Part 1

Love Wrecked


It was peaceful. 



The bluish-green blanket reflected a beautiful sky blue past the horizon. The wind made the ship dance along the waves, almost massaging its contours as they rounded the vast ocean.



He couldn't believe he would like it there, he couldn't believe he would long for such serenity. It was his second day on board and surprisingly, he liked it so much



He gripped the wine glass on the table and brought it with him as he walked quietly to the deck. Immediately, as he came in contact with the setting sun, the wind kissed his cheek as if reminding him of the peace he's in. He smiled. He liked it so much.



The bleachers offered good comfort, there were kids running around the place, adults chatting and eating. He had never enjoyed this much since he could remember. If he was with him, would he feel the same comfort as well? Would he be able to achieve peace of mind with him riding this cruise? He pouted.



Of course not. The sea, the time spent away from home, he didn't like it. He was never that type, and it was just now that he realize that he had controlled him since from the freedom he had longed for.



Executives, papers, lawyers, media - things he had always been exposed to. Things he encounter almost every day in his life. These are the things that, ironically, make him feel insignificant. People are always longing for what he has, but they never really understood the frustration and the insecurities they give him. They give you power, but they make you weak at the same time.



Kim Ryeowook - the person who offered relief to him despite the reality he's in. His smiles, his giggles, his soft touches and kisses appeased him, he had him standing. But he knew he was not enough. It was like a leash loosened around his neck but then, it was not removed entirely; that the world he's in just keeps him at bay and would tighten if he tries to escape. He needed to be far, to be away from all the pressure, the tension. And thank goodness he was here.



He grinned widely. He knew Ryeowook would throw a fit, the younger would be so mad and so sad and yet, he did not feel the guilt. He had always done things his way, it's time to change course. He loves him, and he knew Ryeowook does too. If they trust each other, then worry should have no space in their place. And yet, his heart ache; the longing would always be there


"I miss you." He said quietly, gazing at the now orange horizon. It was indeed beautiful. 










The squeak reminded him of Ryeowook but it was nothing like demure. It made his face twitch. Pulling the expensive sunglass,  he turned to see a small man talking, no, shouting at someone through his phone. 



He furrowed his brows and frowned. Talk about serenity.




Whoever this person is, it must've been his first time to board a cruise ship. He remembered the first time he boarded one. He was seven, and he was acting all awed and excited. But he was seven that time, and this man is obviously older. Must be a little younger than him but he was definitely not seven. He wondered if the guy would start running everywhere and squeal like what he did way before.


Some people were staring and  started retreating to the boards. They were shaking their heads, some were giggling at the small guy, amused with his actions. He let loud a small "tch" hoping the phone conversation would end.


When it seemed impossible, he stood up and walked away but not without throwing the man a glare. Other guy pouted at him and he chose to ignore that heat on the tip of his ears. He retreated to the dinner hall and finally to his room, forgetting about the noisy "encounter" he had that day.


Fancying the survival guide at the bedside table, he opened the small pamphlet and read the contents. The instruction manual was indeed informative, though, as he figured, he would be the first person who had actually taken time to read it. 



When his eyes drooped close, he did not know.




It was past 4 when he realized he had fallen asleep. He tried to return to bed but his thoughts betrayed him. Ryeowook was in his dreams, he was giggling under the sheets with him, calling his name, telling him that he missed him.


He sat up and shook his head. He had promised himself to break free from him for a while. Not now.


Fresh air would probably help. He smiled as he grabbed a jacket and went up to the deck. It was empty, yet, it was stunning. The peaceful skies and the dark ocean provide comfort. No fear, no unnecessary insecurities.


"Sunrise would be beautiful." he told himself.






He joined the buffet dinner that night. It was a semi-formal affair and gladly, Jongwoon had packed up some clothes fit for the hall.



He beamed as he found the orchestra playing a beautiful song. He chose a table at the front corner and went straight to the table. His mouth watered upon the sight. He was getting some lamb chops when he heard the sound of an obviously pissed throat-clearing. He turned his head and found face to face with a man, probably a little older than him. He was wearing a fine suit, and his gaze dull. He immediately noticed him from the deck earlier, he was that arrogant guy.



"Ugh..." He smiled a little as the tall man eyed his overflowing plate.  "I'll finish in a while."


"Yeah, when your plate blows up." The man retorted and he puffed his cheek.



"Just a moment, I'm not gonna take forever." He answered back and placed two slices on his plate.



"Fat seven year old." The man murmured as he took the tong and grabbed a piece of meat for his own plate. 



"What?" but the man was walking back to his table. He grunted.



The band started another song as he started ravishing the contents of his plate. It seemed he could never get enough as he gulped on every bite. 



When his plate was half empty, he noticed the irritating man across him. It seemed the man was traveling alone as well. He stood up and headed to the lone guy. He looked rich, like an executive of some sort, but he was never the type to look into businessmen or the like. The world of the rich is too far for him.



