Part 12

Love Wrecked
To say that he’s surprised was an understatement.

The person running in his mind suddenly appeared before him. Were his eyes just playing tricks on him? Was he just his imagination? Was he longing for the man that much? But damn, he looked so real. The man was still that beautiful, only that he became much attractive now that he was bathed and clothed properly. He looked fresh despite the awe he was holding.

You should really go see a psychiatrist now, Kyuhyun. He thought.

Slowly, he reached for the smaller man’s face, earning him a wide-eye stare from the other. Just when he cupped those soft cheeks, he controlled the urge to squeal at the cuteness when the pale skin he was touching was colored to light pink. Cute.


God, even his voice still remained the same. Sweet and angelic. His imagination was so good. He must really like the man for him to memorize his features, even the smallest details of it since the figure in front of him looked so vivid. He was almost smiling.

It must have been creepy, his smile, for Sungmin frowned at him upon the act. He sometimes hated his smile when he lets it out unconsciously. He preferred smirking, actually, because people (girls) say it looked hot on him.

Then it dawned on him. If he could touch Sungmin like this, then…


He quickly moved away from the blond and looked around, seeing that the bus had finished loading another set of passengers. He thought that maybe, if he was in a drama, when he glance back at the other, the guy will be gone. However, the man was still there, throwing him unusual stares.

, , . He chanted in his mind. He felt his cheeks burning at what he did. That was too embarrassing. That was so not Cho Kyuhyun. The way those big doe eyes looked at him caused his heartbeat to race wildly. The seven-year old was there yet again, and what he did a while ago made him feel like a total e.

He stopped panicking for a while as he heard Sungmin clear his throat and ask, “W-What are you doing here?”

Due to nervousness, he was not able to control the retort that came out from him. “Can’t I ride a bus?” It sounded rude in his opinion, and he knew it was too late to take it back. Fortunately, Sungmin seemed that he didn't take it that bad.

“Well… since you’re a CEO, I thought that you ride cars…” A smile formed on his lips while he watched Sungmin blush and shyly fiddled with his fingers. This side of Sungmin is contrary to what he had seen in the island. He liked this Sungmin more.

But then, as he stared at the blond longer, the feeling of missing him got stronger, having this urge to take the man in his arms, just like how he did back at the island. He missed him, he missed the place. The island holds the best memories he had in his entire life, happy or not. It served as a euphoria, a place where he changed himself – his personality, his thoughts, his ideals in life, his---

“Where are you heading to?” Sungmin asked him, his gaze wandering around aside from his face. He noticed that the older male’s ears were red.

Maybe he really missed Sungmin and spending some more time with him won't hurt. “Wanna have lunch?”

Awkward was the perfect adjective to be used in their situation. None of them were speaking. He was using his phone, but he really didn’t have anything to do with it. He was just pretending to be busy over something. Sungmin, on the other hand, was looking anywhere except him.

As the blond bit his lip, the desire to kiss those perfect M-shaped lips was woken up. But of course, he had to control himself from jumping on the other, because one, they are in a public place; second, he is Cho Kyuhyun; and third, they’re both in a relationship.

Why did he even invite the seven-year old to have lunch with him? What is he going to say, anyway? Waiting for their order to arrive had never been painfully long for him.

He almost sighed in relief when a waiter finally brought their food on heir table. He merely ignored the shocked stare of his companion when he immediately dug on his food as if he hadn’t eaten since they got out from the island.

He heard Sungmin clear his throat. “So, how have you been doing lately?” The older finally, finally started. It would always be Sungmin anyway. He would always find his way out of the awkwardness, unlike him who, has that awkward magnet glued to his face.

“Fine. You?” His stare remained on his food, knowing what the other would reply to that.


And there goes awkward silence once again. How awkward could they get?

Having nothing to say, they resumed eating. The sound of the spoon clanking against the plate and the classic piano piece being played on the background irritated him. Normally, he would feel at peace at times like this since he’s one who hated noise. He just probably got used to Sungmin’s talkativeness that he found the blond’s silence weird.

“You already got back to work?” Sungmin asked, his voice slightly wavering.

Since he didn’t want to talk about work, he kind of diverted the topic, “I stayed in my condo. I made sure I take a bath every day no matter how cold the weather is. I was deprived of such a good bath when we were stranded so I am using this opportunity!” He didn't dare add: though taking a bath in the spring with you is the best.

A proud beam unconsciously showed on his face as he heard Sungmin giggle at his answer. He bit his lip hard once he felt his jaws aching due to over grinning.

