Part 4

Love Wrecked


The sound of the waves, the heat of the sun; if it weren't for the painful sand that glides through his skin and the ache of his muscles with every turn, he would think he was back at the boat, enjoying the peaceful cruise.


Unfortunately, he had swallowed up reality for hours already, crying and cringing under the cold of the sky. He knew where he was and he knew... he was stuck in an unknown island with a guy named Cho Kyuhyun.


The silence in his head was interrupted as he felt something hard hit his head. He winced in pain and turned around; the smirking guy looked at him. He grunted.


"What the heck was that for?!" 


"I've been calling your name for a couple of times now but you we're so deep in thought so I need to think of another way to call your attention." Kyuhyun replied with a smug face.


"And you can't think of anything else that doesn't involve hurting me?" he sat up and scratched his nape.


The other just shrugged. "It's nice to see you looking like a kid with your chubby cheeks flaring like that, it's… amusing." Kyuhyun smirked triumphantly. "So stop your drama, princess, we need to build a shelter before the sun sets. Instead of lazing around why don't you help me gather twigs, branches or anything we can use to create one?"


“Who are you calling princess?!”


“Who else? You’re the one between us who looks like a girl.”


“I do NOT look like a girl!” He flashed the taller his ultra mega super duper cute pout.


But Kyuhyun was busy mocking him so he didn’t have the time to squeal at the cuteness. “Oh come on, if I didn’t see your Adam’s apple, I would have thought that you have a .”


Sungmin blushed, really hard. “ert!!!!!!!!”


“How did that make me a ert?”


“You were looking at my lower parts!”


The brunet rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. “I said I noticed your Adam’s apple, so I determined your gender, though it kind of surprised me at first, to be honest. Now where’s the Adam’s apple? Is it on your lower part?”




Sungmin glared at Kyuhyun when the latter smirked. “Are you going to help me or not, PRINCESS?”



He didn’t move. If he was to help such an arrogant bastard as this person, then no thanks. Didn’t they just shake hands earlier? Where did the civil treatment go now?


“We’re gonna work together, aren’t we?” Kyuhyun faked a smile and started walking to the line of trees.

He grumbled, knowing that he really had no choice. He complied, silently plotting the death of the other inside his head. They were almost okay earlier, he thought it would make a change, but it didn’t. And the know-it-all was still himself, no change.


“The survival guide said that fire, shelter and fresh water are the most important.” He heard him shout a little. “The first two, we have already. Just... water.”


Trying to ignore the man mumble, he went to the opposite side of the area.



The sun was halfway through the sky and he had successfully picked up useful twigs when he heard a stream of water nearby, he followed the sound and his eyes shone as he saw small falls and a flowing spring. It was small, not usually big and sparkly as what people may deem. But it was running water, fresh water. It was exactly what they needed.


On impulse, he walked towards it, and set his things aside. He scooped the cool water with his hands without second thoughts and wetted his lips with the liquid.  He can’t help but smile, loving how the water flows coolly down his throat.


When hydrated enough, he splashed water all over his face. As if he couldn’t get enough, he removed his shirt, that dirty fabric that itched all over his skin. Soon enough, he was jumping around the stream.


He was not entirely happy, but the sight of the stream relieved him in a way. The pain, the frustration inside him seemed to have been washed away by the sparkling fresh water.






He was panting as he dropped the second batch of branches he had collected. He wasn't used to physical activities. Sure, he had worked out on the gym, jogged a little, made food for himself for quite some time, but damn, gathering twigs and building a makeshift shelter was not in his list.


For one, he grew up in the city, no trees, no makeshift homes.  Two, he leaves in a condominium, the only thing physical he knew was exercise, and he's not even used to a daily basis of the activity.



The heavy pieces of wood and the spiky branches had calloused his skin in a matter of minutes, and his muscles had grown weary.



He looked around, curious as how his companion was doing. In all honesty, he didn't want to piss the man off, knowing that they'll be staying together for a while. But it seemed that teasing the other had gotten in to his system ever since they met in the boat. Besides, it was fun. It just won't change.


He noticed that the other man had not come back yet. He bit his lip and started writing an SOS message on the sand, something he learned in certain movies. Someone ought to find them... hopefully soon. 


Moments passed and an uncomfortable feeling crept inside him. Sungmin hasn't returned and it would be almost an hour. The other was definitely not on his "Persons-you-would-want-to-be-stuck-in-an-island-with" list but, as he knew, the man was his only companion and he doesn't really want the idea of being alone. He hasn’t got qualities of a survivor, so he'll rot and die without someone, most definitely.



With a sigh, he decided to look for the other, hoping nothing happened wrong to him. Hopefully, there wouldn't be any beast or carnivorous creatures in the place. Maybe the island could be like that in one episode of Jimmy Neutron and there would just be helpful monkeys to feed them. And then he could invent stuff to survive until they're found.



He continued walking around the 'woods' and suddenly heard loud splashes of water. He turned his head to where the sounds came from and followed it.


He saw Sungmin. The guy was in a small spring happily lying like a kid, his arms and legs were stretched sideways and he is flailing it. Still a seven-year old, he thought. 



He moved closer, prepared to reprimand the guy, it was what he does best anyway, but he felt his knees freeze as Sungmin straightened up in the stream, revealing his smooth and flawless white skin. 



There was a thump in his chest, as the blond moved gracefully, his body sparkling as if part of the crystal water.



