribble, this couple screams sarcasm and angst lol I Loved it^^
Chapter 17: This was awesome!
lorolemman #10
Chapter 16: That was beautiful. Thank you.