Part 16

Love Wrecked

"I'm hungry"

He had been receiving the same text messages for the past week. And he would be lying if he would say that the words did nothing to him. In fact, every moment his phone would signal a message, his heart would let out a thump. He would smile inwardly and read the message.


It was not a legitimate relationship, it's not close enough, but Kyuhyun promised him that the day would come. And maybe, he just can’t wait for it.


He couldn't believe how they had progressed ever since they first met in the cruise ship. He couldn't even fathom how everything became as such. They were fighting when they met, they couldn’t even get together well.


"How's your project?" Jongwoon asked, cleaning up the dishes on their shared flat. Pressing the SEND button, he turned to the older man and smiled. 


"Done. The practicum would be next Monday so I'm hoping for the best. I really want to continue with the ACAA so I'm working on this." His phone buzzed again and he giggled. 


"I see. Your business ventures?"


"Gonna go for an interview with Riviera Hotel. I'll be working part time and training with the sous chef." 


He stood up as the final text came in. Shutting down his laptop, he waved to his roommate and left the house.



His actions are different towards Jongwoon. He knew he shouldn't be but he is and he couldn't change the fact that he's acting awkward towards him ever since the ‘kiss’ incident. He can't blame Jongwoon, he can't blame himself either, and avoiding would be the only solution. 


"Maybe it's time to find a different apartment." he told himself as he stepped out of the lift.


The familiar black car was waiting at the street two blocks away from their building. Excitedly, he ran towards the passenger's seat and hopped on it.


"Hey," The familiar deep voice greeted him and he couldn't help but blush.




"Good day?"


"Never better."


Kyuhyun nodded at him before kicking on the pedals and started driving. He had promised him a night out of Seoul, a weekend with Kyuhyun and no one else. For two weeks, their dates were usually just inside Kyuhyun's flat, or some secluded restaurants. They went to Nandaemun once for street foods and he wouldn't deny that he enjoyed them.


This time, Kyuhyun pulled him up for a last-minute beach trip in Busan. The young chairman promised him seafood buffets and cold beers and fresh air.


"We weren't able to enjoy the beach back at the island." Kyuhyun had reasoned out to him the night before. "I think it's time to meet the ocean again."


He was hesitant at first but Kyuhyun sent him an ugly looking pout that made him laugh out loud and finally nodded a yes. It was an impromptu trip but he trusts the other.


Now, he's up for a weekend at the beach with Kyuhyun. 


"Wouldn’t it be great if we could've ridden a ferry to Busan? Oh I could still remember how 'sweet' you were back then." he teased the guy as Kyuhyun pulled him to the KTX terminal. It had been years since he’d last been to the place, and being with someone he really likes make him even more excited.


"Great thing there isn’t one" The other grunted. "As much as I'm thankful that those events have brought us together, I don’t want to experience being stranded on an island again." Kyuhyun smirked at him and wiggled his brows, "Though, it wouldn’t be bad to replay the making out by the beach part, but we can still do that anyway right?" And he could feel the heat on his cheeks this time around.





The two-hour train trip was quick, but it was exhausting. Maybe because he was too excited the night before that he wasn’t able to get some good sleep.


And he was just thankful that the hotel was not far from the station so that he could plop on bed immediately. Kyuhyun had wanted to explore the beach but he didn’t have the heart to wake the other man so he just lied beside Sungmin and stared at the other's face. But he was too tired and he was asleep the moment he had his back on the soft mattress.


His sleep was light and it did not take him ages to wake up when he felt soft fingers tracing his cheek and occasionally threading his hair. He smiled, fluttering his eyes a little.




"Ssh..." Kyuhyun whispered to his ear, planting feathery kisses as he enveloped him onto a hug. “Go to sleep.”


He smiled and cuddled to the body engulfing him. It was warm and comforting and he was back to his fitful sleep in moments. He could stay like that forever.




There were frantic sounds around the room the next morning. His head was aching as he sat up, fingers rubbing his sleepy eyes. Sungmin’s form was moving across the room, obviously debating to wake him up or not.


“Min?” He spoke through a muffled yawn.


"Oh thank goodness you're awake! Did you know there's an ongoing festival here right now? There's so much things to do I don’t know where to start!" Sungmin muttered excitedly. He was too cute just by being like that.


He smirked before standing up and walking towards the other. "Well who was the one who collapsed on bed when we got here?" He teased, wrapping his arms around Sungmin’s waist and pulling him up for a kiss. Never mind the sour breaths.


"I was tired okay?" Sungmin pouted as they pulled apart. He pinches his nose before kissing his cheek.


He liked this morning. Best so far. “All right. Let’s get some breakfast, we have a long day ahead.”


"Real food?" Sungmin asked, wiggling his eyebrows and all he could do was chuckle at the question.


“As much as I want to eat you right now my tummy is begging for food"


"Oh, my fat Kyu, go on I’m sure that fat tummy of yours would be crying now."


He was about to throw on some retort but everything gets muffled when Sungmin shoved their bodies into the bathroom and locking the door. Okay, so a steamy shower can shut him up.



"This is heaven!" Sungmin exclaimed. The sweet breeze of the ocean was softly caressing his face and he could watch the beauty that he was forever. They have decided to have brunch at a restaurant near their hotel, overlooking the ocean giving them a great view of the scenery.


"Uh-huh, it is" he smiled, agreeing at the other as he too got lost of the peaceful beauty of the ocean. "More so that I have an angel beside me" He was never used to mushy moments but he could not help but reach out for Sungmin’s hands and overlap their fingers together.