He smiled at the man as he placed the napkin down. He smirked.



“Hello,” he said, mocking a little. “I’m Lee Sungmin and you called me a seven-year old back at the dinner table, and earlier at the deck, you glared at me. Any problem?”



The clanking of fork and plate sounded and the man looked up at him. He was holding a smirk as he stood up. “Why don’t you sit down, Lee Sungmin ssi so I can explain to you the details.”



He pouted again but obliged with the request. He sat on the opposite chair.



“Thank you.”



“So?” He raised his brows. He wanted to irate him, to make him feel that even with that beautiful suit and expensive shoes, he was not gonna tolerate the insult he had shown. He started tapping the table.



The guy stared at him, elbows on the table, and chin resting on his entwined fingers. “You were shouting at the deck earlier, as if you’re the lone person in this cruise. This is a place of relaxation and of peace, and you go around shouting, giggling, eating  like it would be your last and...”



Two plates of thick chocolate cake landed on their table, topped with fresh strawberries. The guy was about to continue his lecture when he beamed and squealed in delight.



“Strawberries!” He clasped his hands together and started eating, not minding the man staring at him.



When his plate was clean, the guy was looking at him in surprise, his mouth agape. He nodded at him.



“Now you’re gonna ask me why I called you a seven-year old?” He raised his brows and he realized what had just occurred. He pouted in utter embarrassment and looked down as he stood up.



“Sorry.” He murmured and walked out of the dining hall, not really minding the voice calling him back.



Everything was going smoothly, until he just made a fool out of himself. He curled in his room, thinking of how embarrassing his actions were. It was a five-star cruise, he was too lax, and too carefree like the person he was and he forgot to think.



He pouted and sighed. Tomorrow would be better.








Well, probably not.




“Not you again.” He whined as he wrapped the shawl around his shoulders. The breeze from the waking sun was cold, yet it was not harsh. It provided warmth in a special way. He pouted as he reached for the rails, the cold metal numbing his skin.



“Are you following me?” the brunet asked him lowly, walking closer to where he was. He was garbed in a black windbreaker hugging his body firmly.



“Am I not allowed to wander the decks at this hour?” He threw back. “I wanna see the rising sun.”



“Whatever,” The man rolled his eyes and looked at the direction of the horizon.




Moments later, they were both wrapped in a beautiful silence. It was not awkward, not painful. It was plain silence, accompanied by soft splashing of waves. It was nice. He found himself smiling as the sun peeked. He stretched, not minding the soft fabric that wrapped his shoulders slowly gliding away from his body.



The cold swept through his skin as his shirt clad body was exposed to the morning breeze.



“oh..” He murmured softly as the pink fabric danced with the wind, towards the smiling sun, and away from him.



The man beside him had his hand outstretched as if reaching for something. He then realized what the man did but failed. He smiled softly and shook his head. Jongwoon gave the pink shawl to him on his last birthday; they were in Ilsan, doing a little shopping on a New Year morn. Now it was gone, floating gently away, like saying goodbye to him solemnly. He had always liked the fabric.



“You lost it.” The man told him. “It was a nice piece of cloth.”



He didn’t pout this time. He just shrugged lightly and turned around, leaning his behind at the metal railings, his hand on his sides.



“It’s gone now.” He said innocently. “I’ll have to apologize to someone for losing it.”



“Such a seven-year old.”



“What?” He turned, arms around his body for warmth. The guy smirked at him.



“Such a kid.”



And he walked back to the board. He smiled. Another encounter with him and he still didn’t know his name. Well, it wasn’t a bad morning after all.






To be continued...




-Hi guys! In case some of you didn't read the foreword, it was stated there that there are three authors working on this fic: paperhunter, ayeengie and simbasheart. We were not able to add simbasheart as a coauthor here because only one coauthor was allowed. But, yeah, there are three of us here :)

-Oh, and thank you to those who subscribed and commented! We love you!

-Is there one (or more) kind soul/s who could make a poster or banner for this? We're not talented on that one kkk~ just pm the link to one of us~ thank you in advance to those who will make a poster! :DD

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dillas #1
I love this story, please update
Chapter 18: i love this story please update soon ........
I miss this story so much ㅠㅠ please update ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ
kyussi #4
Chapter 18: I want moreeeeee :( i feel like ryeowook is gonna do sth bad :/
Miss this story and I wish you'll update it :(
Anna101shark #6
Chapter 18: stumbled upon this the other day. i love it! :-)
oh wait you did say that this was inspired by a movie. oH wElL haha. The story between Kyu and Min did become very interesting after they got rescued :3
Chapter 18: I am no expert but I must admit, the first parts gave me plain feelings. I was like "ahh, one of those movies I've seen again" but something inside me wanted to finish the fic and poof! tada! I frikin love this <33333333333333333333 pls update :3
Chapter 17: Omg pls Update! *-*
Pumpkinita #10
Chapter 18: updaaaate pleaaaseee