“How about you?” He tried asking, hoping that Sungmin would start blabbering about his life instead. Sungmin tend to do that.

“My professor extended my deadline on passing my paper because of what happened. My friends hang out with me more, my brother often visits me, mom cooks my favorite food every day, I stay in my family’s house for now because I missed my family. And god, I missed my mom’s cooking so much! It tasted heavenly…” and so, Sungmin’s story continued without noticing that they are already done eating.

"So... That's it. I'm sorry I talk too much, don't I?" Sungmin finished, scratching the back of his neck as he realized he was staring at him.

"No.. I love it.. I mean I love hearing your stories." he stuttered as Sungmin caught him.

"Thanks?" Sungmin replied, blushing at the statement.

Awkward silence enveloped them and now even more that they have nothing to do. He contemplated on reaching for his phone again when Sungmin broke the silence

"You're done?" older asked, gesturing on the other's plate and he nodded. As much as he didn't want to end their "date" or well at least that's what he silently wished it could was, it had to come to an end. He asked for the bill and paid for everything. Sungmin, with no other choice but to allow him to, quietly took a last gulp on his iced latte before standing up.

The older man turned to the exit and turned to him, smiling a little as drizzles started to shower. He couldn't suppress a giggle as he stared at the other, white foam decorating his upper lip.

Older tilted his head and all he could do was to move forward. "You have.." he said, gesturing over Sungmin's lips. He other furrowed his brows and looked at him confusedly, eyes gleaming like a kid that it made his chest flutter.

"You really are a seven year old kid!" Kyuhyun chuckled as he leaned forward to wipe the foam off.

But as he came nearer, a chair leg seemed to have magically appear out of nowhere and blocked his right foot, causing to to trip lightly. His eyes widened as his lips met Sungmin's.

He stood their frozen, his heart beating loudly as memories of that sweet lips moulded on to his flood his mind.

Picking up the last bit of his sanity, he pulled back, scared that he won't be able to control himself if he stayed for another second. As much as he missed the feel of the other's lips, he knew he can't just kiss the other man like when they we're in the island, after all, Sungmin have a boyfriend.

"I'm sorry.." he muttered. "Your boyfriend might get mad.."


His chest was beating madly, like there were thousands of drums playing inside him. Kyuhyun's scent lingered in his nose and he almost, almost closed his eyes in reverie.

He missed him. He missed Kyuhyun and their memories together. It seemed the world had gotten smaller for the two of them and he couldn't even complain. Running down on Kyuhyun was like a miracle, and he liked it so much. The invitation for lunch was something he couldn't deny because it was the only moment he could be with him. Kyuhyun was growing more and more on him and the distance that separated them from the time they were saved made his feelings towards the other.. stronger.

Feelings - such a big word.

When Kyuhyun pulled back, he almost let out a grunt of disappointment but then he realised it was not proper. Kyuhyun has a boy friend, he is with and him, well, he's just some loner who's falling for the other.

"Your boyfriend might get mad.."

He was taken aback. Boyfriend? What could possibly make Kyuhyun think such?

"What made you think I have a boyfriend?" He asked, alarmed at the minor accusation.

"I.. I saw you with him down at the port.." Kyuhyun answered.

He raised his brows. He remembered and rolled his eyes. "Oh you mean Jongwoon? He's not my boy friend." he clarified, letting out a chuckle to hide his uneasiness. he pushed the shop door open, wiping his lips and allowing his fingers to linger on them longer. Jongwoon kissed him, his best friend professed his love for him and yet here he was, thinking about Kyuhyun. He got mad at Jongwoon but he didn't even retort at Kyuhyun.

"How about you and our boyfriend?" he asked suddenly, remembering the other's dilemma way back in the island. He didn't like the topic but he just needed to ask. He wanted to know anyway.

He felt that their moods had gone low, dampened by the unwanted topic that suddenly arose. They were getting well earlier, but just simple names and words ruined it. The sky rumbled and he figured that even the heavens weren't in the mood.

"Looks like it's about to rain." Kyuhyun said, diverting the topic. He nodded.

"I should probably go home." He muttered.

The other walked him towards the bus stop, not muttering any more words as they did so. Their steps were in a hurry, the rain seemed heavy. He was about to say goodbye to the taller man when Kyuhyun stepped on the bus with him and smiled.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm taking you home." Kyuhyun answered simply.

"What? But.." Sungmin protested but was cut off with the other passengers ushering them to move. He blushed from embarrassment and immediately went in. It was a busy day so there's no seat available so he went in one corner, Kyuhyun walking beside him.