Sungmin immediately smiled before brushing his thumb at the other's hand. He knew he had mentioned before that they could not be touchy in public but these simple touches are more than enough for him. He loves how with simple gestures can show unspoken words they feel,  


"So what do you want to do first?" he asked, starting a conversation as they were both too busy eating the delicious food served to them.


"I really want to try the free water sports lessons. And oh I’ve always wanted to try surfing! They say Gwangali Beach is a good spot."


 He groaned. He does not fancy water sports, well anything related to sports... and being wet, so the two put together is just the worse! But he couldn’t say no to the excited face of the other so he found himself agreeing to the his plans which he almost regret later on as he was pulled by the other to various activities all day. He was exhausted; however, he can’t hide the fact that he indeed had fun despite whining here and there. He concluded that he doesn’t mind being wet and being burned under the sun as long as he has Sungmin by his side. Plus that huge smile the other was wearing all day was definitely worth it. 


They started the next day with surfing but he spent the entire morning watching the other ride the waves. His body was not in the mood to burn under the heat and the sticky ocean. Lunch came, and Sungmin was still energetic and he almost felt guilty after the older told him that he should decide the day’s activities instead.


When he suggested lazing inside their hotel room, Sungmin threw a fit, which is pouting at him, and finally dragged him shopping and going around the city centre.


It was nearing sunset when Sungmin pulled him to a beachside restaurant and they ordered grilled oysters and squid and stuffed their stomachs till they could breathe no more.


“It’s starting!” Sungmin squealed, pointing to the vast horizon that is blanketing the sea. The sky had turned orange, outline by a violet hue from above. He smiled as he figured that the sun was setting. Leaving cash on their table, he pulled two bottles of beer and dragged Sungmin closer to the beach.


The waves were singing, hitting the sands in a soft dance as they sat close to it, and allowing their toes to be tickled by the cold water. The sun was kissing the sea, it was beautiful, and the light was slowly engulfed by the ocean. There were not enough words to fit it.


He drank his beer in a gulp and turned to the person beside him. Sungmin was prettier that the sunset. His face was illuminated by the orange hue and he was smiling widely. His face was in perfect shape, not too curvy, not too soft. His hair was falling off his ears and his roots were growing. He suddenly wondered how Sungmin would look with his natural black hair. He must be cuter, a lot younger.


They stayed on the sands for a couple more minutes and when it was too dark for them., they headed back to the hotel.


They were both silent but it was comfortable. It was not suffocating or anything close. They held hands as they made their way up their room, smiling at each other. And when they were behind the closed doors, Sungmin reached up to him in an embrace.


“Thank you, Kyuhyun. Thank you so much.”


Those words were enough. He knew he had crossed the line and he wanted Sungmin. He wanted him more than anything in the world. He was falling... every day with this man he met on an unfortunate circumstance. But it doesn’t matter now. They are together.


That night, they made love. He made sure that all unspoken words were expressed and felt. He clung close to Sungmin, wanting him to know that he needs him close. He held him tight, tighter than ever. He spoke his name, they called each other in a passion that exceeds time and space. Their bodies danced that of deep emotions and fiery feelings. It was beautiful, it was unforgettable.


He stayed awake for the remainder of the night, watching Sungmin sleep. He was snuggled close to him, a small smile on his face. He was beautiful, and his mere presence calmed him down. He was an angel sent to him, different from everyone he knows.


His phone buzzed on the bedside table and it was struggle to reach to it without changing his position.


The message made him knit his brows.


"Where are you???"


 It was Ryeowook. He was sure he had avoided his "boy friend" for a while now and he would just be updating him with his schedule. He 'indirectly' broken up with the guy and he did not know that Ryeowook would be too stupid not to get it. Okay, so he was pissed at Ryeowook for no reason at all. It's his mistake anyway, not having enough balls to break up.


"Out. I'll be out for the weekend and I'll be back on Sunday evening probably." He replied.


Seconds later, his phone started to ring.


"Yes?" he whispered to his phone, glancing at the sleeping man beside him. Thank goodness Sungmin had been all tired.


"Kyuhyun, where are you?" Ryeowook's words were careful.


"Out. I'm not in Seoul. I'm out." He shifted light so that his back was resting on the head board. Sungmin shifted a little but didn’t wake. He smiled. “I’ll be back at work soon.”


"Kyu... what's going on?"


"Nothing." he was fast to answer. "I'm really sleepy, Ryeowook... uhm, if you don't mind."


"Kyu... what's happening to us?"


That was the cue. That was supposed to be his cue but did he really have the face to end everything on a damned phone call? Was he that ruthless?


He sighed. He had been evil enough, might as well use it all. "It's not working... you know that."


"That's it?"


"Ryeowook... I don't want it to end this way, but..."


"I get it... its okay. It ought to come anyway. Bye, Kyu. Take care."


He knew it’s bad. It’s really bad. But he’s happy that it is already over. He’s now free.



To be continued...

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dillas #1
I love this story, please update
Chapter 18: i love this story please update soon ........
I miss this story so much ㅠㅠ please update ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ
kyussi #4
Chapter 18: I want moreeeeee :( i feel like ryeowook is gonna do sth bad :/
Miss this story and I wish you'll update it :(
Anna101shark #6
Chapter 18: stumbled upon this the other day. i love it! :-)
oh wait you did say that this was inspired by a movie. oH wElL haha. The story between Kyu and Min did become very interesting after they got rescued :3
Chapter 18: I am no expert but I must admit, the first parts gave me plain feelings. I was like "ahh, one of those movies I've seen again" but something inside me wanted to finish the fic and poof! tada! I frikin love this <33333333333333333333 pls update :3
Chapter 17: Omg pls Update! *-*
Pumpkinita #10
Chapter 18: updaaaate pleaaaseee