He stood there, mouth agape. The other man didn't have packed abs, but he has that well-defined chest exuding masculinity. But what really caught his attention were those curves and that smooth skin that would rival any girl's. The nicknames princess and seven-year old do suit the blond.



He gulped as the other started to roam his hand all over his chest, his own fingers twitching as if wanting to replace Sungmin's, wanting to feel the touch of that smooth skin on his. A shiver climbed all over him, making him gasp as he felt his heart escalate inside him. He shook his head, scolding himself for those thoughts; he has a boyfriend for goodness sake. And why was he having interest in the guy? 


Lust... most probably. 



He shook his head. It is still wrong.



Then, like a reel, an image of Ryeowook flashed through his head, and guilt and longing suddenly filled him. He hastily turned around, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. In too much hurry, his leg made contact with a protruding root, sending him tumbling down, hitting his head.


"!" he growled as his hand massaged his throbbing head. Opening his eyes, his heart stopped as he saw Sungmin towering over him, shirtless.





"Kyuhyun?" Sungmin asked as he try to reach over the other's head to check if there's any wound. The man beneath shivered as Sungmin's cold hands touched his burning face, a mixture of cold and hot breeze coursing all through his body. 



"Oh goodness, you're so red, does it hurt somewhere?" Sungmin asked in concern as he roamed his hand all over the other’s body, not knowing the effect it's causing the younger man. Kyuhyun gasped as every part of his body seemed to react a little bit too sensitive from Sungmin's touch. The heat in his face was making him dizzy and his chest tumbled.



He groaned as all the air from his lungs left and immediately jerked away from the older man, sending him to fall on his . 



Sungmin scoffed. "So annoying, I was just checking if you're fine, no need to be rude." 



Kyuhyun gave him a glare, thinking of something to spat back, but the sight of the smaller man still shirtless and wet, sitting there on the ground, legs slightly parted as if it is an invitation for him, kept him speechless and turned his mind blank. He cursed silently as he turned back, leaving the man behind. 



He shook his head, trying to clear all those crazy thoughts, the incredible reaction he had, and the freaking weird tingling sensation on his skin. This is so not him. 




Tiredness, it must be it. He was just tired and the trauma of almost dying is still there. Things like this changes a person and so, he must not allow himself to dwell in frustration. Returning to the beach, he tried to distract himself by starting to build up the shelter. 


It was arduous, frustrating and definitely draining. His stomach was rumbling and he hadn't made a decent shed still. Unfortunately, Sungmin came a little later, still half-. He felt himself panic, not really knowing why.



The blond didn't speak. Instead, he gathered the pieces collected and sat comfortably on the sand. And wanting nothing more than to rid himself of the feeling, instead of arguing, he allowed Sungmin to finish the shelter and started making fire, thank goodness they have a lighter so it was impossible to go wrong on this one. 




They we're so tired when darkness started to envelope the sky. Neither spoke as they eat the biscuits from the survival kit, plus the fruits gathered. The island was incredibly helpful right now, hopefully, help from outside would come soon.



It was cold and dark when he ushered himself to the makeshift shelter. It was decent, a small hut-like shed tied by twigs and roots. As to how Sungmin did that, he really didn't know.


"What are you still doing there?" Sungmin inquired as he sat under the shed. Kyuhyun shook his head. The shed was too small, but he really didn't want to complain. In all honesty, the shed was made for the food they've got and in case it rains. Also, he doesn’t want to sleep beside Sungmin, who was giving him inappropriate thoughts since the time he saw the other at the spring.



"I'll stay by the fire. I'll... sleep here." The brunet stuttered as the other man scrunched his brows and walked up to him.



"Stop complaining, prince, I know you're not used to this but we don't really have a choice, do we? Unless you want to create your own, cause heck I'm tired and I definitely won't help you."



"It's not raining, anyways. I've slept through a storm, I'm sleeping on the sand," He answered. "The shed is meant for the stocks and... when it rains." he explained. "But if you want to sleep in there, it's... okay."


It took him quite a while before it registered to him that Sungmin was already inches away from him, and he had to stop himself from tumbling down. The other's doe eyes were too curious. 


"Did you hit your head too hard?" Sungmin inquired, "You're not being y with me." There was a small smirk on his face.


He rolled his eyes, not wanting to argue. Smelling the other was driving him insane. He moved back, stretching his legs so that he could do it.


However, because he is blessed with long legs, it hit Sungmin’s feet, causing for the blond to squeak as he tumbled on top of the man on the ground.






The next thing Kyuhyun knew, soft lips were pressed on his.




To be continued…

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dillas #1
I love this story, please update
Chapter 18: i love this story please update soon ........
I miss this story so much ㅠㅠ please update ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ
kyussi #4
Chapter 18: I want moreeeeee :( i feel like ryeowook is gonna do sth bad :/
Miss this story and I wish you'll update it :(
Anna101shark #6
Chapter 18: stumbled upon this the other day. i love it! :-)
oh wait you did say that this was inspired by a movie. oH wElL haha. The story between Kyu and Min did become very interesting after they got rescued :3
Chapter 18: I am no expert but I must admit, the first parts gave me plain feelings. I was like "ahh, one of those movies I've seen again" but something inside me wanted to finish the fic and poof! tada! I frikin love this <33333333333333333333 pls update :3
Chapter 17: Omg pls Update! *-*
Pumpkinita #10
Chapter 18: updaaaate pleaaaseee