"You're crazy." He whispered as Kyuhyun reached his side.

"What? It's about to rain, and if it weren't for me you'd be home by now so it's only fair that I take you home." Kyuhyun explained.

That was it and all he could do was to smile, secretly loving this gentlemanly side of Kyuhyun. He was mesmerized by the other that he was not able to grip tight when the bus came to a stop making him sway towards the side, but a hand immediately circled his body, preventing him from falling.

"Be careful." He heard Kyuhyun whispered close to his ears. The other's hot breathe making him shiver.

He blushed at the close proximity, loving the other's warmth. It was almost like this. They were almost like this way back in the island but reality hit too soon.

They finally reached their stop and he sighed as the warmth left his body. Kyuhyun still insisted to walk him to his house which he protested vigilantly.

"I insist, please."


Sadly, it was only a few minute walk to their home. Kyuhyun remained silent most of the time but his company was comfortable. They weren't as awkward as earlier and he knew it was better. As the house came to view, he noticed a familiar form standing by the doorway. He bit his lip.

"I better get going." He turned to Kyuhyun.

"Oh... okay, bye." Kyuhyun replied, finally realising he can't keep him forever. He smiled at him.

Heturned around and took a step away from the younger. Two more steps and it seemed they had been light-years apart. He was about to take another step when fingers grabbed his hand and spun him gently.

He froze at his sudden action, his throat suddenly dry as he croaked out a soft 'why'. He couldn't ignore their linked hands and the warmth radiating from them. He tilted his head in question


"I.. Can I at least get your number?" Kyuhyun managed to ask and he blushed.

He motioned at their linked hands and Kyuhyun sighed as he let go. The two exchanged numbers before Kyuhyun pushed himself to walk away.

He smiled as he stared at the other's retrieving figure.

"You look happy."

He looked back, and saw the owner of the voice. "Jongwoon hyung"

"You two seemed close. Being with him in the island brought you together." Older spoke.

"We just had lunch." He defended.

"Lunch huh."

He sighed knowing the look the other had. Jealousy.

He was about to enter their house when he stopped. He knew this would be the only way. He would be hurting Jongwoon if he kept him in the dark. He turned around. Taking a deep breath, he stared: "Jongwoon.. I.. I already have an answer to your question."

"You don't need to answer immediately Sungmin.."

"No, hyung.." He cut him off. He needed to do this now. "I'm sorry, I don't wanna give you false hopes. I love you... You're my best friend. I don't wanna hurt you. I hope we can stay as friends for now."

There was a suffocating silence between them before thunder rumbled from afar. He wanted to run and hide and cry but he wouldn't leave his best friend just like that. He'll hear him whatever Jongwoon would say.

"I understand" He answered and his own heart clenched in guilt. But he knew, this was for the better.


"I'm fine, Sungmin." Jongwoon smiled. "We're still best friends right?"

"Of course."He smiled, guilt radiating in the act as he moved closer, engulfing the other in a tight hug. Jongwoon pushed him lightly; he left a kiss on his forehead and smiled. "I know you're tired. You should go rest. Tell me when you're returning back to the pad."

He felt more guilty. He just rejected the other but he still cared for him like this. Jongwooon doesn't deserve someone as selfish as him. His heart ached, knowing he had hurt one of the most important persons on his life but he doesn't want to hurt the other more. Jongwoon was nothing but good to him. But sadly, he can't just teach his heart to love.

He went straight to his room jumped on his bed. He sighed.

Moments later, his phone suddenly beeped signalling an incoming message. He looked at the phone and he felt something inside his heart flicker as he eyed the message.

"Hi Min, I enjoyed today. I hope we can do that again next time. See you!."

Or maybe because it has someone else occupying it right now.

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dillas #1
I love this story, please update
Chapter 18: i love this story please update soon ........
I miss this story so much ㅠㅠ please update ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ
kyussi #4
Chapter 18: I want moreeeeee :( i feel like ryeowook is gonna do sth bad :/
Miss this story and I wish you'll update it :(
Anna101shark #6
Chapter 18: stumbled upon this the other day. i love it! :-)
oh wait you did say that this was inspired by a movie. oH wElL haha. The story between Kyu and Min did become very interesting after they got rescued :3
Chapter 18: I am no expert but I must admit, the first parts gave me plain feelings. I was like "ahh, one of those movies I've seen again" but something inside me wanted to finish the fic and poof! tada! I frikin love this <33333333333333333333 pls update :3
Chapter 17: Omg pls Update! *-*
Pumpkinita #10
Chapter 18: updaaaate pleaaaseee